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// main.swift
// ImageExtractor
// Created by Damiaan on 13/08/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 dPro. All rights reserved.
import Quartz
enum PDFReadError: Error {
case couldNotOpenPage(Int)
case couldNotGetPageReference
case couldNotOpenPageDictionary
case couldNotReadResources
case cannotCopyData
enum EmbeddedImage {
case jpg(Data)
case raw(CGImage)
func extractImages(from pdf: PDFDocument, extractor: @escaping (EmbeddedImage, Int, String)->Void) throws {
for pageNumber in 0..<pdf.pageCount {
guard let page = pageNumber) else {
throw PDFReadError.couldNotOpenPage(pageNumber)
try extractImages(from: page) { extractor($0, pageNumber, $1) }
func extractImages(from page: PDFPage, extractor: @escaping (EmbeddedImage, String)->Void) throws {
guard let page = page.pageRef else {
throw PDFReadError.couldNotGetPageReference
guard let dictionary = page.dictionary else {
throw PDFReadError.couldNotOpenPageDictionary
guard let resources = dictionary[CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary, "Resources"] else {
throw PDFReadError.couldNotReadResources
if let xObject = resources[CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary, "XObject"] {
func iterator(key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, object: CGPDFObjectRef, info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Bool {
do {
if let data = try extractImage(key: key, object: object) {
extractor(data, String(cString: key))
} catch {
return true
return true
CGPDFDictionaryApplyBlock(xObject, iterator, nil)
enum RawDecodingError: Error {
case cannotConstructImage
case cannotReadSize
case cannotReadBitsPerComponent
case noColorSpace([String]?)
case unkownColorSpace(String)
case corruptColorSpace
case noLookupTable
func extractImage(key: UnsafePointer<Int8>, object: CGPDFObjectRef) throws -> EmbeddedImage? {
guard let stream: CGPDFStreamRef = object[CGPDFObjectGetValue, .stream] else { return nil }
guard let dictionary = CGPDFStreamGetDictionary(stream) else {return nil}
guard dictionary.getName("Subtype", CGPDFDictionaryGetName) == "Image" else {return nil}
print(String(cString: key))
var format = CGPDFDataFormat.raw
guard let data = CGPDFStreamCopyData(stream, &format) else { throw PDFReadError.cannotCopyData }
if format == .JPEG2000 || format == .jpegEncoded {
let colorSpace = try? dictionary[CGPDFDictionaryGetObject, "ColorSpace"]?.getColorSpace(),
let provider = CGDataProvider(data: data),
let embeddedImage = CGImage(
jpegDataProviderSource: provider,
decode: nil,
shouldInterpolate: false,
intent: .defaultIntent
let correctedImage = embeddedImage.copy(colorSpace: colorSpace)
return .raw(correctedImage)
return .jpg(data as Data)
} else {
return .raw( try getCGImage(data: data, info: dictionary) )
func getCGImage(data: CFData, info: CGPDFDictionaryRef) throws -> CGImage {
guard let colorSpace = try info[CGPDFDictionaryGetObject, "ColorSpace"]?.getColorSpace() else {
throw RawDecodingError.noColorSpace(info.getNameArray(for: "Filter"))
let width = info[CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger, "Width"],
let height = info[CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger, "Height"]
else {
throw RawDecodingError.cannotReadSize
guard let bitsPerComponent = info[CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger, "BitsPerComponent"] else {
throw RawDecodingError.cannotReadBitsPerComponent
let decode: [CGFloat]?
if let decodeRef = info[CGPDFDictionaryGetArray, "Decode"] {
let count = CGPDFArrayGetCount(decodeRef)
decode = (0..<count).map {
decodeRef[CGPDFArrayGetNumber, $0]!
} else {
decode = nil
guard let databuffer = CGDataProvider(data: data) else {throw RawDecodingError.cannotConstructImage}
guard let image = CGImage(
width: width,
height: height,
bitsPerComponent: bitsPerComponent,
bitsPerPixel: bitsPerComponent * colorSpace.numberOfComponents,
bytesPerRow: Int((Double(width * bitsPerComponent * colorSpace.numberOfComponents) / 8.0).rounded(.up)),
space: colorSpace,
bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo(),
provider: databuffer,
decode: decode,
shouldInterpolate: false,
intent: .defaultIntent
) else {throw RawDecodingError.cannotConstructImage}
return image
protocol DefaultInitializer {
extension Int: DefaultInitializer {}
extension CGFloat: DefaultInitializer {}
extension CGPDFObjectRef {
func getName<K>(_ key: K, _ getter: (OpaquePointer, K, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>?>)->Bool) -> String? {
guard let pointer = self[getter, key] else { return nil }
return String(cString: pointer)
func getName<K>(_ key: K, _ getter: (OpaquePointer, K, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)->Bool) -> String? {
guard let pointer: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = self[getter, key] else { return nil }
return String(cString: pointer)
subscript<R, K>(_ getter: (OpaquePointer, K, UnsafeMutablePointer<R?>)->Bool, _ key: K) -> R? {
var result: R!
