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Created March 31, 2023 16:11
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Reactable Multi-row Example
#' @export
true_round <- function(number, digits) {
number <- as.numeric(number)
posneg <- sign(number)
number <- abs(number) * 10^digits
number <- number + 0.5 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
number <- trunc(number)
number <- number / 10 ^ digits
number * posneg
#' @export
#' @description function to format price/change values
#' @param value the value to format
#' @param round the digits to round till
#' @param format the number format "d" or "f"
#' @param big the separator for big values, default ","
#' @return character url for the sheet for the user
format_price <- function(value, round = 2, format = "f", big = ",") {
as.character(true_round(value, round))),
digits = round,
format = format,
big.mark = big
#' @export
shorten_price <- function(value) {
value <- as.numeric(format_price(value = value, big = ""))
value < 1e3 ~ as.character(value),
value < 1e6 ~ paste0(as.character(true_round(value / 1e3, 1)), "K"),
value < 1e9 ~ paste0(as.character(true_round(value / 1e6, 1)), "M"),
TRUE ~ paste0(as.character(true_round(value / 1e9, 1)), "B")
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
data <- mtcars |>
mutate(disp = disp * 10000) |>
select(disp, hp) |>
mutate(disp_ = paste(disp, hp, sep = "_"))
reactable_reactive <- reactive({
columns = list(
disp_ = colDef(
cell = function(value) {
value <- strsplit(value, "_")[[1]]
div(class = "row_container",
div(class = "amount",
div(class = "year",
disp = colDef(
show = FALSE
hp = colDef(
show = FALSE
output$table <- renderReactable({
shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)
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