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Created July 14, 2023 14:36
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Android compose reversible pull refresh state.
import androidx.compose.material.ExperimentalMaterialApi
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollConnection
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollSource
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.nestedScroll
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.inspectable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Velocity
* A nested scroll modifier that provides scroll events to [state].
* Note that this modifier must be added above a scrolling container, such as a lazy column, in
* order to receive scroll events. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.PullRefreshSample
* @param state The [ReversiblePullRefreshState] associated with this pull-to-refresh component.
* The state will be updated by this modifier.
* @param enabled If not enabled, all scroll delta and fling velocity will be ignored.
* @param reverseLayout A boolean controlling whether the pull refresh should be reversed or not.
fun Modifier.reversiblePullRefresh(
state: ReversiblePullRefreshState,
enabled: Boolean = true,
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
) = inspectable(inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "pullRefresh"
properties["state"] = state
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["reverseLayout"] = reverseLayout
}) {
Modifier.reversiblePullRefresh(state::onPull, state::onRelease, enabled, reverseLayout)
* A nested scroll modifier that provides [onPull] and [onRelease] callbacks to aid building custom
* pull refresh components.
* Note that this modifier must be added above a scrolling container, such as a lazy column, in
* order to receive scroll events. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.PullRefreshSample
* @param onPull Callback for dispatching vertical scroll delta, takes float pullDelta as argument.
* Positive delta (pulling down) is dispatched only if the child does not consume it (i.e. pulling
* down despite being at the top of a scrollable component), whereas negative delta (swiping up) is
* dispatched first (in case it is needed to push the indicator back up), and then the unconsumed
* delta is passed on to the child. The callback returns how much delta was consumed.
* @param onRelease Callback for when drag is released, takes float flingVelocity as argument.
* The callback returns how much velocity was consumed - in most cases this should only consume
* velocity if pull refresh has been dragged already and the velocity is positive (the fling is
* downwards), as an upwards fling should typically still scroll a scrollable component beneath the
* pullRefresh. This is invoked before any remaining velocity is passed to the child.
* @param enabled If not enabled, all scroll delta and fling velocity will be ignored and neither
* [onPull] nor [onRelease] will be invoked.
* @param reverseLayout A boolean controlling whether the pull refresh should be reversed or not.
fun Modifier.reversiblePullRefresh(
onPull: (pullDelta: Float) -> Float,
onRelease: suspend (flingVelocity: Float) -> Float,
enabled: Boolean = true,
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
) = inspectable(inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "pullRefresh"
properties["onPull"] = onPull
properties["onRelease"] = onRelease
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["reverseLayout"] = reverseLayout
}) {
Modifier.nestedScroll(ReversiblePullRefreshNestedScrollConnection(onPull, onRelease, enabled, reverseLayout))
private class ReversiblePullRefreshNestedScrollConnection(
private val onPull: (pullDelta: Float) -> Float,
private val onRelease: suspend (flingVelocity: Float) -> Float,
private val enabled: Boolean,
private val reverseLayout: Boolean,
) : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPreScroll(
available: Offset,
source: NestedScrollSource
): Offset = when {
!enabled -> Offset.Zero
!reverseLayout && source == NestedScrollSource.Drag && available.y < 0 -> Offset(
) // Swiping up
reverseLayout && source == NestedScrollSource.Drag && available.y > 0 -> Offset(
) // Pulling down
else -> Offset.Zero
override fun onPostScroll(
consumed: Offset,
available: Offset,
source: NestedScrollSource
): Offset = when {
!enabled -> Offset.Zero
!reverseLayout && source == NestedScrollSource.Drag && available.y > 0 -> Offset(
) // Pulling down
reverseLayout && source == NestedScrollSource.Drag && available.y < 0 -> Offset(
) // Swiping up
else -> Offset.Zero
override suspend fun onPreFling(available: Velocity): Velocity {
return Velocity(0f, onRelease(available.y))
import androidx.compose.animation.Crossfade
import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearOutSlowInEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloatAsState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.material.CircularProgressIndicator
import androidx.compose.material.ExperimentalMaterialApi
import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material.Surface
import androidx.compose.material.contentColorFor
import androidx.compose.material.pullrefresh.PullRefreshState
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.derivedStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.drawWithContent
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.rotate
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.inspectable
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.pow
* A modifier for translating the position and scaling the size of a pull-to-refresh indicator
* based on the given [ReversiblePullRefreshState].
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.PullRefreshIndicatorTransformSample
* @param state The [ReversiblePullRefreshState] which determines the position of the indicator.
