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Created August 14, 2020 23:54
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NBody benchmark program
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Benchmark {
public static class Extensions {
public static string ToStringReset(this StringBuilder sb) {
var result = sb.ToString();
return result;
public static double Sorted_QMedian(this List<double> list, int quarter) {
int len = list.Count;
if (len == 0) { return 0; }
int idx = (len / 4) * quarter;
double med = list[idx];
return len % 2 != 0 ? med : ((list[idx - 1] + med) / 2);
public class BenchmarkRunner {
private static StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(2048);
public int Iterations { get; set; } = 3;
public int RepeatTimes { get; set; } = 2;
public string[] CaseArgs { get; set; } = new string[] { };
public Statistics BaseLine { get; set; }
public List<Statistics> CaseList { get; private set; } = new List<Statistics>(16);
public Statistics AddCase(string name, Action<string[]> action) {
Statistics stats = new Statistics(this, name, action);
if (this.BaseLine == null) { this.BaseLine = stats; }
return stats;
public void Reset() {
foreach(var stat in CaseList) { stat.Reset(); }
public void Run() {
for (int iter = this.Iterations; iter > 0; --iter) {
for (int i = 0; i < CaseList.Count; ++i) {
GC.Collect(10, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true, true);
Statistics stats = CaseList[i];
Console.Out.WriteLine("-------------------------------\n Beginning: " + stats.Name);
for (int j = 0; j < RepeatTimes; ++j) {
var timer = Timer.Start();
var seconds = timer.Seconds;
Console.Out.WriteLine(" Elapsed: " + seconds.ToString());
foreach (var stat in CaseList) { stat.Update(); }
public override string ToString() {
foreach (var stat in CaseList) { stat.Update(); }
var columns = StatColumn.AllColumns;
foreach (var col in columns) { col.UpdateSpacing(CaseList); }
foreach (var col in columns) { SB.Append(col.Name.PadLeft(col.Spacing)).Append(" | "); }
var headers = SB.ToStringReset();
var separator = SB.Append('-', headers.Length - 1).ToStringReset();
foreach (var stat in CaseList) {
foreach (var col in columns) { SB.Append(col.Format(stat)).Append(" | "); }
return SB.ToStringReset();
public class StatColumn {
public string Name { get; }
public Func<Statistics, string> GetValue { get; }
public virtual int Spacing { get; set; }
public static readonly StatColumn CaseName = new StatColumn("Name", x => x.Name);
public static readonly StatColumn Mean = new DecimalColumn("Mean", x => x.Mean);
public static readonly StatColumn Min = new DecimalColumn("Min", x => x.Min);
public static readonly StatColumn Max = new DecimalColumn("Max", x => x.Max);
public static readonly StatColumn Q1 = new DecimalColumn("Q1", x => x.Q1);
public static readonly StatColumn Median = new DecimalColumn("Median", x => x.Median);
public static readonly StatColumn Q3 = new DecimalColumn("Q3", x => x.Q3);
public static readonly StatColumn First = new DecimalColumn("First", x => x.First);
public static readonly StatColumn Error = new DecimalColumn("Error", x => x.Error);
public static readonly StatColumn StdErr = new DecimalColumn("StdErr", x => x.StdErr);
public static readonly StatColumn StdDev = new DecimalColumn("StdDev", x => x.StdDev);
public static readonly StatColumn TotalTime = new DecimalColumn("Elapsed", x => x.Elapsed);
public static readonly StatColumn Scale = new StatColumn("Scale", x => x.Scale.ToString("P"));
