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Last active July 24, 2023 19:32
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Just helping a donkey entertain their kid!
-- Here we list our ped models we want to cycle through.
local pedCycle = {
local currentPed = 0 -- This will hold our place in the cycle.
-- It is initialized at 0 so the first time we increment it, it will go to the first element in the table.
local function LoadModel(model)
-- First we check if it's even worth attempting
if not IsModelValid(model) then
print('Model ' .. model .. ' is invalid')
return false
-- Then we make the initial request
-- Let's store when we started waiting, so we know when it has timed out
local begin = GetGameTimer()
while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
if GetGameTimer() > begin + 1000 then -- That is, if it has been over a second since we started loading
print('Failed to load model ' .. model)
return false -- Bail out, and report failure
-- Or keep waiting a little longer
-- If we got here, that means it loaded!
return true
local function VehicleIAmIn()
if IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) then -- Because if we're not in a car, we don't care, right?
local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false) -- Set the vehicle
-- Just in case we're not the driver, we'll cycle through all the seats to find the one we're in
for seat = -1, GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(vehicle) do
if GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, seat) == PlayerPedId() then
return vehicle, seat
-- If we're somehow *not* in any of the seats, it will fall off the end of the function, returning nothing.
-- This is the same as not being in a vehicle at all.
local function SwapModel(model)
-- Swap out the player model!
SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), model)
-- To avoid leaving lots of ped models loaded when we don't really need them, we mark it as "GTAV can forget about it when it doesn't use it anymore"
-- Most peds have some props they can use, like the firemen have helmets and smoke masks, the cops have mirrored glasses, etc
-- Components are the bits and pieces a ped is built from. This can vary just about anything, like skin color and uniform details.
SetPedRandomComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 0)
local function NextPedPlease()
-- First we increment the place in the cycle
currentPed += 1
-- Then we check if it's out of bounds, and wrap around if it is.
if currentPed > #pedCycle then
currentPed = 1
-- Now we have the index we want, and can look up the model
local model = pedCycle[currentPed]
-- To become this ped, we'll have to load the model.
if not LoadModel(model) then return end -- If it doesn't report success, then it's meaningless to continue the process.
-- Let's store the position of the camera, as switching player model resets the camera to be right behind the player ped.
local camHeading = GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading()
local camPitch = GetGameplayCamRelativePitch()
-- Figure out what vehicle and seat we're in, if any
local vehicle, seat = VehicleIAmIn()
-- Swap out the model
if vehicle then -- That is, we were in a vehicle before
SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), vehicle, seat)
-- After the ped is loaded and set up, we put the camera back where it was.
-- This happens in a single frame, so the user won't see the camera move unless they're pressed up against a wall, or sat in a vehicle.
SetGameplayCamRelativePitch(camPitch, 1.0)
while true do -- Infinite loop.
-- An infinite loop will stall the client unless we yield the thread every now and then.
-- We should yield it as short as possible to not miss any keypresses.
-- If the key we want is pressed...
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 174) then -- Controls are listed at -- 174 is INPUT_CELLPHONE_LEFT, usually bound to Left arrow and DPad Left
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EEEEEEAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW this is one happy donkey !

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