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Last active December 10, 2022 18:46
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XSurvive Translation template
"LangName": "en",
"LangFullName": "English",
"LangEmoji": "🇺🇸",
"Contributors": ["Default#8127"],
"LangSetup": "{completion} Supported | Contributors: [hover]({contributors})",
"defaultFooter": "Visit to find more information.",
"generalTimeout": "Are you still there?",
"generalTimeoutDesc": "I **have not received any reaction** from you during the last 90 seconds, please type `/survive` if you want to **keep playing**!",
"defaultNotFound": "That ID does not exist! **Please verify you spelled the command correctly** and type it again.",
"helpEmbedDesc": [
"Use the `/survive` command if you don't know where to start from. Follow the tutorial to learn the basics.",
"For a detailed **guide** and **command list** please visit our [**WEBSITE**](\n\n",
"Join [**our Discord server**]( if you have any questions. You can also **get a role according to the zones** you have unlocked, and much more!",
":earth_americas: Use the `/lang` command to change bot's language.",
":envelope_with_arrow: Be rewarded with **XCoins** for using the `/vote` command.\n\n"
"becomePremium": ":star: **PATREON**: [**Click here**]( to become a Patron and get access to these perks:",
"premiumPerks": ["- XCoins every month.", "- Extra energy limit points.", "- Farm multiplier.", "- Access to beta features.", "- Exclusive role."],
"langSuccessTitle": "Success",
"langSuccessDescription": "You have successfully updated **server language** to **English**. Use the `/survive` command to **start playing**!",
"surviveEmbedTitle": "Main menu",
"surviveSurvivor": "Survivor: {user}",
"surviveCoins": "XCoins: {amount}",
"zheal": "`/heal` command",
"surviveEnergyFullIn": "full in {time}",
"surviveDamage": "Damage: {amount}",
"reactionsMenuMap": "React with {emoji} to **open your map** (farm, explore or fight).",
"reactionsMenuFarm": "React with {emoji} to **farm** (get resources).",
"reactionsMenuFarmAgain": "React with {emoji} to **farm again**.",
"reactionsMenuInventory": "React with {emoji} to open your **inventory**.",
"reactionsMenuUpgrades": "React with {emoji} to open the **upgrade** menu.",
"reactionsMenuMakeUpgrade": "React with {emoji} to **get this upgrade**.",
"reactionsMenuBosses": "React with {emoji} to open the **boss** menu.",
"reactionsMenuMarket": "React with {emoji} to open the **market** menu.",
"reactionsMenuAchievements": "React with {emoji} to open the **achievements** menu.",
"reactionsMenuGoBack": "React with {emoji} to **go back** to the main menu.",
"reactionsMenuGoBack2": "React with {emoji} to **go back**.",
"reactionsMenuOk": "React with {emoji} to **continue**.",
"reactionsMenuFight": "React with {emoji} to **fight** against this boss.",
"reactionsMenuHeal": "React with {emoji} to **heal** your survivor.",
"reactionsMenuHealOption": "React with {emoji} to **heal** your survivor **{amount} HP** in exchange of:",
"reactionsMenuPurchase": "React with {emoji} to **confirm this purchase**.",
"zoneMenuItems": "React with {emoji} to travel to the **{zone}**",
"zoneMenuItemsLocked": "Defeat **{amount} more bosses** to unlock the {emoji} **{zone}**.",
"bosses": "defeated bosses",
"totalBossesKilled": "{emoji} **Defeated bosses**: {amount}",
"newZoneUnlocked": "{emoji} The {zone} was unlocked! Open your map and travel to this new zone to discover **new resources, bosses** and more.",
"mapEmbedTitle": "Map",
"mapEmbedDesc": "Please pick a zone to travel to. Once there, you will be able to farm its resources, kill bosses and more!",
"zoneEmbedDesc": "Here you will be able to kill bosses and farm some resources. Upgrade your tools to have a better multiplier.",
"justfarmed": "You have just farmed: ",
"zoneFarmInCooldown": "{emoji} You need at least **1 energy unit** to farm resources!",
"patreonFarmMultiplier": "Active **{multiplier}x** Patreon farm multiplier.",
"inventoryEmbedTitle": "Inventory",
"inventoryEmbedDesc": "This is your resources inventory!",
"inventoryZoneResourcesTitle": "{zone} resources",
"healEmbedTitle": "Heal menu",
"healEmbedDesc": "While fighting against bosses, you get hurt. Make sure to heal your survivor to be ready for the next fight!\n\nYou can also **buy HP in exchange of XCoins** in the **market**.",
"healSuccess": "You have successfully **healed {amount} HP** to your survivor!",
"healHpFull": "**Your HP is full**! You can't heal your survivor anymore...",
"marketEmbedTitle": "Market",
"marketEmbedDesc": "Spend your coins with the `/buy` command .",
"marketCoinsEmbedDesc": [
"How to get more XCoins:",
"- Killing **bosses**.",
"- Completing **achievements**.",
"- Get rewarded [**voting**](",
"- Become a [**Patron**]( and get XCoins every month."