* @param scale A boolean controlling whether the indicator's size scales with pull progress or not.
* @param reverseLayout A boolean controlling whether the pull refresh should be reversed or not.
fun Modifier.reversiblePullRefreshIndicatorTransform(
state: ReversiblePullRefreshState,
scale: Boolean = false,
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
) = inspectable(inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "reversiblePullRefreshIndicatorTransform"
properties["state"] = state
properties["scale"] = scale
}) {
if (reverseLayout) {
} else {
// Essentially we only want to clip the at the top, so the indicator will not appear when
// the position is 0. It is preferable to clip the indicator as opposed to the layout that
// contains the indicator, as this would also end up clipping shadows drawn by items in a
// list for example - so we leave the clipping to the scrolling container. We use MAX_VALUE
// for the other dimensions to allow for more room for elevation / arbitrary indicators - we
// only ever really want to clip at the top edge.
.drawWithContent {
top = 0f,
left = -Float.MAX_VALUE,
right = Float.MAX_VALUE,
bottom = Float.MAX_VALUE
) {
.graphicsLayer {
translationY = if (reverseLayout) {
abs(state.position) - size.height
} else {
state.position - size.height
if (scale && !state.refreshing) {
val scaleFraction = LinearOutSlowInEasing
.transform(state.position / state.threshold)
.coerceIn(0f, 1f)
scaleX = scaleFraction
scaleY = scaleFraction
* The default indicator for Compose pull-to-refresh, based on Android's SwipeRefreshLayout.
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.PullRefreshSample
* @param refreshing A boolean representing whether a refresh is occurring.
* @param state The [PullRefreshState] which controls where and how the indicator will be drawn.
* @param modifier Modifiers for the indicator.
* @param backgroundColor The color of the indicator's background.
* @param contentColor The color of the indicator's arc and arrow.
* @param scale A boolean controlling whether the indicator's size scales with pull progress or not.
* @param reverseLayout A boolean controlling whether the pull refresh should be reversed or not.
fun ReversiblePullRefreshIndicator(
refreshing: Boolean,
state: ReversiblePullRefreshState,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(backgroundColor),
scale: Boolean = false,
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
) {
val showElevation by remember(refreshing, state) {
derivedStateOf { refreshing || abs(state.position) > 0.5f }
modifier = modifier
.reversiblePullRefreshIndicatorTransform(state, scale, reverseLayout),
shape = SpinnerShape,
color = backgroundColor,
elevation = if (showElevation) Elevation else 0.dp,
) {
targetState = refreshing,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = CrossfadeDurationMs),
label = ""
) { refreshing ->
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
val spinnerSize = (ArcRadius + StrokeWidth).times(2)
if (refreshing) {
color = contentColor,
strokeWidth = StrokeWidth,
modifier = Modifier.size(spinnerSize),
} else {
ReversibleCircularArrowIndicator(state, contentColor, Modifier.size(spinnerSize))
* Modifier.size MUST be specified.
private fun ReversibleCircularArrowIndicator(
state: ReversiblePullRefreshState,
color: Color,
modifier: Modifier,
) {
val path = remember { Path().apply { fillType = PathFillType.EvenOdd } }
val targetAlpha by remember(state) {
derivedStateOf {
if (state.progress >= 1f) MaxAlpha else MinAlpha
val alphaState = animateFloatAsState(targetValue = targetAlpha, animationSpec = AlphaTween)
// Empty semantics for tests
Canvas(modifier.semantics {}) {
val values = ArrowValues(state.progress)
val alpha = alphaState.value
rotate(degrees = values.rotation) {
val arcRadius = ArcRadius.toPx() + StrokeWidth.toPx() / 2f
val arcBounds = Rect( - arcRadius, - arcRadius, + arcRadius, + arcRadius
color = color,
alpha = alpha,
startAngle = values.startAngle,
sweepAngle = values.endAngle - values.startAngle,
useCenter = false,
topLeft = arcBounds.topLeft,
size = arcBounds.size,
style = Stroke(
width = StrokeWidth.toPx(),
cap = StrokeCap.Square
drawArrow(path, arcBounds, color, alpha, values)
private class ArrowValues(
val rotation: Float,
val startAngle: Float,
val endAngle: Float,
val scale: Float
private fun ArrowValues(progress: Float): ArrowValues {
// Discard first 40% of progress. Scale remaining progress to full range between 0 and 100%.
val adjustedPercent = max(min(1f, progress) - 0.4f, 0f) * 5 / 3
// How far beyond the threshold pull has gone, as a percentage of the threshold.
