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Last active January 16, 2023 14:49
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Extract GlobeImposter ransomware config
Extract GlobeImposter 2.0 Ransomware Config
Author: @demonslay335
import os
import sys
import binascii
import re
import hashlib
import pefile
import argparse
# RC4 key scheduling
def KSA(key):
keylength = len(key)
S = range(256)
j = 0
for i in range(256):
j = (j + S[i] + key[i % keylength]) % 256
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
return S
# RC4 pseudo-random generator algorithm
def PRGA(S):
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
i = (i + 1) % 256
j = (j + S[i]) % 256
S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap
K = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256]
yield K
# Use RC4 algorithm
def RC4(key):
S = KSA(key)
return PRGA(S)
# Decrypt using RC4
def DecryptRC4(cipher, key):
# Generate RC4 keystream
keystream = RC4(key)
# Plaintext
plaintext = ''
# Decrypt with RC4
for c in cipher:
if isinstance(c, basestring):
x = ord(c) ^
x = c ^
plaintext += chr(x)
return plaintext
# Convert string to integers
def convert(s):
return [ord(c) for c in s]
# Check for non-ASCII in string
def ascii_only(s):
return all(ord(char) < 128 for char in s)
# Decrypt given config
def decrypt_config(config, config2, note, note2Part1, note2Part2, extra, key, key2):
# Convert key and cipher to byte arrays
key = convert(key)
key2 = convert(key2)
cipher = convert(config)
# Test decrypt
testPlaintext = DecryptRC4(config, key)
if not ascii_only(testPlaintext):
# Try secondary RC4 key
key = key2
print "[!] Primary RC4 key failed, switching to secondary RC4 key..."
configPlaintext = DecryptRC4(config, key)
config2Plaintext = DecryptRC4(config2, key)
notePlaintext = DecryptRC4(note, key)
note2Part1Plaintext = DecryptRC4(note2Part1, key)
note2Part2Plaintext = DecryptRC4(note2Part2, key)
extraPlaintext = ''
note2Plaintext = ''
if extra is not '':
extraPlaintext = DecryptRC4(extra, key)
# Check extra is valid
if not isinstance(extraPlaintext, str):
extraPlaintext = ''
# Note from resources may need decoded from widechar
note2Plaintext = note2Part1Plaintext.decode('utf-16')
note2Plaintext += note2Part2Plaintext.decode('utf-16')
# Split up the configs
config = configPlaintext.split(chr(0))
config2 = config2Plaintext.split(chr(0))
# Check for valid decryption
if len(config) == 1:
print "[-] Error decrypting config"
config = ['0', '0']
# Check config is valid
if not isinstance(config[0], str) or not isinstance(config[1], str):
print "[-] Error decrypting config"
config = ['0', '0']
# Check note is valid
if notePlaintext.find('<h') != -1:
note = notePlaintext
elif note2Plaintext.find('<h') != -1:
note = note2Plaintext
print "[-] Error decrypting note"
note = ''
# Determine which config the filename is in
if config[1] is not '' and ascii_only(config[1]):
filename = config[1]
elif config2[0] is not '' and ascii_only(config2[0]):
filename = config2[0]
print "[-] Error decoding filename"
filename = ''
# Extract any email addresses from the decrypted note
emails = re.findall(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+', note)
# Extract any bitcoin addresses from the decrypted note
bitcoins = re.findall(r'\b[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}\b', note)
# Extract any bitmessage addresses from the decrypted note
bitmessages = re.findall(r'BM-[1-9a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z]{32,34}', note)
# Extract any Tor addresses from the decrypted note
tors = [t.replace('href="', '') for t in re.findall('(?:https?://)?(?:www)?(\S*?\.onion)', note, re.M | re.IGNORECASE)]
# Return our config
return {
'extension': config[0],
'filename': filename,
'note': note,
'emails': set(emails),
'bitmessage': set(bitmessages),
'bitcoin': set(bitcoins),
'tor': set(tors),
'extra': extraPlaintext
def load_file(path):
# Read the whole file
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
content =
return content
def extract_config(path):
# Load file
exe = load_file(path)
exeHex = binascii.hexlify(exe)
# Extract key as string
m ='([A-F0-9]){512}', exe)
key = '0'
key2 = '0'
# Check if we got a key this way
if m == None:
print "[-] Error extracting key"
rsa =
# Only the first 0x14 bytes are used as the RC4 key
key = rsa[:0x14]
# Or a SHA256
key2 = hashlib.sha256(rsa).digest()
print "[+] Extracted RC4 key: %s" % key
print "[+] Extracted public RSA-%d key: %s" % (len(rsa) / 2 * 8, rsa)
print "[+] Secondary RC4 key: %s" % binascii.hexlify(key2).upper()
# Zero array used for filtering blank results
z = '0' * 68
config = ''
# Regex for known config patterns
config_patterns = [
# Iterate possible config patterns
for pattern in config_patterns:
matches = re.finditer(pattern, exeHex)
# Iterate matches
for m in matches:
# Ignore empty matches or mostly-zero matches
if != z and'0') < 20:
config =
print "[+] Extracted encrypted config: %s" % config
# Check for success with this pattern
if config is not '':
# Check we got a config cipher at all
if config is '':
