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Last active December 4, 2019 17:24
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Save Decicus/d3bb76d309336d778d1b1f6237b9855f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Download JSON data & cURL Script for Uploads

PlaysTV - Export metadata JSON and cURL script

This script (unfortunately) requires you to have cURL installed (somehow) and then also being able to use it via the terminal.

Once you've downloaded the script ("Download cURL Script"), I recommend moving the script into an empty directory as all the files will be downloaded in the same directory (generally speaking)

How to install script

To use this script, install a userscript manager for your web browser.
Some examples:

Once a userscript manager is installed, click on Raw at the top of the JavaScript (.js) file...
Or just click on this link.

After that, visit, log in and fancy buttons should show up on the banner looking like this:


Assuming you're familiar with the terminal, you can use your package manager. Package is usually just called curl After curl is installed, in the terminal, make sure you're in the correct directory (cd /home/alex/Downloads for instance)

Then run: sh and it should start downloading all the videos/images. You can usually type sh PlaysTV, hit TAB and the terminal will auto-complete the filename for you.


I recommend using git bash. cURL is included when you install git bash (apparently). Once installed, open git bash and navigate to where you downloaded the script.

In my example it's just in my user's "Downloads" directory. Since git bash automatically opens the user directory you can just type cd Downloads (usually) Once you're in the correct directory, run bash You can usually type bash PlaysTV, hit TAB and git bash will auto-complete the filename for you.


The JSON file ("Download JSON" button) is mainly to preserve metadata (video statistics like views and such) and you can safely ignore that unless you're actually interested in saving said metadata.

// ==UserScript==
// @name - Download JSON data & cURL Script for Uploads
// @namespace
// @match
// @license MIT
// @version 1.1.2
// @author Decicus
// @updateUrl
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
* This script (unfortunately) requires you to have cURL ( installed (somehow)
* and then also being able to use it via the terminal.
* Once you've downloaded the script ("Download cURL Script"), I recommend moving the script into an empty directory
* as all the files will be downloaded in the same directory (generally speaking)
* ======================================== [Linux] ========================================
* Assuming you're familiar with the terminal, you can use your package manager. Package is usually just called `curl`
* After curl is installed, in the terminal, make sure you're in the correct directory (`cd /home/alex/Downloads` for instance)
* Then run: `sh` and it should start downloading all the videos/images.
* You can usually type `sh PlaysTV`, hit TAB and the terminal will auto-complete the filename for you.
* ======================================== [Windows] ========================================
* I recommend using git bash. cURL is included when you install git bash (apparently):
* Once installed, open git bash and navigate to where you downloaded the script.
* In my example it's just in my user's "Downloads" directory. Since git bash automatically opens the user directory
* you can just type `cd Downloads` (usually)
* Once you're in the correct directory, run `bash`
* You can usually type `bash PlaysTV`, hit TAB and git bash will auto-complete the filename for you.
* ======================================== [JSON] ========================================
* The JSON file ("Download JSON" button) is mainly to preserve metadata (video statistics like views and such) and you can safely ignore
* that unless you're actually interested in saving said metadata.
async function getUserId() {
const response = await fetch('', {
credentials: 'include',
const data = await response.json();
* Ignore the public user ID and return null.
if (data.msg === 'Public user id') {
return null;
function filterFilename(input) {
* Ghetto-rigged based on:
* Thanks, Sindre.
const filenameReserved = /[<>:"\/\\|?*\x00-\x1F]/g;
const filenameReservedWin = /^(con|prn|aux|nul|com[0-9]|lpt[0-9])$/i;
input = input.replace(filenameReserved, '-');
input = input.replace(filenameReservedWin, '-');
return input;
async function getVideos(userId) {
const url = `${userId}/uploaded?limit=10000`;
const response = await fetch(url, {
credentials: 'include',
const data = await response.json();
return data;
async function getCurl(videos) {
const dt = luxon.DateTime;
const media = => {
const game = vid.gameTitle || vid.gameId || 'Unknown';
const {created, description, downloadUrl, posterUrl, feedId, type} = vid;
const ext = type === 'video' ? 'mp4' : 'jpg';
const createdDate = dt.fromMillis(created);
const date = createdDate.toFormat('y-MM-dd_ttt');
let basename = `${game}_${description}_${date}.${feedId}`;
// Escape single quotes
basename = filterFilename(basename);
const finalName = `${basename}.${ext}`;
const thumbnailName = `${basename}.thumbnail.jpg`;
return {
filename: finalName,
thumbnail: thumbnailName,
const commands = [];
for (const file of media) {
const { downloadUrl, filename, posterUrl, thumbnail } = file;
* Video / screenshot
commands.push(`echo "Downloading ${filename}"`);
commands.push(`curl -L -o "${filename}" '${downloadUrl}'`);
* Thumbnail
commands.push(`echo "Downloading ${thumbnail}"`);
commands.push(`curl -L -o "${thumbnail}" '${posterUrl}'`);
return commands.join('\n');
async function run() {
console.log('[Loaded] Plays.TV - Download JSON for Uploads');
const userId = await getUserId();
if (!userId) {
const videos = await getVideos(userId);
const data = new Blob([JSON.stringify(videos)], {
type: 'application/json',
const curlCmds = await getCurl(videos);
const curlData = new Blob([curlCmds], {
type: 'text/plain',
const file = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
const curlFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(curlData);
const banner = document.querySelector('.sunset');
const learnMore = banner.querySelector('.learn-more');
const button = document.createElement('a');
button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download JSON'));
button.className = learnMore.className.replace('learn-more', 'download-json');
button.href = file; = `PlaysTV_${userId}.json`;
const curlBtn = document.createElement('a');
curlBtn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Download cURL script'));
curlBtn.className = learnMore.className.replace('learn-more', 'download-curl');
curlBtn.href = curlFile; = `PlaysTV_cURL_${userId}.sh`;
learnMore.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', button);
learnMore.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', curlBtn);
window.addEventListener('load', async () => {
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
const banner = document.querySelector('.sunset');
if (!banner)
console.log('[Plays.TV Videos JSON & cURL Script] Banner does not exist... Continuing interval.');
await run();
}, 500);
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