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Created June 14, 2016 05:34
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  • Save Detry322/b1d253389853596f20e2eedcdb2b2e21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if (window._loop != undefined) {
if (window._origRedraw != undefined) {
redraw = window._origRedraw;
(function() {
window.lastTarget = {
x: 0,
y: 0
setTarget = function(x, y) {
dx = x - snake.xx
dy = y - snake.yy
m = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) + 0.01
xm = dx / m * 100
ym = dy / m * 100
lastTarget.x = x;
lastTarget.y = y;
getDist = function(A, B) {
return Math.sqrt((A.xx-B.xx)*(A.xx-B.xx)+(A.yy-B.yy)*(A.yy-B.yy));
var BINSIZE = 100;
coordHash = function(x, y) {
return parseInt(x / BINSIZE) + ',' + parseInt(y / BINSIZE);
window.foodDensity = {};
computeFoodDensity = function() {
// Compute food density field
foodDensity = {};
for (var i = 0; i < foods.length; i++) {
var food = foods[i];
if (food == null) { continue; }
var hash = coordHash(food.xx, food.yy);
if (foodDensity[hash] == undefined) {
foodDensity[hash] = 0;
foodDensity[hash] += Math.pow(, 1.4);
window.threatDensity = {};
computeThreatDensity = function() {
threatDensity = {};
for (var i = 0; i < snakes.length; i++) {
var s = snakes[i];
var _headWeight = 25;
var _bodyWeight = 0.3;
if (s == null) { continue; }
if (s.xx == snake.xx && s.yy == snake.yy) {
_headWeight = 0;
_bodyWeight = 0.05;
var n = s.pts.length;
// Big threat near head
var _tS = 1 + parseInt(n / 100)
for (var _xx = -_tS; _xx <= _tS; _xx++) {
for (var _yy = -_tS; _yy <= _tS; _yy++) {
var hash = coordHash(s.xx + _xx * BINSIZE, s.yy + _yy * BINSIZE);
if (threatDensity[hash] == undefined) {
threatDensity[hash] = 0;
threatDensity[hash] += _headWeight
// Account for the threat rating at each coordinate of the snake
for (var j = 0; j < s.pts.length; j++) {
var threat = s.pts[j];
if (threat.dying) {
var hash = coordHash(threat.xx, threat.yy);
if (threatDensity[hash] == undefined) {
threatDensity[hash] = 0;
threatDensity[hash] += 1
_tS = 1;
for (var _xx = -_tS; _xx <= _tS; _xx++) {
for (var _yy = -_tS; _yy <= _tS; _yy++) {
var hash = coordHash(threat.xx + _xx * BINSIZE, threat.yy + _yy * BINSIZE);
if (threatDensity[hash] == undefined) {
threatDensity[hash] = 0;
if (_xx == 0 && _yy == 0) {
threatDensity[hash] += _headWeight;
} else {
threatDensity[hash] += _bodyWeight;
findBestFood = function() {
var bestFood = null;
var bestValue = -1000;
var bestDot = 0;
var _myLen = snake.pts.length;
var wang = -Math.atan2(-(snake.yy - snake.pts[snake.pts.length-1].yy),
snake.xx - snake.pts[snake.pts.length-1].xx);
// Find best food to hunt via region and motion cost
for (var i = 0; i < foods.length; i++) {
var food = foods[i];
if (food == null) { continue; }
var dx = food.xx - snake.xx;
var dy = food.yy - snake.yy;
var angToFood = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
// var wang = Math.atan2(ym, xm);
var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var dotHeading = Math.cos(angToFood) * Math.cos(wang)
+ Math.sin(angToFood) * Math.sin(wang);
var crossHeading = Math.cos(angToFood) * Math.sin(wang)
- Math.sin(angToFood) * Math.cos(wang);
var hash = coordHash(food.xx, food.yy);
var regionValue = foodDensity[hash];
var correctHeading = (dotHeading + 1) / 2.0;
// Value is proportional to food density in region
var value = regionValue +
// Value is reduced using an opportunity cost for distance traveled
value /= dist * 0.01 + 1;
// Value increases for correct heading
value += correctHeading * (0.01 * _myLen + 2);
// Value decreases if you are trying to make tight turns
if (dotHeading < 0.0 && dist < 200) {
value = -1000;
// Threats in that region reduce value
var threatVal = threatDensity[hash]
if (threatVal == undefined) {threatVal = 0;}
// value /= (1 + threatVal);
// Food line of sight
