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Last active May 29, 2023 14:55
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This is a custom implementation of some parts of SwiftUI which I could observe.
import CoreGraphics
final class TransactionStack {
static let shared = TransactionStack()
private var _transactions: [Transaction]
private init() {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(.main))
_transactions = []
// The system can peek into the stack and obtain a transaction to produce
// implicit animations during the next layout pass.
// I suppose that we should peek for every view that we want to animate
// each mutation we made during the `body` call. It's important that we
// peek during the side-effect of the `body` call because after that
// the `withTransaction` free function will pop the transaction from the
// stack.
func peek() -> Transaction? {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(.main))
return _transactions.last
// Those two methods are file private in order to allow only `withTransaction`
// function to push and pop transactions.
extension TransactionStack {
fileprivate func push(_ transaction: Transaction) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(.main))
fileprivate func pop() -> Transaction? {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(.main))
return _transactions.popLast()
public func withTransaction<Result>(
_ transaction: Transaction,
_ body: () throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(.main))
let stack = TransactionStack.shared
// We use defer so that the transaction is popped from the stack on success
// or on failure of the `body` call.
defer {
assert(stack.pop() != nil, "desynchronized stack")
return try body()
public func withAnimation<Result>(
_ animation: Animation? = .default,
_ body: () throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
// Not sure if we should create a new transaction, or rather peek into the stack
// make a copy of the transaction from the stack, mutate its animation and
// forward that to `withTransaction`.
// ```swift
// var transaction = Transaction(animation: .default)
// transaction.disablesAnimations = true
// withTransaction(transaction) {
// withAnimation(.spring()) {
// /* perform actions */
// // does the nested transaction have `disablesAnimations` set
// // to `true` in real SwiftUI at this point?
// }
// }
// ```
let transaction = Transaction(animation: animation)
return try withTransaction(transaction, body)
public struct Transaction {
public var animation: Animation?
public var disablesAnimations: Bool
public init(animation: Animation?) {
self.animation = animation
self.disablesAnimations = false
public init() {
self.init(animation: .none)
struct BezierTimingCurve: Equatable {
let ax: Double
let bx: Double
let cx: Double
let ay: Double
let by: Double
let cy: Double
// Custom protocol to anchor the types.
// Not sure if needed at all. If it's needed, does this protocol
// provide us any more functionality.
protocol _Animation: Equatable {}
// Existential box type?
struct AnyAnimator: _Animation {
init<Animation>(animation: Animation) where Animation: _Animation {
// Not yet sure how to implement this box.
struct BezierAnimation: _Animation {
let duration: Double
let curve: BezierTimingCurve
struct FluidSpringAnimation: _Animation {
let response: Double
let dampingFraction: Double
let blendDuration: Double
struct SpringAnimation: _Animation {
let mass: Double
let stiffness: Double
let damping: Double
let initialVelocity: _Velocity<Double>
struct SpeedAnimation<Animation>: _Animation where Animation: _Animation {
let animation: Animation
let speed: Double
struct DelayAnimation<Animation>: _Animation where Animation: _Animation {
let animation: Animation
let delay: Double
struct RepeatAnimation<Animation>: _Animation where Animation: _Animation {
let animation: Animation
let repeatCount: Int?
let autoreverses: Bool
public struct _Velocity<Value>: Equatable where Value: Equatable {
public var valuePerSecond: Value
public init(valuePerSecond: Value) {
self.valuePerSecond = valuePerSecond
extension _Velocity: Comparable where Value: Comparable {
public static func < (lhs: _Velocity<Value>, rhs: _Velocity<Value>) -> Bool {
return lhs.valuePerSecond < rhs.valuePerSecond
extension _Velocity : AdditiveArithmetic where Value : AdditiveArithmetic {
public init() {
self.init(valuePerSecond: .zero)
public static var zero: _Velocity {
return _Velocity(valuePerSecond: .zero)
public static func += (lhs: inout _Velocity, rhs: _Velocity) {
lhs.valuePerSecond += rhs.valuePerSecond
public static func -= (lhs: inout _Velocity, rhs: _Velocity) {
lhs.valuePerSecond -= rhs.valuePerSecond
public static func + (lhs: _Velocity, rhs: _Velocity) -> _Velocity {
var velocity = lhs;
velocity += rhs
return velocity
public static func - (lhs: _Velocity, rhs: _Velocity) -> _Velocity {
var velocity = lhs
velocity -= rhs
return velocity
extension _Velocity : VectorArithmetic where Value : VectorArithmetic {
public mutating func scale(by rhs: Double) {
