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Created September 23, 2023 20:03
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set -x # Enable debug mode
# Function to check the health of the plex container
check_plex_health() {
# Directly print the logs to the terminal for debugging
docker logs --tail 10 plex
# Get the last 10 lines of log output from the container named plex
plex_logs=$(docker logs --tail 10 plex)
echo "Plex logs: $plex_logs" # Print the logs for debugging
# Count the number of times the "Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB" line appears in the logs
count=$(grep -c "Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB" <<< "$plex_logs")
echo "Count of 'Sqlite3' lines: $count" # Print the count for debugging
# If the line appears more than 3 times, return a non-zero exit code to indicate a failure
if [ "$count" -gt 3 ]; then
echo "Oh no, I guess we have to restart the container."
return 1
# Otherwise, return a success exit code and print a message to the terminal
echo "Plex seems to be okay! I just checked!"
return 0
# Run the health check function continuously
while true; do
# If the health check fails, restart the plex container
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Restarting Plex container..." # Debug statement
docker restart plex
# Sleep for 3 minutes between each health check
sleep 180
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