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Last active July 11, 2016 22:40
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Url title resolver with Rust
extern crate hyper;
extern crate encoding;
use hyper::client::Client;
use hyper::header::{Headers,ContentType,UserAgent};
use hyper::mime::Mime;
use std::io::Read;
use encoding::label::encoding_from_whatwg_label;
use encoding::{Encoding, DecoderTrap};
fn print_usage() {
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
match std::env::args().len() {
2 => {
match parse_title_from_url(args[1].as_ref()) {
Some(title) => println!("{}", title),
None => println!("No title found")
_ => print_usage()
fn parse_title_from_url(url: &str) -> Option<String> {
let mut client = Client::new();
let mut headers = Headers::new();
headers.set(UserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1667.0 Safari/537.36".to_string()));
let ret = match client.get(url).headers(headers).send() {
Ok(mut res) => {
let mut body_bytes = vec![];
let read = res.read_to_end(&mut body_bytes);
if read.is_err() {
return Some(read.unwrap_err().to_string());
let mut buf = String::new();
let body = match std::str::from_utf8(&body_bytes[..]) {
Ok(body) => body,
Err(_) => {
.and_then(|ct| parse_charset_from_content_type(ct))
.and_then(|charset| encoding_from_whatwg_label(&charset))
.and_then(|encoding| {
if encoding.decode_to(&body_bytes[..], DecoderTrap::Replace, &mut buf).is_err() {
return None;
Some(parse_str_between("<title>", "</title>", body).to_string())
Err(e) => {
Some(format!("Error when parsing url: {}", e))
fn parse_str_between<'a>(open: &'a str, close: &'a str, s: &'a str) -> &'a str
let part_1 = s.splitn(3, &open[])
let parsed = match part_1 {
Some(part) => part.splitn(2, ">")
.splitn(2, close)
None => None
match parsed {
Some(s) => s,
None => "No title found"
fn parse_charset_from_content_type(header: &ContentType) -> Option<String> {
match **header {
Mime(_,_,ref params) => {
match params.iter().find(|&&(ref ptype, _)| *ptype == hyper::mime::Attr::Charset) {
Some(&(_,ref charset)) => Some(charset.to_string()),
None => None
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