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Regex.fullMatch("aaaaab", "a*b") // True
Regex.fullMatch("aaaabc", "a*b") // False
Regex.matchAnywhere("abcde", "cde") // True
object Regex {
def fullMatch(input: String, pattern: String) = {
val parsed = RegexParser(pattern).getOrElse(
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse regex")
val nfa = NFA.regexToNFA(parsed)
NFAEvaluator.evaluate(nfa, input)
def matchAnywhere(input: String, pattern: String) =
object NFAEvaluator {
def evaluate(nfa: State, input: String): Boolean =
evaluate(Set(nfa), input)
def evaluate(nfas: Set[State], input: String): Boolean = {
input match {
case "" =>
evaluateStates(nfas, None).exists(_ == Match())
case string =>
object NFA {
def regexToNFA(regex: RegexExpr): State =
regexToNFA(regex, Match())
private def regexToNFA(regex: RegexExpr,
andThen: State): State = {
regex match {
case Literal(c) => new Consume(c, andThen)
case Concat(first, second) => {
// Convert first to an NFA. The "out" of that is
Derekokich / regexblog.scala
Created August 18, 2014 21:19
def concat: Parser[RegexExpr] = rep(lowExpr)
^^ { case list => listToConcat(list)}
def midExpr: Parser[RegexExpr] = concat | lowExpr
Derekokich / regexblog.scala
Created August 18, 2014 21:19
def concat: Parser[RegexExpr] = rep(lowExpr)
^^ { case list => listToConcat(list)}
def midExpr: Parser[RegexExpr] = concat | lowExpr
def listToConcat(list: List[RegexExpr]): RegexExpr = list match {
case head :: Nil => head
case head :: rest => Concat(head, listToConcat(rest))
def apply(input: String): Option[RegexExpr] = {
parseAll(highExpr, input) match {
case Success(result, _) => Some(result)
case failure : NoSuccess => None
def highExpr: Parser[RegexExpr] = or | midExpr
def or: Parser[RegexExpr] = midExpr ~ "|" ~ midExpr
^^ { case l ~ "|" ~ r => Or(l, r)}
def concat: Parser[RegexExpr] = rep(lowExpr)
^^ { case list => listToConcat(list)}
def midExpr: Parser[RegexExpr] = concat | lowExpr