public static readonly StatColumn Runs = new IntegerColumn("Runs", x => x.N);
public static readonly StatColumn[] AllColumns = new[] {
CaseName, Mean, Median, Min, Max, Q1, Q3, Scale, Runs, TotalTime, First, Error, StdErr, StdDev
protected StatColumn(string name, Func<Statistics, string> getter) {
this.Spacing = name.Length;
this.Name = name;
this.GetValue = getter;
public virtual void UpdateSpacing(IEnumerable<Statistics> stats) {
int longest = this.Name.Length;
foreach (var stat in stats) { longest = Math.Max(GetValue(stat).Length, longest); }
this.Spacing = longest;
public virtual string Format(Statistics stat) {
return GetValue(stat).PadLeft(this.Spacing);
public class DecimalColumn : StatColumn {
public new Func<Statistics, double> GetValue { get; }
public int LeftSpace { get; set; }
public int RightSpace { get; set; }
public override int Spacing => Math.Max(base.Spacing, 1 + LeftSpace + RightSpace);
public DecimalColumn(string name, Func<Statistics, double> getter) : base(name, null) {
GetValue = getter;
public override void UpdateSpacing(IEnumerable<Statistics> stats) {
int ideal = Math.Max(5, base.Spacing);
int whole = 1;
int precision = 0;
foreach (var stat in stats) {
double value = this.GetValue(stat);
string[] parts = value.ToString().Split(".");
whole = Math.Max(whole, parts[0].Length);
precision = Math.Max(precision, parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1].Length : 0);
this.LeftSpace = whole;
this.RightSpace = Math.Max(0, ideal - whole - 1);
public override string Format(Statistics stat) {
double value = GetValue(stat);
string[] parts = value.ToString().Split(".");
string whole = parts[0].PadLeft(this.LeftSpace);
string precision = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : "";
if (precision.Length > this.RightSpace) {
precision = precision.Substring(0, this.RightSpace);
} else if (precision.Length < this.RightSpace) {
precision = precision.PadRight(this.RightSpace);
return whole + (precision.Length > 0 ? "." : "") + precision;
public class IntegerColumn : StatColumn {
public new Func<Statistics, int> GetValue { get; }
public IntegerColumn(string name, Func<Statistics, int> getter) : base(name, null) {
GetValue = getter;
public override void UpdateSpacing(IEnumerable<Statistics> stats) {
int largest = 0;
foreach (var stat in stats) { largest = Math.Max(GetValue(stat), largest); }
this.Spacing = Math.Max(this.Name.Length, largest.ToString().Length);
public override string Format(Statistics stat) {
return GetValue(stat).ToString().PadLeft(this.Spacing);
public class Statistics {
private double _elapsed;
private double _variance;
private double _mean;
private double _stdDev;
private double _stdErr;
private double _skewness;
private double _kurtosis;
private double _error;
private BenchmarkRunner _owner;
private List<double> _timings = new List<double>(32);
private List<double> _sorted = new List<double>(32);
private List<double> _lowerOutliers = new List<double>();
private List<double> _upperOutliers = new List<double>();
public string Name { get; }
public Action<string[]> Action { get; }
public List<double> SortedValues => EnsureLatest()._sorted;
public List<double> LowerOutliers => EnsureLatest()._lowerOutliers;
public List<double> UpperOutliers => EnsureLatest()._upperOutliers;
public int N => _timings.Count;
public double First => _timings.Count > 0 ? _timings[0] : 0;
public double Elapsed => EnsureLatest()._elapsed;
public double Mean => EnsureLatest()._mean;
