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Last active November 9, 2024 08:15
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A simple table for Minecraft energy types and a matrix for conversion rates.

Minecraft Energy Types

Energy Name Abbreviation Original Mod Version
Anima AM Anima-Mundi 1.11.2
Blutricity BE (NO) Redpower 1.6.4
Charge RP (NO)/Fz? Factorization 1.7.10
Crystal Flux CF Actually Additions 1.12
Energy Units EU IndustrialCraft2 1.11
Forge Energy FE Forge 1.11.2
Galacticraft Joules gJ Galacticraft 1.11.2
Heat BTU (NO) Minecraft 1.11.2
Joules J Mekanism 1.11.2
Lithium Energy Li Lithium Energy 1.11
Minecraft Joules MJ BuildCraft 1.11.2
Piggawatts Pw Sync 1.10.2
Redstone Flux RF Thermal Expansion 3 1.10.2
Shaft Power W RotaryCraft 1.7.10
Steam S (NO) RailCraft 1.10.2
Tesla T TESLA 1.11.2
Taint Tn (NO) ThaumCraft 1.8.9
Universal Electricity EU (NO) Universal Electricity 1.7.10
Vis V (NO) ThaumCraft 1.8.9
Xynergy Xy (NO) XyCraft 1.4.7
Micro Infinity 8I Ender IO 1.12
AE Applied Energistics 2 1.12
Immersive Flux IF Immersive Engineering 1.12.2

*NO = Not Official

Unit Conversion

If you know any of the blank values, feel free to edit and leave your source at the bottom.

AM 1 5 20 32 125 0.20 20 20
BE 1
RP 1
CF 1 0.25 1.6 2.5 0.1
EU 1 4 6.557 10 0.4 4 4
FE 0.25 1 1.6 2.5 0.1 1 1
gJ 0.1525 0.652 1 1.525 0.065 0.625 0.625
J 0.1 0.4 0.655 1 0.04 0.4 0.4
Li 1
MJ 2.5 10 16 16 1 10 10
RF 0.25 1 1.6 2.5 0.1 1 1 1 1
W 1
T 0.25 1 1.6 2.5 0.1 1 1
Tn 1
V 1
8I 2 2 1
AE 1
IF 1 1 1

*Blank = Not Known (please comment if you know)

1 AM = 20 RF = 125 J = 5 EU = 32 gJ 1 EU = 10 J = 0.4 MJ = 4 RF = 6.557 gJ 1 MJ = 25 J = 10 RF = 2.5 EU = 16 gJ 1 J = 0.04 MJ = 0.4 RF = 0.1 EU = 0.655 gJ 1 RF = 0.1 MJ = 2.5 J = 0.25 EU = 1.6 gJ 1 gJ = 0.065 MJ = 0.1525 EU = 1.525 J = 0.625 RF 1 AE = 0.5 EU = 2 RF = 11256 W = 5 J

1 RF = 1 FE = 1 T = 1 CF = 1 IF




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5cover commented Jul 27, 2023

AE conversion rates are available on the official wiki listed here (1.17 and newer) and here (up to 1.16).

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1 AE is not 1RF, it's actually 2 RF (As their wiki says)
So 1 AE = 5 J

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There's a typo across the top, where CF is typed as CR

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I created a small tool for the conversion, based on this document. Minecraft Energy Calculator:

Hi, can you re-upload this site? It will be very helpful. Thanks!

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Does anyone know the conversion rates for Powah (FE) and Tech Reborn (E)?

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Heat's a vanilla power unit?

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