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Forked from TrQ-Hoan/
Created October 26, 2023 09:44
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  • Save Destitute-Streetdwelling-Guttersnipe/beab1acf66a2c83d86bdea1880053dcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A simple scripts setups new Env Windows
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"ProductVersion"="Windows 10"
# Define the parent directory path
$parentPath = "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps"
# Array app remove
$listApps = @("Microsoft.549981C3F5F10", "Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml", "Microsoft.BingWeather", "Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer", "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub", "Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection", "Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal", "Microsoft.Office.OneNote", "Microsoft.People", "Microsoft.SkypeApp", "Microsoft.WindowsMaps", "Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI", "Microsoft.XboxApp", "Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider", "Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay", "Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay")
$listAppsOptional = @("Microsoft.YourPhone", "Microsoft.WindowsCamera")
function Remove-Windows-Apps {
param (
[string[]] $listAppsRemoval
foreach ($item in $listAppsRemoval) {
if ($(Get-AppxPackage $item -AllUsers).InstallLocation -like "$parentPath*" ) {
Get-AppxPackage $item -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
# Get a list of child directories in the parent directory
$childDirectories = Get-ChildItem -Path $parentPath -Directory
foreach ($childDirectory in $childDirectories) {
$directoryName = $childDirectory.Name
$containsSubstring = $listAppsRemoval | Where-Object { $directoryName -like "*$_*" }
if ($containsSubstring) {
Write-Host Deleting directory $childDirectory.FullName
& cmd /c rmdir $childDirectory.FullName /s /q
Remove-Windows-Apps -listAppsRemoval $listApps
# Remove-Windows-Apps -listAppsRemoval $listAppsOptional
# rmdir /q /s "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\DeletedAllUserPackages"
function Download-UsingWebC {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Url,
function convertFileSize {
if ($bytes -lt 1MB) {
return "$([Math]::Round($bytes / 1KB, 2)) KB"
elseif ($bytes -lt 1GB) {
return "$([Math]::Round($bytes / 1MB, 2)) MB"
elseif ($bytes -lt 1TB) {
return "$([Math]::Round($bytes / 1GB, 2)) GB"
Write-Verbose "URL set to ""$($Url)""."
if (!($Path)) {
Write-Verbose "Path parameter not set, parsing Url for filename."
$URLParser = $Url | Select-String -Pattern ".*\:\/\/.*\/(.*\.{1}\w*).*" -List
$Path = "./$($URLParser.Matches.Groups[1].Value)"
Write-Verbose "Path set to ""$($Path)""."
#Load in the WebClient object.
Write-Verbose "Loading in WebClient object."
try {
$Downloader = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
catch [Exception] {
Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Stop
#Creating a temporary file.
$TmpFile = New-TemporaryFile
Write-Verbose "TmpFile set to ""$($TmpFile)""."
try {
#Start the download by using WebClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync, since this lets us show progress on screen.
Write-Verbose "Starting download..."
$FileDownload = $Downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync($Url, $TmpFile)
#Register the event from WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged to monitor download progress.
Write-Verbose "Registering the ""DownloadProgressChanged"" event handle from the WebClient object."
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Downloader -EventName DownloadProgressChanged -SourceIdentifier WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged | Out-Null
#Wait two seconds for the registration to fully complete
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
if ($FileDownload.IsFaulted) {
Write-Verbose "An error occurred. Generating error."
Write-Error $FileDownload.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
#While the download is showing as not complete, we keep looping to get event data.
while (!($FileDownload.IsCompleted)) {
if ($FileDownload.IsFaulted) {
Write-Verbose "An error occurred. Generating error."