guard getter(self, key, &result) else { return nil }
return result
subscript<R: DefaultInitializer, K>(_ getter: (OpaquePointer, K, UnsafeMutablePointer<R>)->Bool, _ key: K) -> R? {
var result = R()
guard getter(self, key, &result) else { return nil }
return result
subscript<R, K>(_ getter: (OpaquePointer, K, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?)->Bool, _ key: K) -> R? {
var result: R!
guard getter(self, key, &result) else { return nil }
return result
func getNameArray(for key: String) -> [String]? {
var object: CGPDFObjectRef!
guard CGPDFDictionaryGetObject(self, key, &object) else { return nil }
if let name = object.getName(.name, CGPDFObjectGetValue) {
return [name]
} else {
guard let array: CGPDFArrayRef = object[CGPDFObjectGetValue, .array] else {return nil}
var names = [String]()
for index in 0..<CGPDFArrayGetCount(array) {
guard let name = array.getName(index, CGPDFArrayGetName) else { continue }
assert(names.count == CGPDFArrayGetCount(array))
return names
func getColorSpace() throws -> CGColorSpace {
if let name = getName(.name, CGPDFObjectGetValue) {
switch name {
case "DeviceGray":
return CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray()
case "DeviceRGB":
return CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
case "DeviceCMYK":
return CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK()
throw RawDecodingError.unkownColorSpace(name)
} else {
let array: CGPDFArrayRef = self[CGPDFObjectGetValue, .array],
let name = array.getName(0, CGPDFArrayGetName)
else {
throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace
switch name {
case "Indexed":
let base = try array[CGPDFArrayGetObject, 1]?.getColorSpace(),
let hival = array[CGPDFArrayGetInteger, 2],
hival < 256
else {
throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace
let colorSpace: CGColorSpace?
if let lookupTable = array[CGPDFArrayGetString, 3] {
guard let pointer = CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(lookupTable) else { throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace }
colorSpace = CGColorSpace(indexedBaseSpace: base, last: hival, colorTable: pointer)
} else if let lookupTable = array[CGPDFArrayGetStream, 3] {
var format = CGPDFDataFormat.raw
guard let data = CGPDFStreamCopyData(lookupTable, &format) else {
throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace
colorSpace = CGColorSpace(
indexedBaseSpace: base,
last: hival,
colorTable: CFDataGetBytePtr(data)
} else {
throw RawDecodingError.noLookupTable
guard let result = colorSpace else { throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace }
return result
case "ICCBased":
var format = CGPDFDataFormat.raw
let stream = array[CGPDFArrayGetStream, 1],
let info = CGPDFStreamGetDictionary(stream),
let componentCount = info[CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger, "N"],
let profileData = CGPDFStreamCopyData(stream, &format),
let profile = CGDataProvider(data: profileData)
else {
throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace
let alternate = try info[CGPDFDictionaryGetObject, "Alternate"]?.getColorSpace()
guard let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(
iccBasedNComponents: componentCount,
range: nil,
profile: profile,
alternate: alternate
) else {
throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace
return colorSpace
case "Lab":
let info = array[CGPDFArrayGetDictionary, 1],
let whitePointRef = info[CGPDFDictionaryGetArray, "WhitePoint"]?.asFloatArray()
else { throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace }
guard let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(
labWhitePoint: whitePointRef,
blackPoint: info[CGPDFDictionaryGetArray, "BlackPoint"]?.asFloatArray(),
range: info[CGPDFDictionaryGetArray, "Range"]?.asFloatArray()
) else {
throw RawDecodingError.corruptColorSpace
return colorSpace
throw RawDecodingError.unkownColorSpace(name)
func asFloatArray() -> [CGFloat] {
return (0..<CGPDFArrayGetCount(self)).map {
self[CGPDFArrayGetNumber, $0]!
guard let doc = PDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/spec.pdf")) else {
fatalError("Cannot open file spec.pdf")
try extractImages(from: doc) { image, page, name in
do {
switch image {
case .jpg(let data):
try data.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/images/Page \(page) \(name).jpg"))
case .raw(let cgImage):
let data = NSImage(cgImage: cgImage, size: NSSize(width: cgImage.width, height: cgImage.height)).tiffRepresentation!
try data.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/images/Page \(page) \(name).tiff"))
} catch {
print("☢️ cannot write image of page", page)
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How can I replace image in pdf using PDFKit?

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