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Created August 10, 2022 18:12
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Here is the translation and config file found for the Ark FunBot.
module.exports = {
token: "", // Bot token
guildId: "", // Discord server id
accountId: "", // DBD account id
databases: { // Databases
shopDatabase: { // Shop database
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "joey1006",
port: 3306,
database: "ark1000xshop"
linksDatabase: { // Linking database
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "joey1006",
port: 3306,
database: "leaderboard"
settings: {
linkingSystem: "kalscrosschat", // Choose what linking system you wanna use. options: "lethalquests", "discordintegrator", "kalscrosschat"
colors: { // Change the hex colors into numbers by chnageing the "#" into "0x" + the hex number. (#FFFFFF = 0xFFFFFF)
main: 0x24A8D4,
wins: 0x77B255,
losses: 0xCC3131
games: { // Game settings.
trading: {
enabled: true,
cooldownMin: 5,
minAmount: 0,
maxAmount: 1000
rps: {
enabled: true,
cooldownMin: 5,
pointMultiplier: 2,
minBet: 10,
maxBet: 100,
jackpot: {
enabled: true,
cooldownMin: 1,
minBet: 10,
maxBet: 100,
multipliers: {
tripleCherry: 20,
tripleGrapes: 15,
tripleMelon: 10,
triplePineapple: 5
roll: {
enabled: true,
cooldownMin: 5,
pointMultiplier: 5,
minBet: 10,
maxBet: 100,
hangman: {
enabled: true,
cooldownMin: 0,
rewardPoints: 200,
takePoints: 100,
guessWords: [
"defaults bot development"
"general": {
"notEnoughPoints": "❌ You dont have enough points, you have `{points} points`.",
"onCooldown": "❌ You are still on cooldown for this command, cooldown ends {time}.",
"mustBeLinked": "❌ You must be linked to play this game!",
"userNotLinked": "❌ The specified user is not linked with ark."
"rps": {
"commandName": "rps",
"commandDescription": "Play a game of rock paper scissors.",
"betOptionName": "bet",
"betOptionDescription": "Set a bet amount to play the game.",
"choiceOptionName": "choice",
"choiceOptionDescription": "Choose the option you want.",
"choiceOptionRock": "🪨 Rock",
"choiceOptionPaper": "🧻 Paper",
"choiceOptionScissors": "✂️ Scissors",
"embedtitle": "ArkFun | Rock, Paper, Scissors",
"tieMessage": "Its a **TIE**! You both threw `{result}`, Your points are not taken.",
"winMessage": "You **WON**! You threw `{choice}` and i choose `{result}`. You won :coin: **${points} Points**",
"loseMessage": "You **LOST**! You threw `{choice}` and i choose `{result}`. You lost :coin: **{points} Points**"
"jackpot": {
"commandName": "jackpot",
"commandDescription": "play a game of jackpot.",
"betOptionName": "bet",
"betOptionDescription": "Set a bet amount to play the game.",
"embedtitle": "ArkFun | Jackpot",
"winMessage": "**Result:** {emojis}\n\nCongratulations {user}! You have multiplied your points by **{multiplier}**x resulting in :coin: **{points} points**!",
"loseMessage": "**Result:** {emojis}\n\n{user}, you lost {bet} points :cry:, want to give it another try?"
"roll": {
"commandName": "roll",
"commandDescription": "play a game of Roll the dice",
"betOptionName": "bet",
"betOptionDescription": "Set a bet amount to play the game.",
"diceOptionName": "dice",
"diceOptionDescription": "Choose a number between 1 - 6",
"embedtitle": "ArkFun | Roll a Dice",
"winMessage": "**Result:** you choose {bet} i rolled {result}\n\n**Congratulations** {user}! You won a total of 💰 **{points}** points!",
"loseMessage": "**Result:** you choose {bet} i rolled {result}\n\n{user}, you **lost** your {points} points! would you dare to give it another try?"
"hangman": {
"commandName": "hangman",
"commandDescription": "play a game of Hangman",
"embedtitle": "ArkFunBot | Hangman",
"gameover": "GAME OVER",
"gamewinner": "GAME WINNER",
"usedLetters": "Used letters",
"guessWord": "Guess the word",
"winMessage": "You **WON**! 💰 `{points}` Points are added!",
"loseMessage": "You **LOST**! 💰 `{points}` Points are taken!"
"trading": {
"commandName": "trading",
"commandDescription": "Trade your points with other players.",
"userOptionName": "user",
"userOptionDescription": "Select a user to send your points to.",
"amountOptionName": "amount",
"amountOptionDescription": "Specify the amount of points you wanna trade.",
"cantTrade": "You cant trade with yourself... Select a different user to trade with.",
"embedtitle": "ArkFun | Trading",
"tradeSuccess": "✅ {trader} Traded `{points} Points` with {user}."
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