public double Min => SortedValues.FirstOrDefault();
public double Max => SortedValues.LastOrDefault();
public double Median => SortedValues.Sorted_QMedian(2);
public double Q1 => SortedValues.Sorted_QMedian(1);
public double Q3 => SortedValues.Sorted_QMedian(3);
public double InterquartileRange => Q3 - Q1;
public double LowerFence => Q1 - 1.5 * InterquartileRange;
public double UpperFence => Q3 + 1.5 * InterquartileRange;
public double Variance => EnsureLatest()._variance;
public double StdDev => EnsureLatest()._stdDev;
public double StdErr => EnsureLatest()._stdErr;
public double Skewness => EnsureLatest()._skewness;
public double Kurtosis => EnsureLatest()._kurtosis;
public double Error => EnsureLatest()._error;
public double Scale => this.Elapsed / _owner.BaseLine.Elapsed;
private Statistics EnsureLatest() {
if (this._timings.Count != this._sorted.Count) { Update(); }
return this;
public Statistics(BenchmarkRunner owner, string method, Action<string[]> action) {
this._owner = owner;
Name = method;
Action = action;
public void Update() {
int len = _sorted.Count;
_elapsed = _sorted.Sum();
_mean = _elapsed / Math.Max(len, 1);
double lowerFence = this.LowerFence;
double upperFence = this.UpperFence;
_variance = 0;
_skewness = 0;
_kurtosis = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
double val = _sorted[i];
double offset = val - _mean;
_variance += Math.Pow(offset, 2);
_skewness += Math.Pow(offset, 3);
_kurtosis += Math.Pow(offset, 4);
if (val < lowerFence) {
} else if (val > upperFence) {
_variance = len <= 1 ? 0 : _variance / (len - 1);
_stdDev = Math.Sqrt(_variance);
_stdErr = _stdDev / (len > 0 ? Math.Sqrt(len) : 1);
_skewness = (len == 0 ? 0 : (_skewness / len)) / Math.Pow(_stdDev, 3);
_kurtosis = (len == 0 ? 0 : (_kurtosis / len)) / Math.Pow(_stdDev, 4);
_error = len <= 2 ? double.NaN : StdErr * Helpers.InverseStudent(.1, N - 1);
public void Reset() {
public Statistics AddTime(double time) {
if (!double.IsNaN(time)) {
return this;
public struct Timer {
[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(out long ticks);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(out long frequency);
private static long GetTicks() { QueryPerformanceCounter(out long ticks); return ticks; }
private static readonly long FREQUENCY;
static Timer() {
QueryPerformanceFrequency(out FREQUENCY);
public long StartTime;
public double Seconds => (double)(GetTicks() - StartTime) / FREQUENCY;
public double MicroSeconds => Seconds * 1e6;
public static Timer Start() {
return new Timer { StartTime = GetTicks() };
static class Helpers {
public static double InverseStudent(double p, double n) {
double lower = 0.0;
double upper = 1000.0;
while (upper - lower > 1e-9) {
double t = (lower + upper) / 2;
double p2 = StudentTwoTail(t, n);
if (p2 < p) { upper = t; } else { lower = t; }
return (lower + upper) / 2;
static double StudentTwoTail(double t, double n) {
t = t * t;
double y = t / n;
double b = y + 1.0;
double z = 1;
double a;
int nn = (int)Math.Round(n);
if (Math.Abs(n - nn) > 1e-9 || n >= 20 || t < n && n > 200) {
if (y > 1.0e-6) { y = Math.Log(b); }
a = n - 0.5;
b = 48.0 * (a * a);
y = a * y;
y = (((((-0.4 * y - 3.3) * y - 24.0) * y - 85.5) / (0.8 * (y * y) + 100.0 + b) + y + 3.0) / b + 1.0) * Math.Sqrt(y);
return 2 * Gauss(-y);
} else if (n < 20 && t < 4.0) {
y = Math.Sqrt(y);
a = y;
if (nn == 1) { a = 0; }
} else {
a = Math.Sqrt(b);
y = a * nn;
int j = 0;
while (Math.Abs(a - z) > 0) {
j += 2;
z = a;
y *= (j - 1) / (b * j);
a += y / (nn + j);
