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Last active October 17, 2015 23:25
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Extending Closure Classes From Clojurescript. Original source:
(ns frontend.editor-plugin
(:require-macros [ :refer [goog-extend]])
(:import [goog.editor Plugin]))
; 4. Now the code should work with advanced compilation but Closure Compiler
; will display few warnings about using "this" in static functions.
; To fix this, the constuctor should have proper JSDoc comments:
(goog-extend ^{:jsdoc ["@constructor" "@extends {goog.editor.Plugin}"]} FooPlugin Plugin
; 1. This doesn't work with advanced compilation as Closure compiler checks that first
; parameter to goog/base is named "this" and Clojurescript compiler will name it "this$"
; (this-as this (goog/base this))
; 2. This doesn't seem to work for advanced compilation, "this" gets renamed?
; (goog/base (js* "this"))
; 3. Instead of calling goog/base, it's possible to call base class constructor
; directly (Closure Library code is doing this)
(this-as this (.call Plugin this))
(defn- to-property [sym]
(symbol (str "-" sym)))
(defmacro goog-extend [type base-type ctor & methods]
(def ~type (fn ~@ctor))
(goog/inherits ~type ~base-type)
(fn [method]
`(set! (.. ~type -prototype ~(to-property (first method)))
(fn ~@(rest method))))
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