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Created August 20, 2021 13:58
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#!/usr/bin/perl -W
# Dennis Ullrich
### Password settings:
# Output settings:
$x = 4; # Passwords per line
$y = 25; # Lines
# (quantity,(charset))
@lower = (6,('a'..'x'));
@upper = (6,('A'..'X'));
@numbers = (5,(0..9));
@special = (3,('!','$','.','-','+'));
### MAIN
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use Getopt::Long;
'single!' => \$single,
'no-newline!' => \$no_newline,
) or die "Incorrect usage!\n";
if ($single){
$no_newline ? print &pwgen : print &pwgen."\n";
for (1..$y){
my $line;
for (1..$x){
$line .= &pwgen." ";
print $line."\n";
sub random{
my $chars = shift(@_);
my $string;
my $range = $#_ + 1;
for (1..$chars){
$string .= $_[int(rand($range))];
return $string;
sub pwgen{
my $pw = &random(@lower);
$pw .= &random(@upper);
$pw .= &random(@special);
$pw .= &random(@numbers);
my @pw = split //, $pw;
return join '', shuffle(@pw[0..$#pw]);
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