nn += 2;
z = 0;
y = 0;
a = -a;
while (true) {
nn -= 2;
if (nn > 1) { a = (nn - 1) / (b * nn) * a + y; } else break;
a = nn == 0 ? a / Math.Sqrt(b) : (Math.Atan(y) + a / b) * 2 / Math.PI;
return z - a;
private static double Gauss(double x) {
double z;
if (Math.Abs(x) < 1e-9) { z = 0.0; } else {
double y = Math.Abs(x) / 2;
if (y >= 3.0) { z = 1.0; } else if (y < 1.0) {
double w = y * y;
z = ((((((((0.000124818987 * w - 0.001075204047) * w + 0.005198775019) * w - 0.019198292004) * w + 0.059054035642) *
w - 0.151968751364) * w + 0.319152932694) * w - 0.531923007300) * w + 0.797884560593) * y * 2.0;
} else {
y = y - 2.0;
z = (((((((((((((-0.000045255659 * y + 0.000152529290) * y - 0.000019538132) * y - 0.000676904986) * y + 0.001390604284) *
y - 0.000794620820) * y - 0.002034254874) * y + 0.006549791214) * y - 0.010557625006) * y + 0.011630447319) *
y - 0.009279453341) * y + 0.005353579108) * y - 0.002141268741) * y + 0.000535310849) * y + 0.999936657524;
return x > 0.0 ? (z + 1.0) / 2 : (1.0 - z) / 2;
using System;
using Scalar = NBodyCore.Scalar;
using AVX = NBodyCore.AVX;
using Official = NBodyCore.Official;
using System.Threading;
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
Benchmark.BenchmarkRunner bench = new Benchmark.BenchmarkRunner();
bench.Iterations = 2;
bench.RepeatTimes = 4;
// bench.RunCase("Official.Number3", () => Official.Number3.NBody.Main(args));
// bench.RunCase("Official.Number8", () => Official.Number7.NBody.Main(args));
// bench.BaseLine = bench.RunCase("Official.OriginalNum7", () => Official.OriginalNum7.NBody.Main(args));
// bench.RunCase("Derek_Scalar", () => Official.OriginalNum7.NBody.Main(args));
// bench.RunCase("Derek.CoreNum7_2", () => Exp.CoreNum7_2.NBody.Main(args));
// bench.RunCase("Derek.VectorAVXCorrect2", () => Exp.VectorAVXCorrect2.NBody.Main(args));
// //bench.RunCase("Derek.VectorAVXCorrect", () => Derek.VectorAVXCorrect.NBody.Main(args));
// //bench.RunCase("Derek.VectorAVX", () => Derek.VectorAVX.NBody.Main(args));
// bench.RunCase("Official.CoreNum3", () => Official.CoreNum3.NBody.Main(args));
// //bench.RunCase("Derek.CoreNum7", () => Derek.CoreNum7.NBody.Main(args));
// //bench.RunCase("Derek.PassObjToMethods", () => Derek.PassObjToMethods.NBody.Main(args));
// //bench.RunCase("Derek.PassStructToMethods", () => Derek.PassStructToMethods.NBody.Main(args));
// //bench.RunCase("Derek.PassRefStructToMethods", () => Derek.PassRefStructToMethods.NBody.Main(args));
//bench.AddCase("AVX.MaxTheoretical", AVX.MaxTheoretical.NBody.Main);
//bench.BaseLine = bench.AddCase("Official.Number8", Official.Number8.NBody.Main);
//bench.AddCase("Avx-5.1", AVX.V5_1.NBody.Main);
//bench.AddCase("Official.Number3", Official.Number3.NBody.Main);
//bench.AddCase("Classic.Number7", Official.ClassicNumber7.NBody.Main);
bench.AddCase("Official.Number8", Official.Number8.NBody.Main);
bench.AddCase("Official.AvxNumber1", Official.AvxNumber1.NBody.Main);
bench.AddCase("Official.AvxNumber2", AVX.AvxNumber1_4.NBody.Main);
bench.AddCase("AVX-4 Bodies at a Time", AVX.MaxTheoretical2.NBody.Main);
//bench.AddCase("MaxTheoreticalC", AVX.MaxTheoretical3.NBody.Main);
//bench.AddCase("AvxNumber1_4", AVX.AvxNumber1_4.NBody.Main);
//bench.AddCase("AvxNumber1_4ref", AVX.AvxNumber1_4ref.NBody.Main);
bench.CaseArgs = new[] { "100000" };
bench.CaseArgs = new[] { "1000000" };
bench.CaseArgs = new[] { "2000000" };
bench.CaseArgs = new[] { "50000000" };
while (true) {
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