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Last active October 22, 2019 20:50
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Simple PivotTable in Powershell
function Invoke-Pivot {
param (
[string]$rotate, # Bits along the top
[string]$keep, # Those along the side
[string]$value # What to total
# Create variable to store the output
$NewRows = @()
# Fields of interest
# $rotate = "Activity" # Bits along the top
# $keep = "Category" # Those along the side
# $value = "Duration" # What to total
# Find the unique "Rotate" [top row of the pivot] values and sort ascending
$pivots = $data | select -unique $rotate | foreach { $_.$rotate} | Sort-Object
# Step through the original data...
# for each of the "Keep" [left hand side] find the Sum of the "Value" for each "Rotate"
$data |
group $keep |
foreach {
$group = $_.Group
# Create the data row and name it as per the "Keep"
$row = new-object psobject
$row | add-member NoteProperty $keep $_.Name
foreach ($pivot in $pivots) { # Cycle through the unique "Rotate" values and get the sum
$row | add-member NoteProperty $pivot ($group | where { $_.$rotate -eq $pivot } | measure -sum $value).Sum
# Add the total to the row
$row | add-member NoteProperty Total ($group | measure -sum $value).Sum
# Add the row to the collection
$NewRows += $row
# Do something with the pivot rows
return $NewRows
Transforms rows and columns of a PSObject or other named object.
Long description
PS C:\> <example usage>
Explanation of what the example does
Inputs (if any)
Output (if any)
Rotates a vertical set similar to an Excel PivotTable
Given $data in the format:
Category Activity Duration
------------ ------------ --------
Management Email 1
Management Slides 4
Project A Email 2
Project A Research 1
Project B Research 3
with $keep = "Category", $rotate = "Activity", $value = "Duration"
Category Email Slides Total
---------- ----- ------ -----
Management 1 4 5
Project A 2 1 3
Project B 3 3
Who When Details
------------ ---------- -----------------------------------------------
dennis 2019-10-22 Converted to advanced script
aphalon 2015-07-23 1. Added $NewRows variable to hold the output
2. Unique values were hardcoded for the example
-> changed to be the variable fields
3. Sorted $pivots
4. Added a Total column
5. Commented it a little :)
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