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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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:resource-paths #{"resources"}
:dependencies '[[adzerk/bootlaces "0.1.8" :scope "test"]])
(require '[adzerk.bootlaces :refer :all])
(def +version+ "2.6.0-0")
(bootlaces! +version+)
pom {:project 'cljsjs/moment
:version +version+
:description "A javascript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates."
:url ""
:license {:name "MIT" :url ""}
:scm {:url ""}})
(require '[boot.core :refer :all]
'[boot.util :as util]
'[ :as io]
'[clojure.string :as string])
(import '[ DigestInputStream MessageDigest]
'[javax.xml.bind DatatypeConverter]
'[ ZipFile])
(deftask check-checksum
[s sum FILENAME=CHECKSUM {str str} "Check the md5 checksum of given file against given md5"]
(with-pre-wrap fileset
(doseq [f (ls fileset)
:let [path (tmppath f)]]
(when-let [checksum (some-> (get sum path) string/upper-case)]
(with-open [is (io/input-stream (tmpfile f))]
(let [md (MessageDigest/getInstance "MD5")
dis (DigestInputStream. is md)
; Read the whole file, we don't need output but to realize the digest
_ (slurp dis)
dig (.digest (.getMessageDigest dis))
real-checksum (DatatypeConverter/printHexBinary dig)]
(if (not= checksum real-checksum)
(throw (IllegalStateException. (format "Checksum of file %s in not %s but %s" path checksum real-checksum))))))))
(deftask download
[u url URL str "The url to download"
n name NAME str "Optional name for target file"
c checksum CHECKSUM str "Md5 checksum for dowloaded file"]
(let [tmp (temp-dir!)
fname (or name (last (string/split url #"/")))]
(with-pre-wrap fileset
(let [target (io/file tmp fname)]
(util/info "Downloading %s\n" fname)
(io/copy (io/input-stream url) target))
(-> fileset (add-resource tmp) commit!))
checksum (comp (check-checksum :sum {fname checksum})))))
(deftask unzip
[p paths PATH #{str} "Path in fileset to unzip"]
(let [tmp (temp-dir!)]
(with-pre-wrap fileset
(let [archives (filter (comp paths tmppath) (ls fileset))]
(doseq [archive archives
:let [zipfile (ZipFile. (tmpfile archive))
entries (enumeration-seq (.entries zipfile))]]
(util/info "Extracting %d entries\n" (count entries))
(doseq [entry entries
:when (not (.isDirectory entry))
:let [target (io/file tmp (.getName entry))]]
(io/make-parents target)
(io/copy (.getInputStream zipfile entry) target)))
(-> fileset (rm archives) (add-resource tmp) commit!)))))
(deftask package []
(download :url ""
:checksum "0f9b226ff824066a2040056a4abfa0f6")
; (check-checksum :sum {"" "0f9b226ff824066a2040056a4abfa0f6"})
(unzip :paths #{""})
(sift :move {#".*/moment.js" "cljsjs/development/"
#".*/min/moment.min.js" "cljsjs/production/"})
(sift :include #{#"^cljsjs"})))
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