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Created October 26, 2017 08:18
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Store Transform PlayMode Changes
/// <summary>
/// -----------------------------
/// Transform Changes tool
/// -----------------------------
/// This is a simple tool that allows you to store any changes made to the Position, Rotation and Scale of all Gameobjects in the scene
/// during PlayMode, and apply those changes to all the Gameobjects after exiting PlayMode.
/// Instructions:
/// -Place this script in the Editor folder in your project. Then the 'MyTools' menu should appear in your MenuBar with the
/// Store and Apply options.
/// -Enter PlayMode. Make changes to the Postion, Rotation and Scale of gameobjects in the scene. Click 'MyTools/Store Transform PlayMode Changes'.
/// -Exit PlayMode. Click 'MyTools/Apply Transform PlayMode Changes'. All the changes you made to the Position, Rotation and Scale of
/// any gameobjects in the scene, will be applied.
/// -----------------------------
/// </summary>
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class TransformChanges : Editor
static GameObject[] allGameobjectsArr; // Store all the gameobjects present during PlayMode
static Dictionary<int, Vector3> allPositionsDict; // Stores gameobject InstanceIDs and positions
static Dictionary<int, Quaternion> allRotationsDict; // Stores gameobject InstanceIDs and rotations
static Dictionary<int, Vector3> allScalesDict; // Stores gameobject InstanceIDs and scales
// This method should be called when Editor is in PlayMode. It stores the Position, Rotation and Scale of all Gameobjects in the scene.
[MenuItem("MyTools/Store Transform PlayMode Changes")]
public static void StoreChanges()
// If Editor is in PlayMode
allGameobjectsArr = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>(); // Find all objects of type Gameobject in scene
allPositionsDict = new Dictionary<int, Vector3>();
allRotationsDict = new Dictionary<int, Quaternion>();
allScalesDict = new Dictionary<int, Vector3>();
// Populate all three dictionaries with initial InstanceIDs along with positions, rotations and scales during PlayMode
foreach(GameObject g in allGameobjectsArr)
allPositionsDict.Add(g.GetInstanceID(), g.transform.localPosition);
allRotationsDict.Add(g.GetInstanceID(), g.transform.localRotation);
allScalesDict.Add(g.GetInstanceID(), g.transform.localScale);
// If Editor is not in PlayMode
Debug.LogWarning("You can only Store changes when Editor is in Play Mode");
// This method should be called after exiting PlayMode. It sets the Position, Rotation and Scale of all Gameobjects back to
// whatever they were when the Editor was in PlayMode.
[MenuItem("MyTools/Apply Transform PlayMode Changes")]
public static void ApplyChanges()
// If Editor is not in PlayMode
// Dictionary to store instanceIDs and gameobjects that exist in the scene outside of PlayMode.
Dictionary<int, GameObject> nonPlayModeGameobjectsDict = new Dictionary<int, GameObject>();
// Make sure the array isn't null. Just in case...
if(allGameobjectsArr != null)
// Populate nonPlayModeGameobejctsDict with gameobjects and their InstanceIDs from allGameobjectsArr.
foreach(GameObject g in allGameobjectsArr)
nonPlayModeGameobjectsDict.Add(g.GetInstanceID(), g);
// Go over every keyvaluepair in nonPlayModeGameobjectsDict
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, GameObject> pair in nonPlayModeGameobjectsDict)
// Temp variables to pass in as 'out' arguments to the TryGetValue method
Vector3 pos;
Quaternion rot;
Vector3 scale;
// Check to see gameobject still exists in scene becaue gameobjects added to scene during PlayMode will
// get destroyed after stopping PlayMode, so this check makes sure the gameobject still exists in scene.
if(pair.Value != null)
// If InstanceID is found, store the corresponding localposition in pos
if(allPositionsDict.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out pos))
pair.Value.transform.localPosition = pos;
// If InstanceID is found, store the corresponding localrotation in rot
if(allRotationsDict.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out rot))
pair.Value.transform.localRotation = rot;
// If InstanceID is found, store the corresponding localscale in scale
if(allScalesDict.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out scale))
pair.Value.transform.localScale = scale;
// Clear the all the dictionaries. Also set them to null just in case.
allGameobjectsArr = null;
allPositionsDict = null;
allRotationsDict = null;
allScalesDict = null;
// If Editor is in PlayMode
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot apply changes when Editor is in Play Mode.");
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