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Last active September 10, 2020 20:04
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Course Template Enhancements

Compression macro

There are a few options for setting up a macro to compress your notes before git push'ing.


  1. 7Zip and the 7Zip CLI (It's not installed by default for windows) for your operating system.

Options for setup

  1. Use a system I designed called ahd (requires Python 3.6+) see [here] for setup
  2. Add a bash or powershell script to your path see here for setup
  3. Run 7za a -t7z Handouts.7z Handouts\* && 7za a -t7z Readings.7z Readings\* && 7za a -t7z Assignments.7z Assignments\* in each course before git push'ing.


Remember you will need python 3.6+ installed for this. Download here:

  1. Install ahd on windows using pip install ahd or on linux/Mac sudo pip3 install ahd
  2. Run ahd register compress-folder "7za a -t7z Handouts.7z Handouts\* && 7za a -t7z Readings.7z Readings\* && 7za a -t7z Assignments.7z Assignments\*" "." or on linux add sudo to the beginning of the command
  3. Go to a course folder and type ahd register compress-folder

Bash/Powershell script

Mac OS/Linux

This will setup a script called compress-folder that can be run by just going into a course folder and running compress-folder.

If you don't care about knowing how to do this, then the below steps can be done in one line. Just run: echo "7za a -t7z Handouts.7z Handouts\* && 7za a -t7z Readings.7z Readings\* && 7za a -t7z Assignments.7z Assignments\*" > ~/ && sudo chmod 777 ~/ && printf '\n\nalias compress-folder:"~/"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Individual Steps

  1. Create a file called run command echo "7za a -t7z Handouts.7z Handouts\* && 7za a -t7z Readings.7z Readings\* && 7za a -t7z Assignments.7z Assignments\*" > ~/
  2. chmod the file to make it runable: sudo chmod 777 ~/
  3. Add the file to your bashrc file so it can be run anywhere: printf '\n\nalias compress-folder:"~/"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc


  1. Create a file called compress.bat in your primary hard drive, typically C: in a folder. So for example C:\compress\compress.bat
  2. Fill the compress.bat file with: 7za a -t7z Handouts.7z Handouts\* && 7za a -t7z Readings.7z Readings\* && 7za a -t7z Assignments.7z Assignments\*
  3. Add C:\compress to your PATH. A guide to do this can be found here:


Before git pushing go to each course and run 7za a -t7z Handouts.7z Handouts\* && 7za a -t7z Readings.7z Readings\* && 7za a -t7z Assignments.7z Assignments\*

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