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Last active September 20, 2020 19:49
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Wildcards with snips-nlu
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import io
import json
from snips_nlu import SnipsNLUEngine
from snips_nlu.default_configs import CONFIG_EN
from snips_nlu.dataset import Dataset
with"dataset/remind.yaml") as f:
dataset = Dataset.from_yaml_files("en", [f])
nlu_engine = SnipsNLUEngine(config=CONFIG_EN)
nlu_engine =
text = "Remind me tomorrow find a flight to london"
parsing = nlu_engine.parse(text)
print(json.dumps(parsing, indent= 4, sort_keys=True))
type: intent
name: Reminder
- Remind me [snips/datetime](tomorrow) to [action](go to the gym)
- remind me to [action](take an umbrella) [snips/datetime](in 5 days)
- remind me to [action](walk the dog tonight)
- could you remind me to [action](call my mom)
- please remind me to [action](go to my appointment)
# Required to make this work
# - Remind me [snips/datetime](tomorrow) to [action](find a flight to london)
type: entity
name: action
automatically_extensible: yes
# searchFlight Intent
type: intent
name: searchFlight
- name: origin
entity: city
- name: destination
entity: city
- name: date
entity: snips/datetime
- find me a flight from [origin](Paris) to [destination](New York)
- I need a flight leaving [date](this weekend) to [destination](Berlin)
- show me flights to go to [destination](new york) leaving [date](this evening)
# City Entity
type: entity
name: city
- london
- [new york, big apple]
- [paris, city of lights]
"input": "Remind me tomorrow to find a flight to london",
"intent": {
"intentName": "searchFlight",
"probability": 0.6030061357370643
"slots": [
"entity": "city",
"range": {
"end": 45,
"start": 39
"rawValue": "london",
"slotName": "destination",
"value": {
"kind": "Custom",
"value": "london"
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