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Created October 17, 2019 11:02
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Game of life - logic class
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
class GameOfLife {
static const worldSize = 1024;
static const rowLength = 32;
static const cellMargin = 1;
final _world = List<bool>(worldSize);
final StreamController<double> _stateController = StreamController<double>();
var _running = false;
void toggleGame() {
_running = !_running;
List<bool> get world => _world;
bool get running => _running;
StreamController<double> get stateController => _stateController;
void resetWorld() {
final random = Random();
_world.fillRange(0, worldSize, false);
final totalSets = random.nextInt(((worldSize / 100) * 50).round());
for (var i = 0; i < totalSets; ++i) {
_world[random.nextInt(worldSize)] = true;
Future<void> _runTheGame() async {
while (_running) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 350));
var newWorld = List<bool>.from(_world);
for (var i = 0; i < worldSize; ++i) {
//In case x cell alive do this
var livingNeighbors = _countLivingCellsNearby(i);
if (livingNeighbors < 2 || livingNeighbors > 3) {
newWorld[i] = false;
} else if (_world[i] &&
(livingNeighbors == 2 || livingNeighbors == 3)) {
newWorld[i] = true;
} else if (!_world[i] && livingNeighbors == 3) {
newWorld[i] = true;
_world[i] = newWorld[i];
int _countLivingCellsNearby(int cellIndexToCheck) {
final left = cellIndexToCheck % rowLength == 0
? cellIndexToCheck + (rowLength - 1)
: cellIndexToCheck - 1;
final right = (cellIndexToCheck + 1) % rowLength == 0
? cellIndexToCheck - (rowLength - 1)
: cellIndexToCheck + 1;
final top = cellIndexToCheck <= (rowLength - 1)
? worldSize - (rowLength - cellIndexToCheck).abs()
: cellIndexToCheck - rowLength;
final bottom = cellIndexToCheck >= (worldSize - rowLength)
? ((worldSize - rowLength) - cellIndexToCheck).abs()
: cellIndexToCheck + rowLength;
final topLeft = top % rowLength == 0 ? top + (rowLength - 1) : top - 1;
final topRight =
(top + 1) % rowLength == 0 ? top - (rowLength - 1) : top + 1;
final bottomLeft =
bottom % rowLength == 0 ? bottom + (rowLength - 1) : bottom - 1;
final bottomRight =
(bottom + 1) % rowLength == 0 ? bottom - (rowLength - 1) : bottom + 1;
return _boolToInt(_world[left]) +
_boolToInt(_world[right]) +
_boolToInt(_world[top]) +
_boolToInt(_world[bottom]) +
_boolToInt(_world[topLeft]) +
_boolToInt(_world[topRight]) +
_boolToInt(_world[bottomLeft]) +
int _boolToInt(bool input) {
return input ? 1 : 0;
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