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Created January 17, 2023 10:36
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01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : rcsMain.cpp | 76 | | 2055 |########### RCS SERVICE START ##################
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : DaemonBaseImpl.cpp | 89 | | 2055 |addFdToListen[9a8063a8]: adding fd[24] status[0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : handshakeHandler.cpp | 34 | | 2055 |handshakeHandler ctor
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsTimer.cpp | 19 | | 2055 |ImsTimer: ctor
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsTimer.cpp | 41 | | 2055 |ImsTimer: initialize
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsTimer.cpp | 49 | | 2055 |ImsTimer: initialize function returns true
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsTimer.cpp | 19 | | 2055 |ImsTimer: ctor
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsTimer.cpp | 19 | | 2055 |ImsTimer: ctor
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : RcsProxy.cpp | 35 | | 2055 |RcsProxy::RcsProxy()
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : RcsIpcReqHandler.cpp | 238 | | 2041 |MainThreadEvtHandler:: activatelinklocalRequest | start
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : RcsIpcReqHandler.cpp | 264 | | 2041 |MainThreadEvtHandler:: activatelinklocalRequest | start
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsPdnFactoryImpl.cpp | 389 | | 2041 |ImsPdnFactoryImpl::IsPdnIdReady Pdp id 0, pdn found = 0, PdnIdMap size = 0
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 452 | | 2041 |Current [0xd83097c0], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 453 | | 2041 |Other [0x8a804e00], Appid[20]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 452 | | 2041 |Current [0x6a8111ec], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 453 | | 2041 |Other [0xd83097c0], Appid[20]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsPdnFactoryImpl.cpp | 432 | | 2041 |ImsPdnFactoryImpl: Allocated new Pdn Id 20, PdnIdMap size = 1
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsPdnFactoryImpl.cpp | 66 | | 2041 |ImsPdnFactoryImpl::createPdn called pdpReq->pdpReqInfo: eApnType [7]eFamilyType [2]eInstID [0]apnName [linklocal], client 8a804da0, PdnInfoMap size = 0
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsPdnFactoryImpl.cpp | 101 | | 2041 |ImsPdnFactoryImpl: New Pdn created Id = 20
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: failed to get path of fd 3: No such file or directory
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnInfoImpl.cpp | 46 | | 2041 |PdnInfoImp[0xaa808bd0] ctor Called [ LinkLocalPdnInfo ]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlClient.cpp | 45 | | 2041 |ImsDsiNetCtrlClient::getInstance localDB[aa807fe0], inDb[aa807fe0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlClient.cpp | 55 | | 2041 |ImsDsiNetCtrlClient::getInstance return Instance[0xfa80a8e0] for DB[0xaa807fe0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: allowing syscall: connect
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnStateMachine.h | 78 | | 2041 |stateEnum is 0
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnInfoImpl.cpp | 409 | | 2041 |PdnInfoImpl: Current State: 1, Previous state: 0
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: allowing syscall: fcntl
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnStateMachine.h | 64 | | 2041 |stateEnum is 1
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnStateMachine.h | 64 | | 2041 |stateEnum is 0
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: allowing syscall: sendto
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: allowing syscall: socket
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: allowing syscall: writev
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnInfoImpl.cpp | 80 | | 2041 |PdnInfoImp[0xaa808bd0] ctor end params: [ classType[LinkLocalPdnInfo],AppId[20],eFamilyType[2],eInstID[0],eApnType[7],QMI Client_handle[0x0],m_dsiNetCtrlInstance[0x0xb400007afa80a8e0],m_eventListener[0x0xb400007b8a804d90], ]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnInfoImpl.cpp | 204 | | 2041 |PdnInfoImpl: New client inserted, qmi client id 0, ipc client id 3
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnInfoImpl.cpp | 265 | | 2041 |PdnInfoImpl : PdnInfoImp gethandle for [ AppId[20],eFamilyType[2],eInstID[0],eApnType[7], ]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlClient.cpp | 73 | | 2041 |ImsDsiNetCtrlClient :GetHandle called
