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Created July 29, 2019 11:54
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### SERP Presence ###
### Load SEMRush Credentials and URLs for API call.
api_key = 'api key goes here'
service_url = ''
client_url = ''
### Various time manipulations for each part of the report ###
today =
first = today.replace(day=1)
lastMonth = first - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
previous_month = lastMonth.strftime("%m_%Y")
date_main = lastMonth.strftime("%Y-%m")
date_breakdown = monthrange(int(lastMonth.strftime("%Y")), int(lastMonth.strftime("%m")))
day = date_breakdown[1]
#for search console
search_console_date = date_main + "-01"
#for backlinks
time_check = lastMonth.strftime("%Y-%m")
def build_urls(date_main):
params = {
"?type": "domain_organic",
'key': api_key,
'domain': client_url,
'export_columns': "Ph,Po,Nq,Vu",
'database': 'us',
'display_date': date_main,
'display_limit': '10000'
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params, doseq=True)
main_call = urllib.parse.urljoin(service_url, data)
main_call = main_call.replace(r'%3F', r'?')
return main_call
def parse_response(call_data):
results = []
data = call_data.decode('unicode_escape')
lines = data.split('\r\n')
lines = list(filter(bool, lines))
columns = lines[0].split(';')
for line in lines[1:]:
result = {}
for i, datum in enumerate(line.split(';')):
result[columns[i]] = datum.strip('"\n\r\t')
return results
def API_Call(url):
response = requests.get(url)
read = response.content
final = parse_response(call_data=read)
except IndexError as e:
final = {}
return final
# API URL build/call and data compiling and filtering
frames = []
call = build_urls(date_main=date_main)
nums = []
data_set = API_Call(url=call)
df = pd.DataFrame(data_set)
df['Top'] = df['Position'].astype(int).between(0,3, inclusive=True)
df_1_to_3 = df[df.Top.astype(str).str.contains("True")]
df['Top'] = df['Position'].astype(int).between(4,10, inclusive=True)
df_4_to_10 = df[df.Top.astype(str).str.contains("True")]
df['Top'] = df['Position'].astype(int).between(11,20, inclusive=True)
df_11_to_20 = df[df.Top.astype(str).str.contains("True")]
tops = df_1_to_3.Keyword.value_counts().sum()
middles = df_4_to_10.Keyword.value_counts().sum()
bottoms = df_11_to_20.Keyword.value_counts().sum()
nums.append((tops, middles, bottoms))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(nums, columns=['Top 3', '4 Thru 10', '11 Thru 20'])
final_search_presence = pd.concat(frames)
final_search_presence['Month'] = date_main
final_search_presence['Top 10'] = final_search_presence['Top 3']+final_search_presence['4 Thru 10']
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