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Last active July 15, 2023 10:35
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Ragnarök Versioning Convention

Ragnarök Versioning Convention

The Ragnarök Versioning Convention is used for Red Studio projects, providing a simple and easy to follow scheme for versioning. Version numbers follow one of these formats:

  • X.Y
  • X.Y.Z

Each component (X, Y, Z) represents a level of change:

Major Version (X)

"X" represents the major version. Changes in the major version signal significant shifts in the project such as a complete redesign, major architectural change, or a major feature release. It's primarily used to keep the minor version within a single-digit range for simplicity.

When a project is in its beta phase, the major version is set to "0". This allows for up to ten updates before the product is ready for a stable release.

In beta, the following versions have specific focuses:

  • 0.8: Emphasizes internal changes and structural modifications.
  • 0.9: Focuses on refining existing features and functionality.
  • 1.0: Completes a comprehensive bug sweep to ensure all known bugs are addressed before the stable release.

Upon incrementing the major version, minor and hotfix versions reset to zero.

Minor Version (Y)

"Y" is the minor version. This number can increment up to infinity. When the major version is increased by one this resets to zero.

Hotfix Version (Z)

"Z" is the hotfix version. These are expedient updates designed to address bugs and other pressing issues. Unlike minor versions, hotfix versions don't have an upper limit.

Development (Dev) Versions

While working on an update, developers should append a "-Dev-X" suffix to the standard version number. Here, "X" is a number indicating the build's version. This number should be incremented each time a new build is published to provide a clear record of the development process.


In beta phases, backward compatibility may break multiple times. Otherwise, the Ragnarök Versioning Convention doesn't provide explicit information about backward compatibility.

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