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsTimer.cpp | 19 | | 2041 |ImsTimer: ctor
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlWrapper.cpp | 250 | | 2041 |PdnCallInfo constructor called
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlWrapper.cpp | 114 | | 2041 |ImsDsiNetCtrlWrapper : InitializeDataCall called profile num 0, RAT 17
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlWrapper.cpp | 259 | | 2041 |ImsDsiNetCtrlWrapper : getDataHandle - unable to generate dsi_handle, retry on receiving dsi_init_cb
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsDsiNetCtrlClient.cpp | 89 | | 2041 |dsi_get_data_srvc handle returned NULL so wait for dsi_init_cb
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsPdnFactoryImpl.cpp | 115 | | 2041 |ImsPdnFactoryImpl: New Pdn created Id = 20, pdnInstance[0xaa808bd0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 452 | | 2041 |Current [0xd8309780], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 453 | | 2041 |Other [0x8a804e00], Appid[20]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 452 | | 2041 |Current [0x7a80a490], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 453 | | 2041 |Other [0xd8309780], Appid[20]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2041 E imsd : PdnInfoImpl.cpp | 122 | | 2041 |PdnInfoImp: isDsiNetHandleValid [ 0 ]
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsQmiServiceFactoryImpl.cpp | 45 | | 2055 |ImsQmiServiceFactoryImpl::createService called
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsQmiServiceFactoryImpl.cpp | 52 | | 2055 |ImsQmiServiceFactoryImpl: Service is already created
01-17 12:15:48.636 1970 2055 E imsd : ImsQmiDcmServiceImpl.cpp | 1706 | | 2055 |IMS DCM Service:registerListener: posting REGISTER_LISTENER evt
01-17 12:15:48.636 2036 2036 W ATFWD-daemon: libminijail[2036]: logging seccomp filter failures
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2035 E imsd : ImsQmiDcmServiceImpl.cpp | 1122 | | 2035 |IMS DCM Service: handleEvent Invalid Dcm Service event 10
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2035 E imsd : ImsQmiDcmServiceImpl.cpp | 1187 | | 2035 |IMS DCM Service:handleRegisterListener: 0xb400007b7a80ccb8 New listener added
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2035 E imsd : ImsQmiDcmServiceImpl.cpp | 1122 | | 2035 |IMS DCM Service: handleEvent Invalid Dcm Service event 8
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsMain.cpp | 710 | | 2041 |ImsMain: handleEvent Switched to Ims Main thread [ImsDcmServiceEvent]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2035 E imsd : ImsQmiService.cpp | 35 | | 2035 |ImsQmiService: notifyListeners ret 1 ==>
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsMain.cpp | 740 | | 2041 |ImsMain:Handle Event sName[ImsDcmServiceEvent]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 452 | | 2041 |Current [0xd8309830], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 453 | | 2041 |Other [0x9a807b10], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsMain.cpp | 743 | | 2041 |ImsMain:Handle Event sName[3]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2035 E imsd : ImsQmiDcmServiceImpl.cpp | 1122 | | 2035 |IMS DCM Service: handleEvent Invalid Dcm Service event 9
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsMain.cpp | 710 | | 2041 |ImsMain: handleEvent Switched to Ims Main thread [ImsDcmServiceEvent]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2035 E imsd : ImsQmiService.cpp | 35 | | 2035 |ImsQmiService: notifyListeners ret 1 ==>
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsMain.cpp | 740 | | 2041 |ImsMain:Handle Event sName[ImsDcmServiceEvent]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 452 | | 2041 |Current [0xd8309830], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsCommonDef.h | 453 | | 2041 |Other [0x9a805b70], Appid[0]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1970 2041 E imsd : ImsMain.cpp | 743 | | 2041 |ImsMain:Handle Event sName[4]
01-17 12:15:48.637 1890 1902 E BLASTBufferQueue: [bbq-adapter#0](f:0,a:3) Faking releaseBufferCallback from transactionCompleteCallback
01-17 12:15:48.638 1418 1418 D APM_EngineLoader: Loaded engine from
01-17 12:15:48.638 1970 1970 E Diag_Lib: diag: Diag_LSM_Init: invoked for pid: 1970 with init_count: 2
01-17 12:15:48.638 1970 1970 E Diag_Lib: diag: Diag_LSM_Init: done for pid: 1970 with init_count: 3
01-17 12:15:48.638 1970 1970 E imsd : ImsServiceMain.cpp | 91 | | 1970 |ImsServiceMain : startService[ 1 ]
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