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Created October 11, 2017 22:32
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<title>Page Title</title>
<div class="box">
<input class="condition" placeholder="A Medical Condition">
<button class="btn1">Click</button>
<input class="adjective1" placeholder="Adjective">
<button class="btn2">Click</button>
<input class="noun1" placeholder="Noun">
<button class="btn3">Click</button>
<input class="thing1" placeholder="A Bad Situation">
<button class="btn4">Click</button>
<input class="verb1" placeholder="Verb">
<button class="btn5">Click</button>
<input class="place1" placeholder="A Place">
<button class="btn6">Click</button>
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<div class="kanye">
<h1>Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Are Not Divorcing, Says Insider </h1>
<p>In the wake of Kanye West’s hospitalization
for <span class="conditionVal"><em>____(a medical condition)_____</em></span>
and sleep deprivation last month, all kinds of extreme and
<span class="adjective1Val">____(adjective)_____</span> rumors have
reared their ugly heads, including some claiming Kim Kardashian
and her <span class="noun1Val">____(noun)_____</span> are headed for
<span class="badSitVal">____(a bad situation)_____</span>. But don’t fret!
According to some reliable sources, that is all just hearsay.</p>
<p>According to insiders with TMZ, the couple has no plans to
<span class="verb1Val">____(verb)_____</span> and are reportedly
closer since his time in the <span class="placeVal">____(a place)_____</span>.
They added that he’s able to start working again but is not taking on big,
demanding projects.</p>
<p>Not convinced that the power couple is returning to normalcy?
Word has it Kim and her hubby <span class="verb2Val">____(verb)_____</span>
a friend’s house on Tuesday (Dec. 6, 2016) for dinner, a first since he returned
// Welcome to Kayne and Kim MadLibs!
// This game allows you to plug in certain parts of speech to a story depending on what the user types in.
//Directions: Create an input field and button for each part of speach in the story
//The first blank in this story is already completed for you. The value of what the user types in will be plugged into the story below. Try it out! Then use it as a guide when moving through this project
var a;
a = $(".condition").val();
var b;
b = $(".condition").val();
var c;
c = $(".condition").val();
var d;
d = $(".condition").val();
var e;
e = $(".condition").val();
var f;
f = $(".condition").val();
var g;
g = $(".condition").val();
input {
height: 30px;
padding: 5px;
font-size: 28px;
button {
padding: 5px;
height: 43px;
vertical-align: top;
background-color: lightblue;
width: 75px;
color: red;
font-size: 25px;
border: solid 1px black;
span {
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