valuePerSecond.scale(by: rhs)
public var magnitudeSquared: Double {
return valuePerSecond.magnitudeSquared
public protocol VectorArithmetic: AdditiveArithmetic {
mutating func scale(by rhs: Double)
var magnitudeSquared: Double { get }
extension Float: VectorArithmetic {
public mutating func scale(by rhs: Double) {
self *= Float(rhs)
public var magnitudeSquared: Double {
return Double(self * self)
extension Double: VectorArithmetic {
public mutating func scale(by rhs: Double) {
self *= rhs
public var magnitudeSquared: Double {
return self * self
extension CGFloat: VectorArithmetic {
public mutating func scale(by rhs: Double) {
self *= CGFloat(rhs)
public var magnitudeSquared: Double {
return Double(self * self)
public struct Animation: Equatable {
let base: AnyAnimator
fileprivate init(base: AnyAnimator) {
self.base = base
public func delay(_ delay: Double) -> Animation {
let animation = DelayAnimation(animation: base, delay: delay)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public func speed(_ speed: Double) -> Animation {
let animation = SpeedAnimation(animation: base, speed: speed)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public func repeatCount(
_ repeatCount: Int,
autoreverses: Bool = true
) -> Animation {
let animation = RepeatAnimation(
animation: base,
repeatCount: repeatCount,
autoreverses: autoreverses
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public func repeatForever(autoreverses: Bool = true) -> Animation {
let animation = RepeatAnimation(
animation: base,
repeatCount: .none,
autoreverses: autoreverses
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
extension Animation {
public static let `default`: Animation = .easeInOut
public static func easeInOut(duration: Double) -> Animation {
let curve = BezierTimingCurve(
ax: 0.52,
bx: -0.78,
cx: 1.26,
ay: -2.0,
by: 3.0,
cy: 0.0
let animation = BezierAnimation(duration: duration, curve: curve)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public static var easeInOut: Animation {
return easeInOut(duration: 0.35)
public static func easeIn(duration: Double) -> Animation {
let curve = BezierTimingCurve(
ax: -0.7400000000000002,
bx: 0.4800000000000002,
cx: 1.26,
ay: -2.0,
by: 3.0,
cy: 0.0
let animation = BezierAnimation(duration: duration, curve: curve)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public static var easeIn: Animation {
return easeIn(duration: 0.35)
public static func easeOut(duration: Double) -> Animation {
let curve = BezierTimingCurve(
ax: -0.7399999999999998,
bx: 1.7399999999999998,
cx: 0.0,
ay: -2.0,
by: 3.0,
cy: 0.0
let animation = BezierAnimation(duration: duration, curve: curve)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public static var easeOut: Animation {
return easeOut(duration: 0.35)
public static func linear(duration: Double) -> Animation {
let curve = BezierTimingCurve(
ax: -2.0,
bx: 3.0,
cx: 0.0,
ay: -2.0,
by: 3.0,
cy: 0.0
let animation = BezierAnimation(duration: duration, curve: curve)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public static var linear: Animation {
return linear(duration: 0.35)
public static func timingCurve(
_ c0x: Double,
_ c0y: Double,
_ c1x: Double,
_ c1y: Double,
duration: Double = 0.35
) -> Animation {
// This may help:
fatalError("no idea how to map the control points to the matrix")
public static func interpolatingSpring(
mass: Double = 1.0,
stiffness: Double,
damping: Double,
initialVelocity: Double = 0.0
) -> Animation {
let animation = SpringAnimation(
mass: mass,
stiffness: stiffness,
damping: damping,
initialVelocity: _Velocity(valuePerSecond: initialVelocity)
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public static func spring(
response: Double = 0.55,
dampingFraction: Double = 0.825,
blendDuration: Double = 0
) -> Animation {
let animation = FluidSpringAnimation(
response: response,
dampingFraction: dampingFraction,
blendDuration: blendDuration
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
public static func interactiveSpring(
response: Double = 0.15,
dampingFraction: Double = 0.86,
blendDuration: Double = 0.25
) -> Animation {
let animation = FluidSpringAnimation(
response: response,
dampingFraction: dampingFraction,
blendDuration: blendDuration
let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
return Animation(base: base)
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Using this. I was trying to bridge SwiftUI Animation present in UIViewRepresentable update method to animate UIKit properly.

  public static func timingCurve(
    _ c0x: Double,
    _ c0y: Double,
    _ c1x: Double,
    _ c1y: Double,
    duration: Double = 0.35
  ) -> Animation {
    let curve = BezierTimingCurve(
      ax: 3*c0x-3*c1x+1,
      bx: -6*c0x+3*c1x,
      cx: 3*c0x,
      ay: 3*c0y-3*c1y+1,
      by: -6*c0y+3*c1y,
      cy: 3*c0y
    let animation = BezierAnimation(duration: duration, curve: curve)
    let base = AnyAnimator(animation: animation)
    return Animation(base: base)

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