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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Haskell: Tic-Tac-Toe console-based game
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.Read
data Position = A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Read)
data Piece = X | O | Blank
deriving (Eq)
-- Our game board is modeled as a Map from a Position -> Piece
newtype Board = Board (Map Position Piece)
-- Helper function to pull out the Map from our Board type
getBoard :: Board -> Map Position Piece
getBoard (Board mp) = mp
-- Provide a custom string representation of each Piece
instance Show Piece where
show X = "X"
show O = "O"
show Blank = "_"
-- A board where each Position is Blank
newBoard :: Board
newBoard = Board $ Map.fromAscList [(p,Blank) | p <- positions]
-- Enumerate all Positions (A,B,C...)
positions :: [Position]
positions = [minBound..maxBound] :: [Position]
-- Get the rows from our board
rows :: Board -> [[Piece]]
rows board = chunksOf 3 $ Map.elems (getBoard board)
-- Get the columns by transposing the rows
cols :: Board -> [[Piece]]
cols b = transpose (rows b)
-- Get the left and right diagonals by zipping along the rows
diags :: Board -> [[Piece]]
diags b = [ zipWith (!!) (rows b) [0..]
, zipWith (!!) (reverse $ rows b) [0..]
-- Put a piece on the board at the given position
put :: Piece -> Position -> Board -> Board
put piece pos (Board mp) = Board $ Map.insert pos piece mp
-- Lookup position on board
(!) :: Position -> Board -> Maybe Piece
(!) pos board = Map.lookup pos (getBoard board)
-- Scan a lane (a row, col, or diag) for three identical pieces
checkLane :: forall a t. Eq a => a -> t -> (t -> [[a]]) -> Bool
checkLane piece board lane = any (all (== piece)) $ lane board
-- Check if any row, column or diagonal (i.e. lanes) contains identical pieces
win :: Piece -> Board -> Bool
win piece board = or winningLane
where winningLane = map (checkLane piece board) [rows, cols, diags]
-- Returns true if the cell is blank
free :: Position -> Board -> Bool
free pos board = (pos ! board) == Just Blank
-- Cycle player turns
next :: Piece -> Piece
next X = O
next O = X
-- Ask the user where to move (A,B,C...). If the position is invalid, ask again
askMove :: Show a => a -> IO Position
askMove player = do
putStrLn $ "\nPlayer: " ++ show player ++ ", where would you like to move?"
putStrLn $ showPositions ++ "\n"
input <- liftM (map toUpper) getLine
let parse = readEither input :: Either String Position
case parse of
Right pos -> putStrLn "" >> return pos
Left _ -> askMove player
-- Start game loop. Player X goes first.
startGame :: IO ()
startGame = move X newBoard where
move p board =
if | win (next p) board -> putStrLn $ "Player " ++ show (next p) ++ " wins!"
| otherwise -> do
pos <- askMove p
let valid = free pos board
if | not valid -> putStrLn "Try again." >> move p board
| valid -> do
let board' = put p pos board
putStrLn (showBoard board')
move (next p) board'
-- Pretty print board positions
showPositions :: String
showPositions = unlines $ map (++ "\n") eachRow
where eachRow = map show (chunksOf 3 positions)
-- Pretty print the current board
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard b = unlines $ map (++ "\n") eachRow
where eachRow = map show (rows b)
-- Main entry point
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "*-*-* Tic Tac Toe *-*-*"
*-*-* Tic Tac Toe *-*-*
Player: X, where would you like to move?
Player: O, where would you like to move?
Player: X, where would you like to move?
Player: O, where would you like to move?
Player: X, where would you like to move?
Player X wins!
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