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Last active December 26, 2019 12:18
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module Main
namespace DNA
data Nucleotide : Char -> Type where
A : Nucleotide 'A'
C : Nucleotide 'C'
G : Nucleotide 'G'
T : Nucleotide 'T'
namespace RNA
data Nucleotide : Char -> Type where
A : Nucleotide 'A'
C : Nucleotide 'C'
G : Nucleotide 'G'
U : Nucleotide 'U'
data Every : (a -> Type) -> List a -> Type where
Nil : { P : a -> Type } -> Every P []
(::) : { P : a -> Type } -> P x -> Every P xs -> Every P (x :: xs)
transcribe : (s : String) -> { p : Every Dna.Nucleotide dna } -> Every Rna.Nucleotide rna
transcribe = ?transcribe_rhs
sealed trait Nucleotide
object Nucleotide {
sealed trait DNA extends Nucleotide
sealed trait RNA extends Nucleotide
object A extends Nucleotide with DNA with RNA
object C extends Nucleotide with DNA with RNA
object G extends Nucleotide with DNA with RNA
object T extends Nucleotide with DNA
object U extends Nucleotide with RNA
import Nucleotide.{A, C, G, T, U}
type DNA = Seq[Nucleotide.DNA]
type RNA = Seq[Nucleotide.RNA]
def transcribe(dna: DNA): RNA = dna map {
// using cast
// case T => U
// case n => n.asInstanceOf[Nucleotide.RNA]
// or explicitly
case A => A
case C => C
case G => G
case T => U
val dna: DNA = Seq(A, C, G, T) // won't compile if add U => Seq(A, C, G, U)
val rna: RNA = Seq(A, C, G, U) // won't compile if add T => Seq(A, C, G, T)
val nucleotides: Seq[Nucleotide] = dna ++ rna
transcribe(dna) == rna
-- Three files in one
-- Main.hs
module Main where
import qualified DNA as DNA
import DNA (DNA)
import qualified RNA as RNA
import RNA (RNA)
main :: IO ()
main = interact (show . transcribe . read)
transcribe :: DNA -> RNA
transcribe = map toRna where
toRna DNA.A = RNA.A
toRna DNA.C = RNA.C
toRna DNA.G = RNA.G
toRna DNA.T = RNA.U
-- DNA.hs
module DNA where
import qualified Text.Read as R
import qualified Text.Read.Lex as L
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P
import Text.Read ((<++))
data Nucleotide = A | C | G | T deriving (Eq)
type DNA = [Nucleotide]
instance Show Nucleotide where
show A = "A"
show C = "C"
show G = "G"
show T = "T"
showList = flip (foldr ((++) . show))
instance Read Nucleotide where
readPrec = R.parens (R.lift parseNucleotide)
readListPrec = R.readListPrecDefault <++ R.parens (R.lift (P.many parseNucleotide))
parseNucleotide :: P.ReadP Nucleotide
parseNucleotide = P.choice [ P.char 'A' >> return A
, P.char 'C' >> return C
, P.char 'G' >> return G
, P.char 'T' >> return T
-- RNA.hs
module RNA where
import qualified Text.Read as R
import qualified Text.Read.Lex as L
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P
import Text.Read ((<++))
data Nucleotide = A | C | G | U deriving (Eq)
type RNA = [Nucleotide]
instance Show Nucleotide where
show A = "A"
show C = "C"
show G = "G"
show U = "U"
showList = flip (foldr ((++) . show))
instance Read Nucleotide where
readPrec = R.parens (R.lift parseNucleotide)
readListPrec = R.readListPrecDefault <++ R.parens (R.lift (P.many parseNucleotide))
parseNucleotide :: P.ReadP Nucleotide
parseNucleotide = P.choice [ P.char 'A' >> return A
, P.char 'C' >> return C
, P.char 'G' >> return G
, P.char 'U' >> return U
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