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Last active June 8, 2017 15:32
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Generic predicates (in Swift 4)
extension Sequence {
func find<Property, Argument>(where predicate: (propertyPath: KeyPath<Self.Element, Property>, comparator: (Property, Argument)->Bool, argument: Argument)) -> [Self.Element] {
return filter { predicate.comparator($0[keyPath: predicate.propertyPath], predicate.argument) }
// A more specialised version:
func find(where characteristic: KeyPath<Self.Element, Bool>) -> [Self.Element] {
return filter { $0[keyPath: characteristic] }
// Usage
struct Car {
let model: String
let gears: UInt8
var cars = [Car]()
cars.find(where: (\.model, ==, "A9"))
cars.find(where: \.model.isEmpty)
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