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Chaindrive export to Magento
Sub CreateMagentoImport()
' Create Magento Import from ChainDrive export
' @author Derek Marcinyshyn <>
' @date July 2, 2014
' @version 5
Dim sourceSku As Long
' Duplicate Sheet1 and copy it over to Magento Import sheet
Sheets("Sheet1").Copy after:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Magento Import"
' Change the image paths to be all the same
Dim imagePath As String
imagePath = "w15/"
Dim numberOfRowsImage As Long
Dim rowNumberImage As Long
numberOfRowsImage = Sheets("Magento Import").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For rowNumberImage = 2 To numberOfRowsImage
Cells(rowNumberImage, 22).Value = imagePath & Cells(rowNumberImage, 4) & ".jpg"
Cells(rowNumberImage, 23).Value = imagePath & Cells(rowNumberImage, 4) & ".jpg"
Cells(rowNumberImage, 24).Value = imagePath & Cells(rowNumberImage, 4) & ".jpg"
Next rowNumberImage
' Create new row if source_sku changes
For sourceSku = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row To 3 Step -1
If Cells(sourceSku, "D") <> Cells(sourceSku - 1, "D") Then Rows(sourceSku).EntireRow.Insert
Next sourceSku
' Get the next empty row and copy data from one line above
Dim numberOfRows As Long
Dim rowNumber As Long
numberOfRows = Sheets("Magento Import").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
For rowNumber = 2 To numberOfRows
' A attribute_set
If Cells(rowNumber, 1).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 1).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 1).Value
' Wrap it around just checking the first cell of each row
' B type
If Cells(rowNumber, 2).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 2).Value = "configurable"
End If
' C categories -- TODO: make this interactive
If Cells(rowNumber, 3).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 3).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 3).Value
End If
' D source_sku -- leave blank?
' E camber
If Cells(rowNumber, 5).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 5).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 5).Value
End If
' F terrain
If Cells(rowNumber, 6).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 6).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 6).Value
End If
' G board_width
If Cells(rowNumber, 7).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 7).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 7).Value
End If
' H name -- remove last word
If Cells(rowNumber, 8).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 8).Value = Left(Cells(rowNumber - 1, 8).Value, InStrRev(Cells(rowNumber - 1, 8).Value, " ") - 1)
End If
' I sku -- copy source_sku
If Cells(rowNumber, 9).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 9).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 4).Value
End If
' J snowboard_size -- leave blank?
If Cells(rowNumber, 10).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 10).Value = ""
End If
' K price
If Cells(rowNumber, 11).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 11).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 11).Value
End If
' L qty -- blank
' M manufacturer -- leave blank? needs to be edited
' N weight
If Cells(rowNumber, 14).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 14).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 14).Value
End If
' O length
If Cells(rowNumber, 15).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 15).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 15).Value
End If
' P width
If Cells(rowNumber, 16).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 16).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 16).Value
End If
' Q height
If Cells(rowNumber, 17).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 17).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 17).Value
End If
' R simple_skus
If Cells(rowNumber, 18).Value = "" Then
' check all rows above to see if they numerical if so then must be simple sku
Dim simpleSku As String
Dim skuCounter As Integer
skuCounter = 0
Dim currentRowNumber As Integer
currentRowNumber = rowNumber
' Loop through and append string
While (IsNumeric(Cells(currentRowNumber - 1, 9)))
If (skuCounter = 0) Then simpleSku = Cells(currentRowNumber - 1, 9).Value
If (skuCounter > 0) Then simpleSku = simpleSku & ", " & Cells(currentRowNumber - 1, 9).Value
skuCounter = skuCounter + 1
currentRowNumber = currentRowNumber - 1
Cells(rowNumber, 18).Value = CStr(simpleSku)
End If
' S configurable_attributes
If Cells(rowNumber, 19).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 19).Value = Cells(1, 10).Value
End If
' T visibility
If Cells(rowNumber, 20).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 20).Value = "Catalog, Search"
End If
' U status
If Cells(rowNumber, 21).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 21).Value = "Enabled"
End If
' V image
If Cells(rowNumber, 22).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 22).Value = "w15/" + Cells(rowNumber - 1, 4).Value + ".jpg"
End If
' W small_image
If Cells(rowNumber, 23).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 23).Value = "w15/" + Cells(rowNumber - 1, 4).Value + ".jpg"
End If
' X thumbnail
If Cells(rowNumber, 24).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 24).Value = "w15/" + Cells(rowNumber - 1, 4).Value + ".jpg"
End If
' Y media_gallery -- skip?
' Z tax_class_id
If Cells(rowNumber, 26).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 26).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 26).Value
End If
' AA is_in_stock
If Cells(rowNumber, 27).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 27).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 27).Value
End If
' AB season
If Cells(rowNumber, 28).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 28).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 28).Value
End If
' AC news_from_date
If Cells(rowNumber, 29).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 29).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 29).Value
End If
' AD news_to_date
If Cells(rowNumber, 30).Value = "" Then
Cells(rowNumber, 30).Value = Cells(rowNumber - 1, 30).Value
End If
End If
Next rowNumber
' Resize columns
Dim numberOfColumns As Long
numberOfColumns = Sheets("Magento Import").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For columnNumber = 1 To numberOfColumns
Next columnNumber
End Sub
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