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Last active July 1, 2024 06:55
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AngularJS (1.X) Best Practices and Naming Conventions

Angular Naming Convention

App Module UpperCamel MyApp
Controller UpperCamel SomeController
Service UpperCamel SomeDataService
Factory UpperCamel SomeFactory
Directive lowerCamel someDirective
Filter lowerCamel someFilter
Class UpperCamel function SomeClassName (){};
Function lowerCamel vm.getValues = function(){};
$scope Member lowerCamel $scope.userInputModel = {};
Constant ALL_CAPS var STATIC_URL = """;
Function Arguments _lowerCamel vm.setValue = function( _value ){ value = _value; }

Angular Best practices

  • $timeout instead of setTimeout
  • $interval instead of setInterval
  • $window instead of window
  • $document instead of document
  • $http instead of $.ajax
  • $location instead of window.location or $window.location
  • $cookies instead of document.cookie
  • Do not pollute your vm . Only add functions and variables that are being used in the templates.
  • Use vm instead of $scope everywhere possible.
  • If a controller is nested by a parent controller, use vmControllerName
  • Do not use JQUERY inside your app, If you must, use JQLite instead with angular.element.
  • DOM manipulations must be done only through directives in their link function.
  • Use directives as attributes or elements instead of comments or classes, this will make your code more readable.
  • Use scope.$on('$destroy', fn) for cleaning up. This is especially useful when you're wrapping third-party plugins as directives.
  • Do not forget to use $sce when you should deal with untrusted content.
  • Make your filters as light as possible. They are called often during the $digest loop so creating a slow filter will slow down your app.
  • Do a single thing in your filters, keep them coherent. More complex manipulations can be achieved by piping existing filters.
  • Encapsulate all the business logic in services. Prefer using it as your model. Avoid writing business logic inside controllers
  • Avoid writing complex expressions in the templates.
  • When you need to set the src of an image dynamically use ng-src instead of src with {{ }} template.
  • When you need to set the href of an anchor tag dynamically use ng-href instead of href with {{ }} template.
  • Instead of using scope variable as string and using it with style attribute with {{ }}, use the directive ng-style with object-like parameters and scope variables as values:
  • Use resolve to resolve dependencies before the view is shown.
  • Do not place explicit RESTful calls inside the resolve callback. Isolate all the requests inside appropriate services. This way you can enable caching and follow the separation of concerns principle.
  • Avoid Watches, they can significantly slow down the app and are indicative of bad design.
  • Avoid Broadcasts, they can significantly slow down the app and are indicative of bad design.

Service vs Factory vs Controller vs Directive vs Component

  • A Controller manages template logic. Any functions that interface with the UI belong in the controller. The controller is bound to either a route (in app.js) or to a template (using ng-controller attribute in HTML)

  • A Service is a class that implements the service pattern. Typically, these are used to make calls to some API. Services can also encapsulate complicated business logic.

  • A Factory is a class that implements factory pattern. Anytime you need some complex class instantiated across multiple controllers, use a factory to create it.

  • A Component could be used anywhere in the app. These basically make up the UI building blocks of our applications. Write a Component when you want to create a reusable set of DOM elements of UI with custom behaviour. Write a directive when you want to write reusable behaviour to supplement existing DOM elements. Only one component can be present per DOM element.

  • A Directive encapsulates shared functionality and UI. Directives add behaviour to an existing DOM element or an existing component instance. If a component is repeated in an app, or could be used as-is in another app, then it should be a Directive. A Directive can consume Services and Factories. A Directive has a controller and a template. Many directives can be used per DOM element.

Helpful Links

Example AngularJS App:

Example AngularJS Directives:

Example AnuglarJS Service:

Example AngularJS Controller:

Example AngularJS Factory:


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