"marketZoneLocked": "The **{box} is locked**! Unlock the zone first.",
"notEnoughCoins": "**You do not have enough XCoins** to buy **{item}**!\n\n{emoji} Your XCoins: {amount}\nPrice: {price}",
"confirmPurchase": "Are you sure you want to buy **{item} for {price} XCoins**? (you have {amount}).",
"purchaseSuccess": "You have succesfully bought **{item}**!",
"boxItemListTitle": "You found these rewards in your Lootbox:",
"resourceInBox": "{emoji} {amount} {resource}",
"forestbox_market": "Forest Box",
"forestboxDesc_market": "Resources from the Forest zone.",
"citybox_market": "City Box",
"cityboxDesc_market": "Resources from the City zone.",
"cavebox_market": "Cave Box",
"caveboxDesc_market": "Resources from the Cave zone.",
"islandbox_market": "Island Box",
"islandboxDesc_market": "Resources from the Zombie Island zone.",
"hp_market": "HP recharge",
"hpDesc_market": "Get your survivor fully healed.",
"energy_market": "10 Energy units",
"energyDesc_market": "Get 10 units recharged - don't wait anymore!",
"marketPropIsFull": "You can't buy this! There is no need to recharge that, it is already full.",
"bossesEmbedTitle": "Boss menu",
"bossesEmbedDesc": "Kill bosses to unlock new zones and earn XCoins!",
"notEnoughDmg": "You **do not have enough __Damage__** to fight against this boss!",
"notEnoughHp": "You **do not have enough __HP__** to fight against this boss!",
"notEnoughMaxHp": "Your **HP limit** is __not enough__ to fight against this boss!",
"bossKilled": "You have just defeated this boss and earned **{amount} XCoins**!",
"yourdamage": "Your damage",
"bosshp": "Boss HP",
"bossdamage": "Boss damage",
"allBossesKilled": "**You have defeated all bosses in this zone!**",
"achievementsEmbedTitle": "Achievement menu",
"achievementsEmbedDesc": "Here is a list with all available achievements! Once you complete one, **get your XCoins reward**.",
"achFormat": "**{achName}** (stage {stage}/{maxstage}, {emoji} {coins})",
"achCompleted": "**__COMPLETED__**",
"achMaxStageReached": "Max stage reached, all rewards were collected!",
"achNotCompleted": "You do **not have any pending reward** to be collected!",
"achCollectConfirmation": "**Congratulations**, all rewards were collected! You have been rewarded with **{amount} XCoins**.",
"ach_killbosses": "**Kill** at least **{amount} bosses** to complete this stage ({killed}/{amount} defeated bosses).",
"ach_killbossesName": "Boss slayer",
"ach_upgrades": "**Upgrade everything** to at least **tier {tier}** to complete this stage.",
"ach_upgradesName": "Upgrade machine",
"ach_boxes": "**Open** at least **{amount} boxes** in the market to complete this stage ({opened}/{amount} opened boxes).",
"ach_boxesName": "Boxadict",
"ach_coins": "**Spend** at least **{amount} XCoins** in the market to complete this stage ({spent}/{amount} XCoins spent).",
"ach_coinsName": "Compulsive buyer",
"ach_resources": "**Farm** at least **{amount} resources** to complete this stage ({farmed}/{amount} resources farmed).",
"ach_resourcesName": "Farmer",
"tutorialTitle": "Tutorial",
"tutorialInitial": "Hey! I will guide you through this tutorial.\n\nYou are in the middle of a **zombie apocalypse**, and **your goal is to survive** seeking for resources, XCoins and more! There will be **achievements** and also **bosses** waiting for you, good luck...\n\n**React with {emoji} to start the tutorial**.",
"tutorialMenu": "This is the `/survive` main menu, the following steps will show you **how to play**.\n\nReact with {emoji} to **open your map** and travel to the {forest_emoji} **forest**.",
"tutorialMap": "Let's travel to the forest now... There are **more zones that have unique resources** but you will unlock them over time.\n\nReact with {emoji} to travel to the **forest**.",
