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Created April 21, 2015 01:27
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import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.MultiSet (fromList, toOccurList)
import Control.Monad
data Pint something = Pint something | EmptyPint
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Drink = Water | Milk | Tea | Beer
deriving (Show, Eq)
derek :: Pint Drink -> Pint Drink
derek EmptyPint = EmptyPint
derek (Pint Beer) = EmptyPint
derek (Pint x) = Pint x
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
-- putStrLn "Hello, World!"
-- putStrLn $ "Derek given a " ++ show (Pint Milk) ++ " gives you " ++
-- show ( derek (Pint Milk))
-- putStrLn $ "Derek given a " ++ show (Pint Beer) ++ " gives back a " ++
-- show ( derek (Pint Beer))
-- showEach . findMostFrequent 10 . countWordFrequency $ source
-- countWordFrequency :: String -> FreqCount String
-- countWordFrequency = map (\l -> (length l, head l)) . group . sort . words
-- findMostFrequent :: Int -> FreqCount String -> FreqCount String
-- findMostFrequent howmany counts =
-- take howmany $
-- (sortBy (comparing (Down . fst))) $
-- counts
type FreqCount x = [(x,Int)]
showEach :: Show x => [x] -> IO ()
showEach = mapM_ (putStrLn . show)
normalizeText :: String -> String
normalizeText = filter (not . isPunctuation ) . map toLower
getWords :: String -> [String]
getWords = words . normalizeText
getWordPairs :: String -> [(String,String)]
getWordPairs source = [ (a, b) | a:b:_ <- tails allWords ]
where allWords = getWords source
countFrequency :: Ord x => [x] -> FreqCount x
countFrequency = toOccurList . fromList
sortFrequencies :: (Ord x) => FreqCount (w,x) -> FreqCount (w,x)
sortFrequencies = sortBy (comparing (Down .snd))
countWordPairs :: String -> FreqCount (String,String)
countWordPairs = sortFrequencies . countFrequency . getWordPairs
main :: IO()
main = do
source <- getContents
$ take 15
$ countWordPairs source
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