val overshootPercent = abs(progress) - 1.0f
// Limit the overshoot to 200%. Linear between 0 and 200.
val linearTension = overshootPercent.coerceIn(0f, 2f)
// Non-linear tension. Increases with linearTension, but at a decreasing rate.
val tensionPercent = linearTension - linearTension.pow(2) / 4
// Calculations based on SwipeRefreshLayout specification.
val endTrim = adjustedPercent * MaxProgressArc
val rotation = (-0.25f + 0.4f * adjustedPercent + tensionPercent) * 0.5f
val startAngle = rotation * 360
val endAngle = (rotation + endTrim) * 360
val scale = min(1f, adjustedPercent)
return ArrowValues(rotation, startAngle, endAngle, scale)
private fun DrawScope.drawArrow(
arrow: Path,
bounds: Rect,
color: Color,
alpha: Float,
values: ArrowValues
) {
arrow.moveTo(0f, 0f) // Move to left corner
arrow.lineTo(x = ArrowWidth.toPx() * values.scale, y = 0f) // Line to right corner
// Line to tip of arrow
x = ArrowWidth.toPx() * values.scale / 2,
y = ArrowHeight.toPx() * values.scale
val radius = min(bounds.width, bounds.height) / 2f
val inset = ArrowWidth.toPx() * values.scale / 2f
x = radius + - inset,
y = + StrokeWidth.toPx() / 2f
rotate(degrees = values.endAngle) {
drawPath(path = arrow, color = color, alpha = alpha)
private const val CrossfadeDurationMs = 100
private const val MaxProgressArc = 0.8f
private val IndicatorSize = 40.dp
private val SpinnerShape = CircleShape
private val ArcRadius = 7.5.dp
private val StrokeWidth = 2.5.dp
private val ArrowWidth = 10.dp
private val ArrowHeight = 5.dp
private val Elevation = 6.dp
// Values taken from SwipeRefreshLayout
private const val MinAlpha = 0.3f
private const val MaxAlpha = 1f
private val AlphaTween = tween<Float>(300, easing = LinearEasing)
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animate
import androidx.compose.material.ExperimentalMaterialApi
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.derivedStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
* Creates a [ReversiblePullRefreshState] that is remembered across compositions.
* Changes to [refreshing] will result in [ReversiblePullRefreshState] being updated.
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.PullRefreshSample
* @param refreshing A boolean representing whether a refresh is currently occurring.
* @param onRefresh The function to be called to trigger a refresh.
* @param reverseLayout A boolean controlling whether the pull refresh should be reversed or not.
* @param refreshThreshold The threshold below which, if a release
* occurs, [onRefresh] will be called.
* @param refreshingOffset The offset at which the indicator will be drawn while refreshing. This
* offset corresponds to the position of the bottom of the indicator.
fun rememberReversiblePullRefreshState(
refreshing: Boolean,
onRefresh: () -> Unit,
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
refreshThreshold: Dp = if (reverseLayout) {
} else {
refreshingOffset: Dp = if (reverseLayout) {
} else {
): ReversiblePullRefreshState {
require(reverseLayout || refreshThreshold > 0.dp) { "The refresh trigger must be greater than zero!" }
require(!reverseLayout || refreshThreshold < 0.dp) { "The refresh trigger must be lower than zero!" }
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val onRefreshState = rememberUpdatedState(onRefresh)
val thresholdPx: Float
val refreshingOffsetPx: Float
with(LocalDensity.current) {
thresholdPx = refreshThreshold.toPx()
refreshingOffsetPx = refreshingOffset.toPx()
val state = remember(scope) {
ReversiblePullRefreshState(scope, onRefreshState, reverseLayout, refreshingOffsetPx, thresholdPx)
SideEffect {
return state
* A state object that can be used in conjunction with [reversiblePullRefresh] to add pull-to-refresh
* behaviour to a scroll component. Based on Android's SwipeRefreshLayout.
* Provides [progress], a float representing how far the user has pulled as a percentage of the
* refreshThreshold. Values of one or less indicate that the user has not yet pulled past the
* threshold. Values greater than one indicate how far past the threshold the user has pulled.
* Can be used in conjunction with [reversiblePullRefreshIndicatorTransform] to implement
* Android-like pull-to-refresh behaviour with a custom indicator.
