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Last active January 17, 2018 17:33
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Extract BTCWare ransomware config
Extract BTCWare Ransomware Config
Author: @demonslay335
import sys
import string
import re
import os
import argparse
def strings(filename, min=4, max=10000):
with open(filename, "rb") as f: # Python 2.x
result = ""
for c in
if c in string.printable:
result += c
if len(result) >= min and len(result) <= max:
yield result
result = ""
if len(result) >= min and len(result) <= max: # catch result at EOF
yield result
# Double-check it is an executable
def isexe(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
return[:2] == 'MZ'
# Check if file appears to be packed
def ispacked(path):
# Iterate strings
for s in strings(path, 4, 10):
# UPX packing
if 'UPX0' in s or 'UPX1' in s:
return True
return False
# Check if this is just a decrypter
def isdecrypter(path):
# Iterate strings
for s in strings(path, 10):
# Decrypt import
if 'Decrypt %s' in s or 'Decrypt start in' in s:
return True
return False
# Extract config from file
def extract_config(exe):
note_path = ''
decrypter = isdecrypter(exe)
key = ''
extension = ''
note_filename = ''
note_contents = ''
emails = []
# Iterate strings
for s in strings(exe, 7):
# AES key (decrypter)
if decrypter and re.match(r"[A-F0-9]{64}", s):
key = s
# RSA key
elif 'BEGIN PUBLIC KEY' in s:
key = s
# Note filename
elif '.txt' in s or '.hta' in s or '.inf' in s:
note_filename = s
# Extension for decrypter
elif decrypter and '%' not in s and re.match(r"^\.[a-z]{4,10}$", s):
extension = s
# Extension (exception for key.dat file and exe name)
elif not decrypter and '%s' in s and '.' in s and 'key' not in s and 'exe' not in s and 'Decrypt' not in s:
extension = s
# Email address
elif re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", s):
matches = re.findall(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+', s)
for match in matches:
# May also be the HTML
if '<' in s and '>' in s and 'manifest' not in s:
note_contents += s
elif '<' in s and '>' in s and 'manifest' not in s:
note_contents += s
# Try base64 decoding a string
b = s.decode("base64").decode("ascii")
# Check for success
if len(b) > 0:
# Email address
if re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", b):
matches = re.findall(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+', b)
for match in matches:
# May also be the HTML
if '<' in b and '>' in b and 'manifest' not in b:
note_contents += b
return {
'decrypter': decrypter,
'key': key,
'extension': extension,
'note_filename': note_filename,
'emails': set(emails),
'note_contents': note_contents
def process_file(path, args, output=True):
# Verify it is a file and executable
if not os.path.isfile(path) or not isexe(path):
# Check for packing
if ispacked(path):
print "[-] File appears to be packed"
# Extract config
config = extract_config(path)
# Check for success
if config is None:
print "[-] Error extracting config"
# Output our config
if output:
print "File: %s" % path
if not config['decrypter']:
if args.only is None or args.only == 'key':
print "[+] RSA Key: %s" % config['key']
if args.only is None or args.only == 'extension':
print "[+] Extension: %s" % config['extension']
if args.only is None or args.only == 'note':
print "[+] Ransom Note: %s" % config['note_filename']
if args.only is None or args.only == 'email':
for e in config['emails']:
print "[+] Email Address: %s" % e
print "[!] File is a decrypter"
if args.only is None or args.only == 'key':
print "[+] AES key: %s" % config['key']
if args.only is None or args.only == 'extension':
print "[+] Extension: %s" % config['extension']
# Check for saving the note
if args.save_note:
note_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), config['note_filename'] + ' - ' + os.path.basename(path))
with open(note_path, 'ab') as f:
print "[+] Wrote ransom note contents to: %s" % note_path
# Or outputting it
elif args.note or args.only == 'note':
if output:
print config['note_contents']
if output:
print ""
return config
def process_unique(configs, args):
# Iterate and create unique sets
keys = set()
extensions = set()
notes = set()
emails = set()
for config in configs:
# Filter empties
keys = filter(None, keys)
extensions = filter(None, extensions)
notes = filter(None, notes)
emails = filter(None, emails)
print "[+] Analyzed %d samples..." % len(config)
if args.only is None or args.only == 'key':
print "[+] Unique RSA Keys (%d): " % len(keys)
for key in keys:
print key
if args.only is None or args.only == 'extension':
print "[+] Unique Extensions (%d): " % len(extensions)
for extension in extensions:
print extension
if args.only is None or args.only == 'note':
print "[+] Unique Ransom Notes (%d): " % len(notes)
for note in notes:
print note
if args.only is None or args.only == 'email':
print "[+] Unique Email Addresses (%d): " % len(emails)
for email in emails:
print email
# Setup argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract configuration from BTCWare ransomware.')
parser.add_argument('path', help='executable path or folder')
parser.add_argument('-n, --note', dest='note', help='output ransom note contents', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-s, --save_note', dest='save_note', help='save ransom note contents to file', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-u, --unique', dest='unique', help='output only unique config variables', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-o, --only', dest='only', help='only output certain variable',
choices=['key', 'email', 'extension', 'note'])
# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check for path
if os.path.isdir(args.path):
configs = []
# Iterate files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.path):
for filename in files:
# Process the file
config = process_file(os.path.join(root, filename), args, not args.unique)
# Add to config array
if config is not None:
# Unique flag
if args.unique:
# Process configs as unique
process_unique(configs, args)
# Check for file
elif os.path.isfile(args.path):
# Process the file
process_file(args.path, args)
print "[-] Invalid executable"
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