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Created September 3, 2019 06:12
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Simple texture blending shader that blends 3 textures of varying tiling and offsets.
Shader "Custom/TextureBlendShader"
_MainTex01 ("Texture01", 2D) = "white" {}
_MainTex02 ("Texture02", 2D) = "white" {}
_MainTex03 ("Texture03", 2D) = "white" {}
[Header(Fragment RGBA Multipliers)]
_FragR ("FragR", Range(0,5)) = 1
_FragG ("FragG", Range(0,5)) = 1
_FragB ("FragB", Range(0,5)) = 1
_FragA ("FragA", Range(0,5)) = 1
Tags { "RenderQueue"="Geometry" }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
sampler2D _MainTex01; float4 _MainTex01_ST;
sampler2D _MainTex02; float4 _MainTex02_ST;
sampler2D _MainTex03; float4 _MainTex03_ST;
float _FragR; float _FragG; float _FragB; float _FragA;
float Remap(float value, float low1, float high1, float low2, float high2)
return low2 + (value - low1) * (high2 - low2) / (high1 - low1);
void vert (
float4 pos : POSITION,
out float4 opos : SV_POSITION,
float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 otexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 otexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1
opos = UnityObjectToClipPos(pos);
_MainTex01_ST.z = sin(radians(_Time.x));
_MainTex01_ST.w = sin(radians(_Time.x/10));
_MainTex02_ST.z = _Time.x/5;
_MainTex02_ST.w = -(_Time.x/10);
_MainTex03_ST.z = -(_Time.x/9);
_MainTex03_ST.w = sin(radians(_Time.x/5))*2;
_MainTex01_ST.x = Remap(sin(radians(_Time.y)),-1,1,1,1.5);
_MainTex01_ST.y = Remap(sin(radians(_Time.z/2)),-1,1,0.6,1.2);
_MainTex02_ST.x = Remap(sin(radians(_Time.x/5)),-1,1,0.5,1);
_MainTex02_ST.y = Remap(sin(radians(_Time.x/7)),-1,1,1,2);
_MainTex03_ST.x = Remap(sin(radians(_Time.x/15)),-1,1,1,1.5);
_MainTex03_ST.y = Remap(cos(radians(_Time.x/15)),-1,1,0.6,1.5);
otexCoord0.xy = texCoord0.xy * _MainTex01_ST.xy +; = texCoord0.xy * _MainTex02_ST.xy +;
otexCoord1.xy = texCoord0.xy * _MainTex03_ST.xy +; = 0;
float4 frag (
float4 pos : SV_POSITION,
float4 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
float4 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1
float4 col1 = tex2D(_MainTex01, texCoord0.xy);
float4 col2 = tex2D(_MainTex01,;
float4 col3 = tex2D(_MainTex01, texCoord1.xy);
float4 fcol = float4(lerp(col1.rgb, col2.rgb, min(col1.r, col2.r)),1);
fcol.rgb = lerp(fcol.rgb, col3.rgb, min(col2.r, col3.r));
fcol.r *= _FragR;
fcol.g *= _FragG;
fcol.b *= _FragB;
fcol.a *= _FragA;
return fcol;
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