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Last active February 17, 2024 14:03
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Using JSDOC-Based TypeScript

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  • WebStorm, Rider
    • Partial support, not enough intelli hints
    • Toggle on TypeScript language service
  • VSCode
    • Full support
    • Working out-of-box
  • Emacs?

Write the code



  1. Use @param to declare param type
  2. Use @returns to declare return type
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b 
 * @returns {number}
function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;


  1. Use @type to declare the type of a variable

  2. Most of the time, it is not necessary to do it, since TypeScript can infer most of the type.

 * @type {(number|string)[]}
const c = [5];


  1. Use @typedef to declare interface

  2. Interface can be reused

     * @typedef People
     * @prop {string} firstName
     * @prop {string} [lastName] 
      * @typedef {{firstName: string, lastName: string}} PeopleTwo
       * @param {People} people 
      function getPeopleName(people){
        return people.firstName;

Work with React

Functional component

Exactly the same as declare a function

import React from 'react';

 * @typedef Props
 * @prop {React.ReactNode} title
 * @prop {React.ReactNode} [desc]
 * @prop {React.ReactNode} [selectFlightPrompt]
 * @prop {()=>void} [onLogin]

 * @param {Props} props
const InflowHeader = ({ title, desc, selectFlightPrompt, onLogin }) => (

Class component

Use @extends Component<Props, State> to declare a stateful component.

Component<Props, State> is a utility type that returns the type of React component given Props and States.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

 * @typedef Props
 * @prop {any} resource

 * @typedef State
 * @prop {boolean} isDrawerOpen

 * @extends Component<Props, State>
class SampleContainer extends Component {
    /** @type {State} */
    state = {
        isDrawerOpen: false,


    render() {
        return (

Higher order component

Declaring type of higher order component using JSDoc is challenging.

It is recommended to use type declaration files (*.d.ts) instead.

Higher order component can be categorized as:

  • HOC that add new props to a component
  • HOC that fill props into a component, e.g. connect from 'react-redux'

The following example shows how to declare these two type of higher order component:

// HOC that fill props into a component
type withGetImage = 
<P extends { getImage: () => Promise<void> }>(
            Component: React.ComponentType<P>,
        ) => React.ComponentType<Omit<P, 'getImage'>>;

// HOC that add new props to a component
type withGetImageFunctionality =
  <P extends object>(
    Component: React.ComponentType<P>,
  ) => React.ComponentType<P & { getImage: () => Promise<void> }>;

Want to learn more? Visit for more info

Useful built-in type

propTypes TS
count: propTypes.number.isRequired {number} count
count: propTypes.number {number} [count]
propTypes.bool {boolean}
propTypes.string {string}
propTypes.arrayOf(propTypes.number).isRequired {number[]}
propTypes.node {React.ReactNode}
propTypes.func {(a: number, b: number)=>number}
propTypes.shape({a: number.isRequired, b: number}) {{a: number, b?: number}}

Read more

I have found a few React built-in types quite useful, they are:








Work with redux

See Source/Web/Scripts/dataStore/club/index.js for detailed examples for using redux in the code base


You should declare the store type, which the reducers and selectors will rely on

 * @typedef Profile
 * @prop {string} firstName
 * @prop {string} lastName
 * @prop {bool} isStarMember

 * @typedef State
 * @prop {boolean} isLoggedIn
 * @prop {Profile} [profile]

 * @typedef WholeState
 * @prop {State} account
Explicitly declare the initial state

This practice can help check the initialState is correct.

 * @type {State}
const initialState = {
  isLoggedIn: true,
  profile: null,

Action and Reducers

You should declare the param of action creaters correctly, so that you can always call the action creator functions correctly

To achieve it:

  1. The type have to be declared as string constant
  2. Use createAction utility function
  3. In the project, some bolier-plate in JSDOC will ease your job
// The type has to be declared as constant in HERE

const actionCreators = {
     * You need to declare the param type for each action creator function.
     * You also have to call the getAction util function
     * @param {{isLoggedIn: boolean}} payload
    init: ({ isLoggedIn }) =>
        getAction(ACCOUNT__INIT, { isLoggedIn }),

Declare the type of parameters state and action like the following code

Also declare the return value of the reducers, this will make sure the reducers are written correctly.

 * @param {State} state
 * @param {DataStore.Action<typeof actionCreators>} action
 * @returns {State}
const reducers = (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case ACCOUNT__INIT: {
            // TS will guarantee that the payload has the isLoggedIn property
            const { isLoggedIn } = action.payload;
            return {
            return state;


You should declare the return type of selectors, so that the user will not use the selectors incorrectly. The declaration of return type also act as a TDD as you can think the behavior of a function before you implement it.

  • Declare type of state as WholeState
  • Declare the return value of complex selector function
 * Get booking total
 * @param {WholeState} state
 * @returns {number}
const getTotal = state => {
    // ...

Check The Code

Option 1:

Use WebStorm or VSCode

Option 2:

Config your Rider correctly

Option 3:

Run the command in the root folder:

yarn ts:check
tsc .
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