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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Haskell: Using existential quantification to calculate the area of a heterogeneous list of shapes.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Circle = Circle Double deriving (Show)
data Square = Square Double deriving (Show)
data Rectangle = Rectangle Double Double deriving (Show)
-- Each shape implements an area function
class Shape s where
area :: s -> Double
instance Shape Circle where
area (Circle r) = pi * r*r
instance Shape Square where
area (Square x) = x * x
instance Shape Rectangle where
area (Rectangle l w) = l * w
-- Our Shapes
rect :: Rectangle
rect = Rectangle 2 4
cir :: Circle
cir = Circle 1
sq :: Square
sq = Square 2
Our area function can be used with:
1. an individual shape
2. a list of the same shape (e.g. a list of Circles)
But what about a list of various shapes?
-- A generic container to hold shapes (using ExistentialQuantification)
data ShapeBox = forall s. (Show s, Shape s) => SB s
-- We can print each Shape in our ShapeBox
instance Show ShapeBox where
show (SB s) = show s
-- We can find the area of each Shape in our ShapeBox
instance Shape ShapeBox where
area (SB s) = area s
shapeList :: [ShapeBox]
shapeList = [SB rect, SB cir, SB sq]
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "We have three shapes:\n"
sequence_ [print rect, print cir, print sq]
putStrLn "\nOur list of shapes, each wrapped in a ShapeBox:\n"
print shapeList
putStrLn "\nLet's print each one:\n"
mapM_ print shapeList
putStrLn "\nNow let's map the area function to each shape:\n"
mapM_ (print . area) shapeList
> main
We have three shapes:
Rectangle 2.0 4.0
Circle 1.0
Square 2.0
Our list of shapes, each wrapped in a ShapeBox:
[Rectangle 2.0 4.0,Circle 1.0,Square 2.0]
Let's print each one:
Rectangle 2.0 4.0
Circle 1.0
Square 2.0
Now let's map the area function to each shape:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
data Shapes = Circle Double | Square Double | Rectangle Double Double
deriving (Show)
class Shape s where
area :: s -> Double
instance Shape Shapes where
area (Circle r) = pi * r * r
area (Square l) = l * l
area (Rectangle l w) = l * w
shapeList :: [Shapes]
shapeList = [Square 2, Circle 1, Rectangle 2 3]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ area (Circle 1)
print $ area (Square 2)
print shapeList
print $ map area shapeList
> main
[Square 2.0,Circle 1.0,Rectangle 2.0 3.0]
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