print "[-] Error extracting config"
return None
# Regex for known config2 patterns
config2_patterns = [
config2 = ''
# Iterate possible config patterns
for pattern in config2_patterns:
matches = re.finditer(pattern, exeHex)
# Iterate matches
for m in matches:
# Ignore empty matches or mostly-zero matches
if != z and'0') < 20:
config2 =
print "[+] Extracted encrypted secondary config: %s" % config2
# Check for success with this pattern
if config2 is not '':
# Check we got a config2 cipher at all
if config2 is '':
print "[-] Error extracting secondary config"
# Find potential ransom note cipher after the imports
offset = exe.find("CommandLineA")
if offset == -1:
# Try again with another known import
offset = exe.find("RPCRT4.dll")
if offset == -1:
print "[-] Error extracting note"
offset += len("RPCRT4.dll") + 2
offset += len("CommandLineA") + 1
endOffset = offset
# Search for the end of the encrypted note
while not (ord(exe[endOffset]) == 0x00 and ord(exe[endOffset+1]) == 0x00 and ord(exe[endOffset+2]) == 0x00):
endOffset += 1
note = exe[offset:endOffset+1]
# Check we got a valid note
if note is '':
print "[-] Error extracting note"
print "[+] Extracted encrypted note (%d bytes)" % len(note)
# Extract a secondary note that could be in the resources
pe = pefile.PE(path)
note2Part1 = ''
note2Part2 = ''
plaintextExtension = ''
plaintextFilename = ''
extra = ''
offset = 0x0
size = 0x0
# Iterate resources
for rsrc in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.entries:
# Iterate resource entries
for entry in
# Get offset and size of the resource
offset =[0].data.struct.OffsetToData
size =[0].data.struct.Size
# Check for entry 101, some random extra data possibly of interest
if == 101:
extra = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset+size]
print "[+] Extracted extra data from resources: %s" % binascii.hexlify(extra)
# Check for entry 104, part 1 of note
if == 104:
note2Part1 = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset+size]
print "[+] Extracted part 1 of encrypted note from resources (%d bytes)" % len(note2Part1)
# Check for entry 105, part 2 of note
elif == 105:
note2Part2 = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset+size]
print "[+] Extracted part 2 of encrypted note from resources (%d bytes)" % len(note2Part2)
# Check for entry 106, public RSA key and RC4 key
elif == 106:
rsa = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset+size]
key = rsa[:0x14]
print "[+] Extracted RC4 key from resources: %s" % key
print "[+] Extracted public RSA-%d key: %s" % (len(rsa) / 2 * 8, rsa)
# Check for entry 110, plaintext extension
elif == 110:
plaintextExtension = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset+size]
print "[+] Extracted plaintext extension from resources"
# Check for entry 111, plaintext ransom note filename
elif == 111:
plaintextFilename = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[offset:offset+size]
print "[+] Extracted plaintext ransom note filename from resources"
# Decrypted config
decrypted = decrypt_config(config.decode('hex'), config2.decode('hex'), note, note2Part1, note2Part2, extra, key, key2)
# Check for successful decryption
if decrypted is not None:
ret = decrypted.copy()
# Check for plaintext extension (from resources)
if plaintextExtension is not '':
# Overwrite
ret.update({'extension': plaintextExtension})
# Check for plaintext ransom note filename (from resources)
if plaintextFilename is not '':
# Overwrite
ret.update({'filename': plaintextFilename})
return None
return ret
# Setup argument parts
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract configuration from GlobeImposter 2.0 ransomware.')
parser.add_argument('file', help='executable path')
parser.add_argument('-n, --note', dest='note', help='output ransom note contents', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-s, --save_note', dest='save_note', help='save ransom note contents to file', action='store_true')
# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Extract config for given binary
config = extract_config(args.file)
# Check for success
if config == None:
print "\n[-] Error decrypting config"
# Output config data
print (
"\n[+] Extension: %s"
"\n[+] Ransom Note Filename: %s"
% (config['extension'], config['filename'])
# Output extra data if applicable
if config['extra'] is not '':
print "[+] Extra data: %s" % config['extra']
# Output emails, etc.
for e in config['emails']:
print "[+] Email Address: %s" % e
for b in config['bitmessage']:
print "[+] BitMessage: %s" % b
for b in config['bitcoin']:
print "[+] Bitcoin: %s" % b
for t in config['tor']:
print "[+] Tor: %s" % t
# Check for saving the note
if args.save_note:
note_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.file), config['filename'] + ' - ' + os.path.basename(args.file))
with open(note_path, 'wb') as f:
print "[+] Wrote ransom note contents to: %s" % note_path
# Or outputting it
elif args.note:
print "[+] Note:\n%s" % config['note'].encode(sys.stdout.encoding, errors='replace')
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