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Created February 8, 2013 00:29
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HP-Notebook - Disable/Enable touchpad on command-line
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Simple script to disable TouchPad on HP-Notebook
# Usage: touchpad-disable
# Installation: save file to ~/bin/touchpad-disable (may chmod +X it)
def run(cmd, options = {:show => true})
puts "> #{cmd}"
`#{cmd}`.tap { |r| puts(r) if options[:show] && !r.empty? }
line = run "xinput list | grep TouchPad"
id = line[/.*\tid=(\d+)\t.*/, 1]
run "xinput set-prop #{id} 'Device Enabled' 0"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Simple script to enable TouchPad on HP-Notebook
# Usage: touchpad-enable
# Installation: save file to ~/bin/touchpad-enable (may chmod +X it)
def run(cmd, options = {:show => true})
puts "> #{cmd}"
`#{cmd}`.tap { |r| puts(r) if options[:show] && !r.empty? }
line = run "xinput list | grep TouchPad"
id = line[/.*\tid=(\d+)\t.*/, 1]
run "xinput set-prop #{id} 'Device Enabled' 1"
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