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Created March 9, 2012 15:35
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  • Save Demwunz/2007053 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Demwunz/2007053 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SASS: susy/html5-boilerplate starter
// This file must be imported before loading html5-boilerplate
// Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------
@import "compass/css3";
@import "compass/typography/vertical_rhythm";
// Grid ( -----------------------------------------------------
@import "susy";
$total-cols : 12;
$col-width : 4.125em; // 66 / 990 * 100 = %
$gutter-width : 1.125em; // 12 / 990 * 100 = %
$side-gutter-width : 2.813em; // 45 / 1080 * 100 = % | 2.813em
$show-grid-backgrounds : true;
// base
$line-height: 1.231 !default;
$font-color: rgb(51,51,51) !default;
$link-color: #00e !default;
$link-hover-color: #06e !default;
$link-visited-color: #551a8b !default;
$selected-font-color: #fff !default;
$selected-background-color: #ff5e99 !default;
$invalid-background-color: #f0dddd !default;
// Yahoo! font sizes ( ---------------------------
$base : 16;
//pixel size / base size * 100 = %
$px8 : (8 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px9 : (9 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px10 : (10 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px11 : (11 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px12 : (12 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px13 : (13 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px14 : (14 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px15 : (15 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px16 : (16 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px17 : (17 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px18 : (18 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px19 : (19 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px20 : (20 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px21 : (21 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px22 : (22 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px23 : (23 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px24 : (24 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px25 : (25 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px26 : (26 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px27 : (27 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px28 : (28 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px29 : (29 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px30 : (30 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px31 : (31 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px32 : (32 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px33 : (33 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px34 : (34 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px35 : (35 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px36 : (36 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px37 : (37 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px38 : (38 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px39 : (39 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
$px40 : (40 / $base * 100) + unquote('%');
//resets the page width
@mixin pagewidth($size:1080) {
width : #{($size / $base)}em;
//animates properties via css3
@mixin animate($property : all, $duration : 1000ms, $easing: ease-in, $delay : 0){
@include transition-property($property);
@include transition-duration($duration);
@include transition-timing-function($easing);
@include transition-delay($delay);
//nice rounded buttons
@mixin buttonize($button_size: 24px, $bgcolor : #333) {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
.ie7 &{
*behavior: url(js/;
color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
line-height: $button_size;
padding: 0 $button_size/1.5;
height: $button_size;
border: 1px solid $bgcolor;
@include border-radius(15px);
@include inline-block;
&:focus {
$experimental-support-for-svg: true;
background:darken($bgcolor, 5%);
// @TODO: Add docs to box-rgba!
@mixin box-rgba($color: unquote('0,0,0'), $amount: 0.6) {
@include rgba-background(rgba(0,0,0,0.8));
@include rgba-background-inline(rgba(0,0,0,0.8));
// Sharpen an image if it has become blurry due to upscaling or downscaling
// @see
@mixin sharpen-image {
-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor; /* IE 7+ */
// When photos are upscaled or downscaled, they often get blurry. Don't use
// this on flat color images, they will still appear blurry.
// @see
@mixin high-quality-image {
-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; /* IE 7+ */
// Optimizes the rendering on images so they
// appear faster, but at a lower quality. Useful for <video>
@mixin low-quality-image {
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