* Should be created using [rememberReversiblePullRefreshState].
class ReversiblePullRefreshState internal constructor(
private val animationScope: CoroutineScope,
private val onRefreshState: State<() -> Unit>,
private val reverseLayout: Boolean,
refreshingOffset: Float,
threshold: Float
) {
* A float representing how far the user has pulled as a percentage of the refreshThreshold.
* If the component has not been pulled at all, progress is zero. If the pull has reached
* halfway to the threshold, progress is 0.5f. A value greater than 1 indicates that pull has
* gone beyond the refreshThreshold - e.g. a value of 2f indicates that the user has pulled to
* two times the refreshThreshold.
val progress get() = adjustedDistancePulled / threshold
internal val refreshing get() = _refreshing
internal val position get() = _position
internal val threshold get() = _threshold
private val adjustedDistancePulled by derivedStateOf { distancePulled * DragMultiplier }
private var _refreshing by mutableStateOf(false)
private var _position by mutableStateOf(0f)
private var distancePulled by mutableStateOf(0f)
private var _threshold by mutableStateOf(threshold)
private var _refreshingOffset by mutableStateOf(refreshingOffset)
internal fun onPull(pullDelta: Float): Float {
if (_refreshing) return 0f // Already refreshing, do nothing.
val newOffset = if (reverseLayout) {
(distancePulled + pullDelta).coerceAtMost(0f)
} else {
(distancePulled + pullDelta).coerceAtLeast(0f)
val dragConsumed = newOffset - distancePulled
distancePulled = newOffset
_position = calculateIndicatorPosition()
return dragConsumed
internal fun onRelease(velocity: Float): Float {
if (refreshing) return 0f // Already refreshing, do nothing
when {
!reverseLayout && adjustedDistancePulled > threshold -> onRefreshState.value()
reverseLayout && adjustedDistancePulled < threshold -> onRefreshState.value()
val consumed = when {
// We are flinging without having dragged the pull refresh (for example a fling inside
// a list) - don't consume
distancePulled == 0f -> 0f
// If the velocity is negative, the fling is upwards, and we don't want to prevent the
// the list from scrolling
velocity < 0f -> 0f
// We are showing the indicator, and the fling is downwards - consume everything
else -> velocity
distancePulled = 0f
return consumed
internal fun setRefreshing(refreshing: Boolean) {
if (_refreshing != refreshing) {
_refreshing = refreshing
distancePulled = 0f
animateIndicatorTo(if (refreshing) _refreshingOffset else 0f)
internal fun setThreshold(threshold: Float) {
_threshold = threshold
internal fun setRefreshingOffset(refreshingOffset: Float) {
if (_refreshingOffset != refreshingOffset) {
_refreshingOffset = refreshingOffset
if (refreshing) animateIndicatorTo(refreshingOffset)
// Make sure to cancel any existing animations when we launch a new one. We use this instead of
// Animatable as calling snapTo() on every drag delta has a one frame delay, and some extra
// overhead of running through the animation pipeline instead of directly mutating the state.
private val mutatorMutex = MutatorMutex()
private fun animateIndicatorTo(offset: Float) = animationScope.launch {
mutatorMutex.mutate {
animate(initialValue = _position, targetValue = offset) { value, _ ->
_position = value
private fun calculateIndicatorPosition(): Float = when {
// If drag hasn't gone past the threshold, the position is the adjustedDistancePulled.
!reverseLayout && adjustedDistancePulled <= threshold -> adjustedDistancePulled
reverseLayout && adjustedDistancePulled >= threshold -> adjustedDistancePulled
else -> {
// How far beyond the threshold pull has gone, as a percentage of the threshold.
val overshootPercent = abs(progress) - 1.0f
// Limit the overshoot to 200%. Linear between 0 and 200.
val linearTension = overshootPercent.coerceIn(0f, 2f)
// Non-linear tension. Increases with linearTension, but at a decreasing rate.
val tensionPercent = linearTension - linearTension.pow(2) / 4
// The additional offset beyond the threshold.
val extraOffset = threshold * tensionPercent
threshold + extraOffset
* Default parameter values for [rememberReversiblePullRefreshState].
object PullRefreshDefaults {
* If the indicator is below this threshold offset when it is released, a refresh
* will be triggered.
val RefreshThreshold = 80.dp
* The offset at which the indicator should be rendered whilst a refresh is occurring.
val RefreshingOffset = 56.dp
* The distance pulled is multiplied by this value to give us the adjusted distance pulled, which
* is used in calculating the indicator position (when the adjusted distance pulled is less than
* the refresh threshold, it is the indicator position, otherwise the indicator position is
* derived from the progress).
private const val DragMultiplier = 0.5f
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