"tutorialFarm": "You will **need resources** to be able to **upgrade your tools later**, so go farm some!\n\n",
"tutorialUpgrade": "Great! You farmed a lot of resources. It is time to **upgrade your tools**. This will **help you farm more resources** such as rocks, rusty metal and more. You can also upgrade your looting skill to increase the amount of other resources you farm.\n\nReact with {emoji} to **upgrade your tools**.",
"tutorialFight": "Now that you have learned how to upgrade your tools it is time to **fight kill a boss**! - or at least try to do it...\n\n:heart: You will always lose some HP during a fight!",
"tutorialFinishEmbed": "You have **completed the tutorial**!\n\n**Next steps**:\n- [**Click here**]( to visit our website where you can **learn more** about the bot!\n- **Explore** the main menu! There are a lot of features such as a market to **spend your coins**, an **achievements** menu and more!\n- **React** with {emoji} or **type the `/survive` command** to go to **main menu**.\n\n\nJoin [**our Discord server**]( if you have any questions. You can also **get a role according to the zones** you have unlocked, and much more!",
"upgradesEmbedTitle": "Upgrade menu",
"upgradesEmbedDesc": "React to this message to **upgrade your tools and skills** to farm more resources or expand your limits.\n\nThe **hover for info** link displays some extra information when you hover it, but it **only works from a computer**.",
"upgradeCost": "**Upgrade cost**",
"tier": "Tier",
"level": "level",
"hover": "**Hover for info**",
"notEnoughItems": "You **don't have enough resources** to make this upgrade.",
"upgradeSuccess": "You have successfully made an upgrade!",
"maxTierDesc": "That item is already in its **MAX TIER**! You can't upgrade it anymore.",
"upgradeCurrentInfo": "Tier {tier}, level {level}",
"infoenergy": "Upgrading this, **your energy limit will be increased**!",
"energy": "Energy limit",
"infohp": "Upgrading this, **your HP limit will be increased**!",
"hp": "HP limit",
"infodamage": "Upgrading your damage will **let you kill bosses** that were too strong before the upgrade!",
"damage": "Damage",
"infotools": "Upgrading your tools to the next level, **the amount resources** you farm will be increased, but once you reach the level limit, you will automatically advance to the next tier, what will make you farm even more!",
"tools": "Tools",
"bandage": "Bandages",
"apple": "Apples",
"rock": "Rocks",
"wood": "Wood",
"fourleaf": "Four-leaf clovers",
"rusty": "Rusty metal",
"medikit": "Medikits",
"energydrink": "Energy drinks",
"scrap": "Metal scrap",
"nutandbolt": "Nut and bolts",
"healingcrystal": "Healing crystals",
"metal": "Metal",
"energeticstone": "Energetic stones",
"radioactive": "Radioactive material",
"healingwater": "Healing water",
"coconut": "Coconuts",
"rocketparts": "Rocket parts",
"gold": "Gold bars",
"brain": "Zombie brains",
"rose": "Roses",
"skull": "Skulls",
"gem": "Precious Gems",
"nanobot": "Nanobots",
"cheese": "Moon cheese",
"solarpanel": "Solar panels",
"moonrock": "Moon rocks",
"forest": "FOREST",
"city": "CITY",
"cave": "CAVE",
"island": "ISLAND",
"graveyard": "GRAVEYARD",
"moon": "MOON",
"notifEnergyTitle": "Energy notification",
"notifEnergyDesc": "Hey, **your energy is now full** ({energy}/{maxenergy})! Come back and keep farming to make more upgrades :smirk:",
"notifVoteTitle": "Vote reminder",
"notifVoteDesc": "You can now [**vote again**]({link})! Remember to do it **every 12 hours** to be rewarded with **XCoins**.",
"notifTurnOffGuide": "**If you do not find these reminders useful**, please type `/notifications` and you will not receive them anymore.",