var LOSThreat = lineOfSightThreat(snake, food);
value -= LOSThreat;
// Choose min cost food
if (value > bestValue) {
bestFood = food;
bestValue = value;
bestDot = dotHeading;
return {
food: bestFood,
heading: bestDot
lineOfSightThreat = function(A, B) {
var _x = A.xx;
var _y = A.yy;
var _dx = (B.xx - A.xx);
var _dy = (B.yy - A.yy);
var dist = Math.sqrt(_dx * _dx + _dy * _dy);
steps = parseInt(dist / BINSIZE);
_dx /= steps;
_dy /= steps;
var acc = 0;
while (steps > 0) {
var hash = coordHash(_x, _y);
var threatVal = 0;
if (threatDensity[hash] != undefined) {
threatVal = threatDensity[hash];
acc += threatVal;
_x += _dx;
_y += _dy;
return acc;
findNearestThreat = function() {
nearestThreat = null
nearestDist = 160 + Math.sqrt(snake.pts.length * 200);
for (var i = 0; i < snakes.length; i++) {
s = snakes[i];
if (s == null) { continue; }
if (s.xx == snake.xx && s.yy == snake.yy) { continue }
for (var j = 0; j < s.pts.length; j++) {
threat = s.pts[j];
if (threat.dying) { continue; }
dist = getDist(snake, threat);
if (dist < nearestDist) {
nearestDist = dist;
nearestThreat = threat;
return nearestThreat
runStrategy = function() {
// Food gathering
bestFoodObj = findBestFood();
if ( != null) {
bestFood =;
setTarget(bestFood.xx, bestFood.yy);
var hash = coordHash(bestFood.xx, bestFood.yy);
var threatVal = 0;
if (threatDensity[hash] != undefined) {
threatVal = threatDensity[hash];
freeData[0] = 'Target food density: ' + parseInt(foodDensity[hash]);
freeData[1] = 'Target heading: ' + bestFoodObj.heading.toFixed(2);
if (threatVal < 5) {
if (foodDensity[hash] > 75 && bestFoodObj.heading > 0.91) {
// Threat avoidance
nearestThreat = findNearestThreat();
if (nearestThreat != null) {
setTarget(2 * snake.xx - nearestThreat.xx, 2 * snake.yy - nearestThreat.yy)
update = function() {
if (snake == null) {return;}
BINSIZE = 120 + parseInt(snake.pts.length * 0.1);
var _canvas = $('canvas.nsi');
var ctx = _canvas.getContext('2d');
window._SF = 0.9;
window.freeData = new Array(10);
render = function() {
_SF = .5 + .4 / Math.max(1, (snake.sct + 16.0) / 36.0);
for (var x = -_canvas.width / _SF; x < _canvas.width / _SF; x += BINSIZE) {
for (var y = -_canvas.height / _SF; y < _canvas.height / _SF; y += BINSIZE) {
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
var VX = (x - view_xx%BINSIZE);
var VY = (y - view_yy%BINSIZE);
var G = foodDensity[coordHash(VX + view_xx, VY + view_yy)];
if (G == undefined) {
G = 0;
ctx.globalAlpha = (1.0 - Math.exp(-G * 0.03)) * 0.5;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)';
ctx.fillRect((VX) * _SF + _canvas.width / 2.0,
(VY) * _SF + _canvas.height / 2.0,
var R = threatDensity[coordHash(VX + view_xx, VY + view_yy)];
if (R == undefined) {
R = 0;
ctx.globalAlpha = (1.0 - Math.exp(-R * 0.03)) * 0.5;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
ctx.fillRect((VX) * _SF + _canvas.width / 2.0,
(VY) * _SF + _canvas.height / 2.0,
// Draw immediate target
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)';
var VX = (snake.xx - view_xx);
var VY = (snake.yy - view_yy);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(VX * _SF + _canvas.width / 2.0,
VY * _SF + _canvas.height / 2.0);
ctx.lineTo((VX + lastTarget.x - snake.xx) * _SF + _canvas.width / 2.0,
(VY + lastTarget.y - snake.yy) * _SF + _canvas.height / 2.0);
// Draw data array
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)';
ctx.font = '16px courier';
for (var i = 0; i < freeData.length; i++) {
if (freeData[i] == undefined) { continue; }
ctx.fillText(freeData[i], 20, 100 + i * 20);
window._origRedraw = redraw;
redraw = function() {
if (snake == null) {return;}
var _gameOver = 0;
window._loop = setInterval(function() {
if (snake == null) {
} else {
_gameOver = 0;
// Auto-replay
if (_gameOver > 20 && !connecting) {
}, 100)
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