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Dejavu Moe DejavuMoe

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DejavuMoe /
Created February 14, 2023 16:22 — forked from davelevine/
How to Properly Cache Content Hosted on Backblaze B2 with Cloudflare

How to Properly Cache Content Hosted on Backblaze B2


Because I use Cloudflare to manage my domains and Backblaze for backups, it only made sense to take advantage of their Bandwidth Alliance for creating my own CDN. This has been incredibly helpful for image hosting for this knowledge base, however, I recently noticed that caching wasn't working as it should.

The Problem

The overall problem started when I was adding a parking page for a domain I recently purchased. The background image was hosted on B2 and the image was supposed to be cached by Cloudflare. However, each time the page loaded, it would pull the image from the origin instead of the cache. I checked this on my knowledge base and found it was doing the same thing.

DejavuMoe /
Created September 3, 2022 07:16 — forked from maboloshi/
[Mac下配置Aria2] #macOS #aria2


安装和设置 Aria2

# 使用 Homebrew 安装 aria2
brew install aria2

# 创建配置文件aria2.conf和空对话文件aria2.session
mkdir ~/.aria2 && cd ~/.aria2
touch aria2.conf
DejavuMoe / Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Last active March 6, 2023 02:28
Windows Terminal Config
# 导入 posh-git 模块
Import-Module posh-git
# 导入 oh-my-posh 模块
Import-Module oh-my-posh
# 设置主题
Set-PoshPrompt -Theme ys
# 设置 winfetch 模块