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Forked from nobitagamer/azurepc
Created October 26, 2023 09:44
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:: Setup default environment for developers
:: - Version: 1.2
:: How to use:
:: - Run from cmd: START
:: - From IE:
Set-ExplorerOptions -showHidenFilesFoldersDrivers -showProtectedOSFiles -showFileExtensions
cinst WindowsInstaller31 -source webpi
cinst WindowsInstaller45 -source webpi
cinst PowerShell3 -source webpi
cinst PowerShell4 -source webpi
cinst NetFx3 -source webpi
cinst NetFx4 -source webpi
cinst -y webpi
cinst -y googlechrome
cinst -y steam
cinst -y slack
cinst -y notepad2-mod
cinst -y notepadplusplus.install
cinst -y git.install
cinst -y git-credential-winstore
cinst -y poshgit
cinst -y tortoisegit
cinst -y NugetPackageExplorer
cinst -y python2
cinst -y vcpython27
cinst -y jre8
cinst -y nodist
cinst -y fiddler
cinst -y tfs2015powertools
cinst -y visualstudiocode -params '"/NoDesktopIcon /NoQuicklaunchIcon /DontAddToPath"'
cinst -y jbs
cinst -y evernote
cinst -y ccleaner
cinst -y rapidee
cinst -y k-litecodecpackfull
cinst -y virtualclonedrive
cinst -y vagrant
cinst -y sagethumbs
cinst -y mongodb.portable
cinst -y msbuild.communitytasks
cinst -y unity
cinst -y winmerge
cinst -y docker
cinst -y docker-machine
cinst -y nssm
cinst -y sql-server-management-studio
cinst -y docker-machine
cinst -y unikey
cinst -y ngrok.portable
cinst -y --allowemptychecksum winrar
ECHO Cracking WinRAR...
XCOPY /y "%SOFTWARE_DRIVE%\WinRAR\Crack\rarreg.key" "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\"
cinst -y vmwareworkstation
cinst -y virtualbox
::ECHO Installing Visual Studio 2013...
::call "%SOFTWARE_DRIVE%\Visual Studio\Visual Studio 2013\Setup\setup.cmd"
ECHO Installing Visual Studio 2015...
if EXIST "%SOFTWARE_DRIVE%\\Visual Studio\Visual Studio 2015\Setup\setup.cmd" call "%SOFTWARE_DRIVE%\\Visual Studio\Visual Studio 2015\Setup\setup.cmd"
ECHO Installing SQL Server Management Studio 2016...
if EXIST "%SOFTWARE_DRIVE%\SQL Server\2016\Management Studio (SSMS)\setup.cmd" call "%SOFTWARE_DRIVE%\SQL Server\2016\Management Studio (SSMS)\setup.cmd"
::cinst -y sql-server-management-studio
:: Now I’ve got choc I may as well use it to install a bunch of other stuff from WebPI;
:: things that didn’t always work when I put them in the looong list of comma delimited installs
:: IIS
cinst IIS7 -source webpi
cinst AppWarmUp -source webpi
cinst ASPNET -source webpi
cinst ASPNET_REGIIS_NET45 -source webpi
::cinst BasicAuthentication -source webpi
cinst DefaultDocument -source webpi
::cinst DigestAuthentication -source webpi
cinst DirectoryBrowse -source webpi
cinst HTTPErrors -source webpi
cinst HTTPLogging -source webpi
::cinst HTTPRedirection -source webpi
cinst IIS7_ExtensionLessURLs -source webpi
cinst IISManagementConsole -source webpi
::cinst IPSecurity -source webpi
cinst ISAPIExtensions -source webpi
cinst ISAPIFilters -source webpi
cinst LoggingTools -source webpi
::cinst MetabaseAndIIS6Compatibility -source webpi
cinst NETExtensibility -source webpi
cinst RequestFiltering -source webpi
cinst RequestMonitor -source webpi
cinst StaticContent -source webpi
cinst StaticContentCompression -source webpi
cinst Tracing -source webpi
::cinst WindowsAuthentication -source webpi
cinst WebSockets -source webpi
cinst MicrosoftAzure-ServiceFabric-VS2015 -source webpi
cinst VWDOrVs2015AzurePack -source webpi
cinst IIS-WebServerRole -source windowsfeatures
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