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Last active August 24, 2023 04:13
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More iterator and pipe operator experimentation.
module test
go 1.22
package main
import (
type Seq[T any] func(func(T) bool)
func Generate() Seq[int] {
return func(yield func(int) bool) {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if !yield(i) {
func Slice[T any, S ~[]T](s S) Seq[T] {
return func(yield func(T) bool) {
for _, v := range s {
if !yield(v) {
func Map[T1, T2 any](seq Seq[T1], f func(T1) T2) Seq[T2] {
return func(yield func(T2) bool) {
seq(func(v T1) bool {
return yield(f(v))
func Filter[T any](seq Seq[T], f func(T) bool) Seq[T] {
return func(yield func(T) bool) {
seq(func(v T) bool {
if !f(v) {
return true
return yield(v)
func Windows[T any](seq Seq[T], n int) Seq[[]T] {
win := make([]T, 0, n)
return func(yield func([]T) bool) {
var state func(T) bool
full := func(v T) bool {
copy(win, win[1:])
win[len(win)-1] = v
return yield(win)
fill := func(v T) bool {
win = append(win, v)
if len(win) == n {
state = full
return yield(win)
return true
state = fill
seq(func(v T) bool { return state(v) })
if len(win) < n {
func Collect[T any](seq Seq[T]) []T {
var r []T
seq(func(v T) bool {
r = append(r, v)
return true
return r
func Find[T any](seq Seq[T], f func(T) bool) T {
var r T
seq(func(v T) bool {
if f(v) {
r = v
return false
return true
return r
func Sum(seq Seq[int]) int {
var total int
seq(func(v int) bool {
total += v
return true
return total
func main() {
Generate() |>
Windows(10) |>
Find(func(v []int) bool { return (Slice(v) |> Sum()) > 100 }) |>
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