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Last active December 24, 2020 17:26
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  • Save DefiPanda/8297202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DefiPanda/8297202 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to save your Leetcode submissions locally.Simply sign in to your leetcode account, replace XXXX in my code to your sessionid and run "", and please don't log out on your browser meanwhile
import cookielib, urllib2, re, sys, HTMLParser, os.path
def saveFileByType(code_content, parser, languages=[], postfixes=[]):
for index, language in enumerate(languages):
code_pattern = re.compile("""scope\.code\."""+language+""" = '.*?'""")
matched_code =
if(matched_code != None):
matched_code =
code = matched_code.split("'")[1]
code = code.decode('unicode_escape')
title_pattern = re.compile("""/problems/.*</a></h4>""")
matched_title =
title = matched_title[matched_title.index('>')+1:matched_title.index('<')]
filename = "".join([title, "." + postfixes[index]])
if os.path.isfile(filename) == False:
myFile = open(filename, 'w')
print "".join(["File saved with filename: ", title, "." + postfixes[index]])
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
opener.addheaders = [
('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36'),
('Referer', ''),
('Cookie', 'PHPSESSID=' + PHPSESSID + '; _ga=GA1.2.1984831265.1389075465; NRAGENT=tk=26e67c3be080fab2'),
for i in range(1,500):
page = '' + `i`
print page
resp =
content =
error_pattern = re.compile("No more submissions.")
if is not None:
print "Program finished with all your submissions have been saved"
url_pattern = re.compile("[0-9]*/\"><strong>Accepted</strong></a>")
for match in url_pattern.findall(content):
url = "".join(["", match.split('/')[0]])
resp =
code_content =
saveFileByType(code_content, parser, ["java", "python", "cpp"], ["java", "py", "cpp"])
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Hi jw2013!
Thank you for your great code which helps me not only download my leet codes, but also learn more about python.
As Leetcode OJ has updated, your code may not work well with the newest version. I have changed it a little bit to make it run again :) You can pull my gist if you like. The url is:
I have only tested it on my leetcode where all codes are .cpp. So Java and python untested.
Have a good day!


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So sorry I just saw your comment. Thanks a lot and I've updated the gist.


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Hi jw2013,
That's great help from you.
Your code was not working with the newest version of Leetcoe OJ.
I have updated your code and can be found at
There is a minor updation only.


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Hi all,

Seems like leetcode changed their page again, so here is updated code for this task. Let's call it Version 2016.02

Thanks for the help!

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I have got a python project to save LeetCode solutions locally, too. I have just made my project compatible with latest Leetcode UI changes which happened a couple of months ago. I also started using LeetCode api wherever possible instead of relying on html contents. Here is the link to my repository. Please feel free to contribute.

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