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Last active April 14, 2024 17:19
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A PowerShell script for systematic deletion of all ECS clusters, services, and task definitions across multiple AWS regions. Ideal for scenarios of AWS credential compromise leading to unauthorized ECS resource creation.
# AWS ECS Comprehensive Cleanup Script
# Description:
# This PowerShell script is tailored for a thorough cleanup of Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) resources across multiple AWS regions.
# It is particularly beneficial in instances where AWS credentials have been compromised, leading to the unauthorized and potentially
# malicious creation of numerous ECS resources, including clusters, services, and task definitions.
# The script systematically automates the deletion process. It iterates over a predefined list of AWS regions, identifies and deletes
# all ECS task definitions, then proceeds to identify all ECS clusters within each region, stops and deletes all services within those
# clusters, and finally deletes the clusters themselves.
# Usage:
# 1. Ensure AWS CLI is installed and configured. For AWS SSO configuration, refer to:
# 2. Set the `$profile` variable in the script to match your AWS CLI profile name, ensuring it has the necessary permissions.
# 3. Run the script in PowerShell.
# 4. Monitor the output for progress updates and error messages.
# Important Notes:
# - This script executes irreversible actions and should be used with caution, particularly in production environments.
# - Ensure backups of ECS configurations and data are maintained if needed.
# - Be cognizant of AWS API rate limits and any constraints on your account status.
# Define the AWS profile to use
$profile = "your-profile"
# Hardcode the list of AWS regions
$regionArray = @(
"ap-south-1", "eu-north-1", "eu-west-3", "eu-west-2", "eu-west-1",
"ap-northeast-3", "ap-northeast-2", "ap-northeast-1", "ca-central-1",
"sa-east-1", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "eu-central-1",
"us-east-1", "us-east-2", "us-west-1", "us-west-2"
# Iterate over each region
foreach ($region in $regionArray) {
Write-Host "Processing region: $region"
try {
# List and deregister task definitions
$taskDefs = aws ecs list-task-definitions --status ACTIVE --query "taskDefinitionArns" --output json --region $region --profile $profile | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($taskDefs) {
foreach ($taskDefArn in $taskDefs) {
Write-Host "Deregistering task definition: $taskDefArn"
aws ecs deregister-task-definition --task-definition $taskDefArn --region $region --profile $profile | Out-Null
# List all ECS clusters in the region
$clusters = aws ecs list-clusters --region $region --query "clusterArns" --output json --profile $profile | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($clusters) {
foreach ($clusterArn in $clusters) {
$clusterName = $clusterArn -split "/" | Select-Object -Last 1
Write-Host "Processing cluster: $clusterName in region: $region"
try {
# List and delete services in the cluster
$services = aws ecs list-services --cluster $clusterName --region $region --query "serviceArns" --output json --profile $profile | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($services) {
foreach ($serviceArn in $services) {
$serviceName = $serviceArn -split "/" | Select-Object -Last 1
Write-Host "Stopping and deleting service: $serviceName in cluster: $clusterName"
aws ecs update-service --cluster $clusterName --service $serviceName --desired-count 0 --region $region --profile $profile | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 # Wait for service update
aws ecs delete-service --cluster $clusterName --service $serviceName --force --region $region --profile $profile | Out-Null
# Delete the cluster
Write-Host "Deleting cluster: $clusterName"
aws ecs delete-cluster --cluster $clusterName --region $region --profile $profile | Out-Null
} catch {
Write-Host "Error processing cluster: $clusterName. Error: $_"
} else {
Write-Host "No clusters found in region: $region"
} catch {
Write-Host "Error processing region: $region. Error: $_"
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