"missingPermissions": "The bot **does not have enough __permissions__** in this channel. If you are a server admin, make sure I have the following permissions:",
"neededPermissions": ["**MANAGE MESSAGES**: this will allow me to remove your reaction when any option from ZSurvive's menu is selected.", "**ADD REACTIONS**.", "**USE EXTERNAL EMOJIS**."],
"vote": "Vote",
"voteDesc": "**Vote ZSurvive** in just a **few clicks** and get **rewarded** with **__{coins} XCoins__**!\n\nClick the button below to **vote**. Once you do it, you will receive a confirmation of your reward by private message.\n\n**Next Vote:** {timer}\n**Total Votes:** {votes}",
"statsTitle": "Survivor stats",
"stats_bossesKilled": "**Defeated bosses**: {amount}",
"stats_coinsSpent": "**Spent coins**: {amount}",
"stats_boxesOpened": "**Opened Lootboxes**: {amount}",
"stats_resourcesFarmed": "**Farmed resources**: {amount}",
"buttonMap": "Map",
"buttonUpgrades": "Upgrades",
"buttonAchievements": "Achievements",
"buttonMarket": "Market",
"buttonInventory": "Inventory",
"buttonFarm": "Farm",
"buttonBosses": "Boss",
"buttonFight": "Fight",
"buttonReturn": "Return",
"buttonBuy": "Buy",
"buttonYes": "Yes",
"reactionInfo": "Click a button below to navigate."
"LangName": "en",
"LangFullName": "English",
"FlagImagePath": "images/English.png",
"navHome": "Home",
"navGuide": "XGuide",
"navDiscord": "Join our Discord",
"navVote": "Vote",
"navPremium": "Premium",
"navLogin": "Login",
"navLogout": "Log out",
"navLeaderboard": "Leaderboard",
"landingDescription": "Farm resources, upgrade tools, defeat epic bosses, earn achievements, and be the strongest survivor ever!",
"landingInvite": "ADD TO DISCORD",
"aboutSmallHeader": "What is needed to survive",
"aboutHeader": "About XSurvive",
"aboutTitle1": "Farm resources",
"aboutDescription1": "Get enough resources to upgrade your equipment.",
"aboutTitle2": "Upgrade your gear",
"aboutDescription2": "Upgrade your weapon, skills and tools to be the strongest survivor.",
"aboutTitle3": "Kill bosses",
"aboutDescription3": "Unlock zones and get rewarded while killing bosses - or at least try to do it. ",
"videoHeader": "Video tutorial",
"videoDescription": "What better than a video to explain something, right?",
"videoID": "lurRwfjhUpM",
"Guides": [
"Title": "Getting started",
"Description": [
"First of all, you need to invite the bot to your server by <a href=\"/invite\">clicking here</a>, or you can join <a href=\"/discord\">our server</a> where the bot is ready to play with!"
"Title": "Set language",
"Description": [
"If your main language is english you can skip this step since it is default bot's language.",
"Once the bot is already in your server, you can set the language with the <strong>/lang</strong> command. If your language is not supported yet, please be patient, we are working on that..."
"Title": "Start the tutorial",
"Description": ["You can start it with the <strong>/survive</strong> command. The steps to finish it are very clear, and will make you understand how to use the bot."]
"Title": "After the tutorial",
"Description": ["Once you finish the tutorial you can start playing for real! Type the <strong>/survive</strong> command again to open the main menu."]
"Title": "Farm resources",
"Description": [
"Open your map and go to a zone, the forest for example. Once in that zone, you will be able to do multiple things such as farm or open the boss menu.",
"We are just interested in the farm option for now. Once you have reacted with the farm emoji, you will get resources that are only available in that zone. For example, rocks are only available in the forest.",
"Please note that when farming, you will spend one energy unit each time you do it. Once your energy goes down to 0, you will have to wait for it to be charged again."
