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Created November 7, 2020 23:52
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Ontrafeld het schema gebruikt in channel files
import yaml, { safeLoad } from 'js-yaml'
import fs from 'fs'
console.log('--- file parsing ---')
const channelPath = './data/old/'
const channelsFiles = fs.readdirSync(channelPath).filter(name => name[0] != '.')
const filesProgress = []
const channelFields = new Map()
const timeTableFields = new Map()
const timeEntryKinds = new Set()
for (const channelFile of channelsFiles) {
const filePath = channelPath + channelFile
console.log('reading', channelFile)
filesProgress.push( new Promise(readChannelFile) )
async function readChannelFile(resolvePromise, rejectPromise) {
try {
const channelTextContent = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8')
parseChannel(channelTextContent, channelFile)
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Problem while parsing', channelFile)
console.log('done', channelFile)
Promise.all(filesProgress).then(files => {
console.log('all files read')
for (const [field, meta] of channelFields) {
console.log(`**${field}**`, '→', => `\`${i.type}\` ${i.value} (${i.file})`).join(' |OR| '))
if (field == 'timetable') {
for (const [field, meta] of timeTableFields) {
console.log(` **${field}**`, '→', => `\`${i.type}\` ${i.value} (${i.file})`).join(' |OR| '))
if (field == 'kind') {
console.log(' values:', timeEntryKinds)
function parseChannel(yamlText, file) {
const channel = yaml.safeLoadAll(yamlText)[0]
for (const field in channel) {
const value = channel[field]
const rawType = typeof value
const type = Array.isArray(value) ? 'array' : rawType
const meta = {type, value, file}
if (channelFields.has(field)) {
if (channelFields.get(field).findIndex(ofSameType) == -1)
} else {
channelFields.set(field, [meta])
function ofSameType(otherMeta) {
return otherMeta.type == type
if (channel.timetable)
for (const entry of channel.timetable) {
for (var field in entry) {
const value = entry[field]
const rawType = typeof value
const type = Array.isArray(value) ? 'array' : rawType
const meta = {type, value, file}
if (timeTableFields.has(field)) {
const oldValue = timeTableFields.get(field)
const index = oldValue.findIndex(ofSameType)
if (index == -1)
} else {
timeTableFields.set(field, [meta])
if (field == 'kind') {
function ofSameType(otherMeta) {
return otherMeta.type == type
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