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Created December 15, 2019 14:58
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The wall for the maze ball game
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:box2d_flame/box2d.dart';
import 'package:mazeball/game.dart';
import 'package:mazeball/helper.dart';
class Wall {
//Ref to our game object
final MazeBallGame game;
//Size of the ball, radius in meter
static final double wallWidth = 5;
//Physic objects
Body body;
PolygonShape shape;
Path _path;
Paint _paint;
Wall(, Vector2 startPoint, Vector2 endPoint) {
final scaleFactor = game.screenSize.width / game.scale;
//Build the object as a vector2 list based on start and end
var shapAsVectorList = _buildShapVectorList(startPoint, endPoint);
//Box2D part
shape = PolygonShape();
//shape.setAsEdge(, scaleVectoreBy(endPoint,scaleFactor));
shape.set(shapAsVectorList, shapAsVectorList.length);
BodyDef bd = BodyDef();
bd.linearVelocity =;
bd.position = scaleVectoreBy(startPoint, scaleFactor);
//Static objects are not effected by gravity but have collisions
bd.type = BodyType.STATIC;
body =;
body.userData = this; //save a ref to the current object
//Define body properties like weight and density
FixtureDef fd = FixtureDef();
fd.density = 20;
fd.restitution = 1;
fd.friction = 0;
fd.shape = shape;
//Create a Path for drawing based on vecotor list, rquies a convert to Offset
_path = Path();
_path.addPolygon( => Offset(vector.x, vector.y)).toList(),
//Painter, white walls
_paint = Paint();
_paint.color = Color(0xffffffff);
List<Vector2> _buildShapVectorList(Vector2 start, Vector2 end) {
final scaleFactor = game.screenSize.width / game.scale;
var result = new List<Vector2>();
//Left side corner starts at (0,0) the canvas will be moved to start point
//Vertical wall if start point Y is less then end point Y other wise horizontal wall
if (start.y < end.y) {
var endY = (start.y - end.y).abs();
result.add(scaleVectoreBy(Vector2(0, endY), scaleFactor));
result.add(scaleVectoreBy(Vector2(wallWidth, endY), scaleFactor));
result.add(scaleVectoreBy(Vector2(wallWidth, 0), scaleFactor));
} else if (start.x < end.x) {
var endX = (start.x - end.x).abs();
result.add(scaleVectoreBy(Vector2(endX, 0), scaleFactor));
result.add(scaleVectoreBy(Vector2(endX, wallWidth), scaleFactor));
result.add(scaleVectoreBy(Vector2(0, wallWidth), scaleFactor));
return result; //list of 4 points describing the edges of the wall
void render(Canvas canvas) {;
//Canvas (0,0) will be the start point of the wall -> easier to draw
canvas.translate(body.position.x, body.position.y);
canvas.drawPath(_path, _paint);
//A wall has nothing todo, it just sits there ... it's a wall so no update
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