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Created November 19, 2023 13:39
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Deferral and database lookup of player (entirely untested, educational purposes only)
AddEventHandler('playerConnecting', function(playerName, setKickReason, deferrals)
-- First, a local copy of source, so it doesn't get lost while deferring.
local source = source
-- Actually defer the connection
-- Wait a tick, so the deferral happens.
-- Tell the client what we're doing, in case it stalls at this point, somehow.
deferrals.update('Updating player name...')
-- Grab the identifier we need.
local identifier = GetPlayerIdentifierByType(source, 'license')
-- Query the database
MySQL.Async.insert('INSERT INTO Data (identifier, spelernaam) VALUES (@identifier, @spelernaam) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE spelernaam = @spelernaam', {
['@identifier'] = identifier,
['@spelernaam'] = playerName
}, function(rowsAffected)
if rowsAffected > 0 then
--[[ This makes no sense, as the player's chat resource isn't running yet.
TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, {
args = {'Your data has been processed.'}
deferrals.done() -- Admit the player.
-- Failure, so we deny the player.
deferrals.done('Could not update player name, or whatever')
print('Error processing data for ' .. playerName)
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