Write-Error $FileDownload.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
$EventData = Get-Event -SourceIdentifier WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SourceEventArgs" -Last 1
$ReceivedData = ($EventData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "BytesReceived")
$TotalToReceive = ($EventData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "TotalBytesToReceive")
$TotalPercent = $EventData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "ProgressPercentage"
Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading File" -Status "Percent Complete: $($TotalPercent)%" -CurrentOperation "Downloaded $(convertFileSize -bytes $ReceivedData) / $(convertFileSize -bytes $TotalToReceive)" -PercentComplete $TotalPercent
catch [Exception] {
$ErrorDetails = $_
switch ($ErrorDetails.FullyQualifiedErrorId) {
"ArgumentNullException" {
Write-Error -Exception "ArgumentNullException" -ErrorId "ArgumentNullException" -Message "Either the Url or Path is null." -Category InvalidArgument -TargetObject $Downloader -ErrorAction Stop
"WebException" {
Write-Error -Exception "WebException" -ErrorId "WebException" -Message "An error occurred while downloading the resource." -Category OperationTimeout -TargetObject $Downloader -ErrorAction Stop
"InvalidOperationException" {
Write-Error -Exception "InvalidOperationException" -ErrorId "InvalidOperationException" -Message "The file at ""$($Path)"" is in use by another process." -Category WriteError -TargetObject $Path -ErrorAction Stop
Default {
Write-Error $ErrorDetails -ErrorAction Stop
finally {
#Cleanup tasks
Write-Verbose "Cleaning up..."
Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading File" -Completed
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged
if (($FileDownload.IsCompleted) -and !($FileDownload.IsFaulted)) {
#If the download was finished without termination, then we move the file.
Write-Verbose "Moved the downloaded file to ""$($Path)""."
Move-Item -Path $TmpFile -Destination $Path -Force
else {
#If the download was terminated, we remove the file.
Write-Verbose "Cancelling the download and removing the tmp file."
Remove-Item -Path $TmpFile -Force
function Download-GithubReleaseLatest{
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Repo,
Write-Host [+] Download latest release from $Repo
$latestInfoJson = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri "$Repo/releases/latest" -UseBasicParsing
$release = $latestInfoJson.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$release.assets | %{
if ($ -clike $SampleFileName){
Write-Host [!] Start downloading: $_.browser_download_url
Download-UsingWebC -Url $_.browser_download_url -Path $OuputFile
# winget install --id= --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=RARLab.WinRAR --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=voidtools.Everything --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Notepad++.Notepad++ --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Git.Git --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Microsoft.Sysinternals.ProcessExplorer --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Microsoft.Sysinternals.Autoruns --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Mozilla.Firefox.ESR --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Brave.Brave --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=7zip.7zip --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Mobatek.MobaXterm --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Hex-Rays.IDA.Free --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=MHNexus.HxD --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=Initex.Proxifier --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=GlavSoft.TightVNC --scope=machine -e
winget install --id=ZeroTier.ZeroTierOne --scope=machine -e
# TimelineExplorer -!
curl -O ""
# ExplorerSuite
curl -O ""
# Ultraview
curl -L -O ""
# Python 3.11
curl -O ""
.\python-3.11.5.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1
# pip install mysql-connector-python
# VSCode Setup System
curl -L -o VSCode-x64.exe ""
# MobaXterm keygen:
curl -O ""
# WinRAR keygen
curl -L -O ""
.\winrar-keygen-x64.exe "Freeware" "" > rarreg.key
# EV Key
curl -L -O ""
# Detect it easy
Download-GithubReleaseLatest -Repo "horsicq/DIE-engine" -OuputFile "" -SampleFileName "die_win64_portable*.zip"
#### Windows and Office ####
# WSL ubuntu
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
# ubuntu 22.04 | winget Canonical.Ubuntu.2204 | store 9PN20MSR04DW
wsl --set-default-version 1
curl.exe -L -o ""
# Office
Download-GithubReleaseLatest -Repo "farag2/Office" -OuputFile "" -SampleFileName "Office*.zip"
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass "irm | iex"
# Optimize Edge
# HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
# Remove all, without ConfigureDoNotTrack
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass "irm | iex"
# AdvanceRun
curl -O ""
# remove microsoft app usage AdvanceRun run with TrustedInstaller
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass .\removeapps.ps1
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