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Last active October 19, 2015 15:14
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Implementation of the A* algorithm for Haskell
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
reconstructPath :: Ord a => Map a a -> a -> [a]
reconstructPath cameFrom end = helper end [end]
where helper current total = case M.lookup current cameFrom of
Just v -> helper v (v:total)
Nothing -> total
uncurry4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (a, b, c, d) -> e
uncurry4 f (a, b, c, d) = f a b c d
astar :: (Fractional r, Ord t, Ord r) =>
(t -> t -> r) -> (t -> [t]) -> (t -> t -> r) -> t -> t -> Maybe [t]
astar heuristicEstimate getNeighbors dist start end = astarHelper
(S.singleton start)
(M.singleton start 0)
(M.singleton start $ heuristicEstimate start end)
where astarHelper closedSet openSet cameFrom gScore fScore = do
current <- S.foldr (lowestFValue fScore) Nothing openSet
if current==end
then Just $ reconstructPath cameFrom end
let openSet' = S.delete current openSet in
let closedSet' = S.insert current closedSet in
let neighbors = filter (not . flip S.member closedSet) $ getNeighbors current in
uncurry4 (astarHelper closedSet') $
foldr (reduceNeighbors current)
(openSet', cameFrom, gScore, fScore) neighbors
lowestFValue _ node Nothing = Just node
lowestFValue fScore node (Just node')
| (M.findWithDefault (1/0) node' fScore) > (M.findWithDefault (1/0) node fScore) = Just node
| otherwise = Just node'
reduceNeighbors current neighbor (openSet, cameFrom, gScore, fScore) =
let tentativeGScore = (M.findWithDefault (1/0) current gScore)+dist current neighbor in
if (S.member neighbor openSet) || tentativeGScore < (M.findWithDefault (1/0) neighbor gScore)
then (S.insert neighbor openSet,
M.insert neighbor current cameFrom,
M.insert neighbor tentativeGScore gScore,
M.insert neighbor (tentativeGScore + heuristicEstimate neighbor end) fScore)
else (openSet, cameFrom, gScore, fScore)
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