"Title": "Upgrade your tools",
"Description": ["Now it is time to spend some of the resources you previously farmed and make upgrades with them.", "Upgrading you tools will increase the amount of resources you farm."]
"Title": "Kill bosses",
"Description": [
"After upgrading several times your weapon and HP, it is time to fight!",
"Go to any zone in your map, and choose the boss menu option. Once you are there, you will be able to fight against the boss.",
"Remember you will need to have more damage in your weapon that the HP the boss has, and more HP that the damage the boss deals.",
"You will get rewarded with ZCoins after defeating the boss, you will be able to spend in the market.",
"During the fight you will get hurt, so make sure to be fully healed for your next fight with the <strong>/heal</strong> command."
"Title": "Market",
"Description": ["After you get a decent amount of ZCoins you can spend them in the market (access it from the main menu). Make sure not to spend your coins in things you don't need!"]
"Title": "Using commands",
"Description": [
"If you don't like playing with reactions because you are more of the command-type guy, this is going to be of your interest...",
"There is an available command for almost every feature of the bot, here is a list for you:",
"<ul><li><strong>/survive</strong> | Main menu</li> <li><strong>/map</strong> | Shows map</li> <li><strong>/map { forest | city | cave | island }</strong> | Travel to a zone, IE: /map city</li> <li><strong>/boss { forest | city | cave | island }</strong> | Travel to a zone and display the boss menu</li> <li><strong>/inv</strong> | Shows inventory</li> <li><strong>/upgrades</strong> | Upgrades menu</li> <li><strong>/market</strong> | Travel to the market</li> <li><strong>/ach</strong> | Achievements list</li></ul>"
"footerTitle1": "About",
"footerTitle2": "Invite",
"footerTitle3": "Extra",
"footerTitle4": "Enjoying XSurvive?",
"footerInvite": "Invite XSurvive",
"footerDiscord": "Join our Discord",
"footerTerms": "Terms and conditions",
"footerPrivacy": "Privacy Policy",
"footerCookies": "What are cookies?",
"footerCredits": "Credits",
"footerDonate": "Our team works very hard to keep improving this bot! Please consider becoming a Patron to support XSurvive's development.",
"errorsNotFound": "This page does not exist!",
"errorsServer": "Our server had a problem while processing your request, please try again later or let us know in our Discord if the problem persists!",
"cookiesDescription": "We use cookies to provide you the best possible experience. But don't panic - we won't share any of your data. You can find more information about our cookies",
"cookiesHere": "here",
"voteTitle1": "Your votes",
"voteTitle2": "Vote now",
"votePleaseLogin": "Please login to see your vote history.",
"voteLastWeek": "Last week votes: ",
"voteLastMonth": "Last month: ",
"voteAllTime": "All-time: ",
"voteVoteIn": "You can vote again in: ",
"voteBtn": "Vote on",
"voteVoteTxt": "Remember to vote <strong>every 12 hours</strong> and get rewarded!",
"voteRewardsHeader": "What you will get for your vote",
"voteCardTitle": "Vote reward",
"voteCardDesc": "Once your vote was processed, you will receive a <strong>private message</strong> from the bot with a confirmation.",
"storeTitle": "Store",
"storeLogin": "Please <a href=\"/login\">LOGIN</a> to checkout",
"storeZCoinsDesc": "Your XCoins will be automatically added to your account a few minutes after the purchase.",
"checkoutCheckout": "Checkout",
"checkoutSubheading": "Please review your shopping cart and pay with PayPal or credit/debit card",
"checkoutThanks": "Thanks!",
"checkoutPaymentInfo": "Once your payment is approved, you should get your package in less than 2 minutes.",
"checkoutProblemsInfo": "If for some reason, you do not get your items one hour after the payment was done, please contact us in our Discord.<br>To check your payment status <a href=\"/payments\">click here</a>.",
"checkoutTerms": "I agree to the <a href=\"/terms\">Terms and conditions</a> and our <a href=\"/privacy\">Privacy policy</a>",
"checkoutAcceptTermsFirst": "Please accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy first!",
"lead_pos": "Pos",
"lead_player": "Player",
"lead_bosses": "Bosses killed",
"lead_farmed": "Resources farmed",
"lead_coins": "XCoins spent",
"lead_votes": " Votes"
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