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Last active March 28, 2024 20:56
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Using the general rotation matrix to convert the shifts in arcseconds to pixel
def mapsequence_coalign_by_rotation(mc, layer_index=0, clip=True, shift=None, **kwargs):
Move the layers in a mapsequence according to the input shifts.
If an input shift is not given, the shifts due to
solar rotation relative to an index layer is calculated and
applied. When using this functionality, it is a good idea to check
that the shifts that were applied to were reasonable and expected.
One way of checking this is to animate the original mapsequence, animate
the derotated mapsequence, and compare the differences you see to the
calculated shifts.
mc : ``
A mapsequence of shape (ny, nx, nt), where nt is the number of layers in
the mapsequence.
layer_index : int
Solar derotation shifts of all maps in the mapsequence are assumed
to be relative to the layer in the mapsequence indexed by ``layer_index``.
clip : bool
If True, then clip off x, y edges in the datasequence that are potentially
affected by edges effects.
These keywords are passed to
The results of the shifts applied to the input mapsequence.
>>> import # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> from sunkit_image.coalignment import mapsequence_coalign_by_rotation
>>> map1 = # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> map2 = # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> mc =[map1, map2], sequence=True) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> derotated_mc = mapsequence_coalign_by_rotation(mc) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> derotated_mc = mapsequence_coalign_by_rotation(mc, layer_index=-1) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> derotated_mc = mapsequence_coalign_by_rotation(mc, clip=False) # doctest: +SKIP
nt = len(mc.maps)
xshift_keep = np.zeros(nt) * u.pix
yshift_keep = np.zeros_like(xshift_keep)
if shift is None:
shift = calculate_solar_rotate_shift(mc, layer_index=layer_index, **kwargs)
xshift_arcseconds = shift["x"]
yshift_arcseconds = shift["y"]
for i, m in enumerate(mc):
# Convert the WCS to a header
header = m.wcs.to_header()
# Extract the PC matrix from the header
pc_matrix = np.array([[header['PC1_1'], header['PC1_2']],
[header['PC2_1'], header['PC2_2']]])
# Calculate the inverse of the PC matrix
pc_inv = np.linalg.inv(pc_matrix)
# Extracting the CDELT values for the scale in x and y directions.
scale_x = header['CDELT1'] * (u.arcsec / u.pix)
scale_y = header['CDELT2'] * (u.arcsec / u.pix)
# Calculate the shifts from arcseconds to pixels
x_shift_pixels = xshift_arcseconds[i] / scale_x
y_shift_pixels = yshift_arcseconds[i] / scale_y
# Create a 2D array
shifts_wcs = np.array([[x_shift_pixels] , [y_shift_wcs]])
# Calculate the actual shift pixels
xshift_keep[i], yshift_keep[i] =, pc_inv)
return apply_shifts(mc, yshift_keep, xshift_keep, clip=clip)
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